Chapter 1330
Seeing the demon god bowing his head, Chu Tianshu also felt a little emotional.

He still remembers to this day that when he was in the Chaos Islands a few years ago, he saw the distracted side of the Demon God through Mo Sang.

At that time, he was so powerful and unattainable, one thought could kill him.

But now, he had to lower his noble head.

In the high sky, there are neatly arranged stars moving forward slowly, like a big mouth, slowly swallowing the entire Kunpeng Continent.

Chu Tianshu himself has also integrated into this world and has become the master of this world.

His five-element divine body is already considered to be the most powerful existence under the main god of chaos.

Even today's demon gods cannot compare with it.

However, since breaking through to the realm of the gods, the physical body has become less important.

His soul has long been able to leave the body and reach a higher level.

After merging into this world, Chu Tianshu is the incarnation of the Dao of Heaven.

All rules and laws are under his control.

Now he can stabilize the Demon God even without the help of the goddess in the Star Orb.

"You failed to break through to the realm of the Lord God of Chaos, what is the main reason you lack?" Chu Tianshu asked curiously.

The Demon God frowned slightly: "Maybe it's the lack of a guide. I've touched that door a long time ago, but no matter how hard I push, I still can't open it."

The old dragon king also said: "The door cannot be pushed open by external force, but only qualified people can enter. We don't have the blood of chaos, and the soul can't transcend this world, and feel the power of chaos , it is naturally impossible to enter."

"I see." Chu Tianshu nodded slightly.

He didn't know if he had realized Chaos now.

But now he can create species and life at will in the God of Wealth Realm.

Even if all things reincarnate, he can do it.

Just like in a real dream, there is nothing you can't think of but nothing you can't do.

In the end, the dream world became a reality, and only then did he have the ability to devour the sun and the Kunpeng Continent.

After the two surrendered, the gods of all races flew over one after another.

Demons, monsters, dragons, snake people, ghosts, spirits, and even burrowmen, half-devils and other tribe leaders.

They gathered in front of Chu Tianshu.

No matter how high the cultivation base is, they must bow deeply, and those with low cultivation bases may even kneel directly.

This group of people all swear to the sky that they are willing to live and die with the God of Wealth Realm, loyal to Chu Tianshu, and loyal to the laws of heaven on this side.


time flies.

The huge Kunpeng Continent has been completely swallowed by the God of Wealth Realm.

When the God of Wealth Realm attempted to devour the high hanging moon together.

The moon suddenly released ten thousand rays of light.

Like a ferocious beast out of trouble, it quickly shuttled through the void and flew towards the outer sky.

There was a loud bang...

The space collapsed, and the countless stars around it burst into pieces.

The huge galaxy turned into a piece of fire, bursting out with bright light.

Seeing this, Chu Tianshu was taken aback for a moment, he never imagined that the moon actually had spirituality and knew how to escape.

As soon as the divine mind moved, the phantom of the star array was projected.

The galaxy reversed, the energy that had just burst out quickly retracted, and turned into planets again.

Even the moon that escaped was forced to return.

"Could it be that you can still escape now?" Chu Tianshu sneered.

The galaxy surged and turned into meteors, quickly surrounding the moon.

The light of the moon is still dazzling, just like the scorching sun.

After Xinghe wrapped it, its light began to restrain and accumulate, and gradually, it turned into a huge twelve-winged angel.

With his head resting on the Milky Way, his feet on the stars, his eyes like the scorching sun, and a pair of wings flapping slightly, it caused the Galaxy to shake in all directions, and even changed their trajectory.

"Lord God of Chaos?" Chu Tianshu looked much more serious.

"Chu Tianshu, wouldn't you have imagined it? If you hadn't devoured the Kunpeng Continent, the Chaos Orb wouldn't be able to escape, and I wouldn't be able to obtain the power of the Chaos Orb to become the immortal Lord God of Chaos." Yu Shen's voice came out.

This sound seemed to be able to break the barriers of time and space, so that the gods in the entire God of Wealth Realm could hear clearly.

Those Yu people who had already surrendered, especially the Yu family, actually had a trace of joy in their hearts.

It's just that they dare not show it, fearing that they will be perceived by the world, which will lead to disaster.

Chu Tianshu was silent for a moment, and asked: "Zulong and Zufeng are both in the realm of the Lord God of Chaos, why are they both dead?"

Feather God was obviously stunned for a moment, but quickly replied: "Because only the main god can kill the main god."

"Although I don't know what the Lord God of Chaos is, I have the power of a world at my disposal. Behind me, there is also my master's support. Do you think you can survive? If you are sure to deal with me, you just now I won’t run away, so I advise you to surrender, this is your only way out.”

"You want me to surrender? Hahaha...then I will destroy your world first."

After all, Yushen's light and shadow quickly retracted, as if retracting into the moon.

And the moon has become a crystal ball that does not emit light again.

Trembling slightly in the void, he suddenly charged towards a planet.

The two sides met in lightning.

Chu Tianshu's planet actually exploded directly, turning into a huge flame, and the shock wave scattered away.

But the moon didn't stop there, and hit other planets.

Boom boom boom...

The explosions continued.

But in the blink of an eye, half a galaxy and thousands of planets were all smashed by it.

"It's really difficult!" Chu Tianshu frowned.

However, as soon as his thoughts changed, the exploding planet quickly retracted and gathered, returning to its original appearance.

When the moon continued to hit the next planet, it was discovered that the planet had been blurred, and had not been smashed, but passed directly through the shadow.

The same goes for other planets.

Chu Tianshu has brought the dream world down and changed it into a projection of the dream world.

In this way, some losses can be reduced.

However, it is obviously not so easy to imprison and suppress this moon.

It is like a loach in a fish pond, hard to catch.

Xuanwu, Reincarnated Pluto, Nine-headed Phoenix God, Ape God and others also appeared beside Chu Tianshu.

Looking at the huge crystal ball shuttled back and forth in the distance in the projection of the galaxy, he also frowned.

"I didn't expect this Feather God to really succeed." Nine-headed Phoenix God sighed.

Bai Yu said: "He didn't succeed, but he used the power of the moon. It is rumored that the moon is the essence of Kunpeng Continent. The transformation of the pill itself contains an unparalleled power of chaos."

"Oh? No wonder it's so hard and powerful. Do you have a way to deal with it?" Chu Tianshu asked.

"We can only ask Senior Goddess to take action." The Snow Queen said.

Chu Tianshu hesitated for a moment, but finally nodded.

Divine thoughts entered the star beads, and the goddess who had been lying flat stood upright.

His eyes stared at Chu Tianshu quietly, as if filled with love and comfort.

She raised her hand gently and pointed towards Chu Tianshu's position.

A beam of light passed through Chu Tianshu's thoughts and drilled out of the star beads.

Outside, everyone noticed that one eye suddenly opened on Chu Tianshu's forehead, and a bright light came out.

In the middle of the moon that is still in chaos.

A not loud sound came out, and the moon seemed to be frozen.

The size became smaller and smaller, and he was forced to fly towards Chu Tianshu.

this moment.

Feather God also seemed to feel the crisis of life, controlled the moon, released light again, and transformed into a twelve-winged angel.

While struggling, he growled: "You can't kill me, you can never kill me, I am immortal..."

Unfortunately, his size is still shrinking rapidly, and he is still approaching Chu Tianshu quickly.

"no no……"

When he was within inches, Yu Shen finally started to panic.

However, his gaze suddenly turned cold again, and he made a gloomy voice: "Even if I want to die, I want all of you to be buried with me. I want your God of Wealth Realm to disappear completely from this world. I want all of you People, are all out of their wits..."

Its volume became smaller and smaller, and then turned into a little bit of light.

Everyone felt bad.

Mo Sang exclaimed: "Tianshu, run away!"

Unfortunately, it's too late.

At that point of aurora, there was a sudden explosion, releasing a dazzling light.

Everyone just felt that there was a blank in front of them, followed by a huge shock wave, tearing their bodies apart.

The same goes for Chu Tianshu.

But he wasn't afraid.

Because he had a hunch that this aurora was like the energy at the beginning of the universe.

It is a necessary place from scratch.

If you want the dream world to truly turn into a universe, you must go through this step.

The energy diffused by the aurora can provide the God of Wealth Realm with a growth momentum from scratch, from small to large.

As soon as his divine sense moved, all the creatures on Kunpeng Continent were transferred out by him.

Even the gods around him were transferred to the depths of the God of Wealth Realm by him.

His own body also instantly expanded to the size of a galaxy, and the entire Kunpeng Continent was captured by him, and he pushed towards the sweeping energy.

The flames were filled with thunder and terrifying energy, enough to destroy everything.

As they swept over, the Kunpeng Continent was cracked inch by inch, and turned into dust in an instant.

Seeing this, Chu Tianshu waved his arms, and the surrounding uninhabited planets also smashed towards the oncoming energy like a string of beads.

Boom boom boom...

Like the end of the world, the universe is destroyed.

Any gods, in the face of such power, all seem so insignificant.

As the planets turned into powder, Chu Tianshu's huge figure was naturally also attacked.

Cracks inch by inch, disappearing into nothingness overnight, turning into a part of the energy.

However, his body also protected the many planets inhabited by life behind him.

The violent energy was finally intercepted by him with his own body and the power of the God of Wealth Realm.


I don't know how long it has passed, when the energy calmed down.

The dust suspended in the endless void gathered again and turned into brand new planets.

These planets seem to be pulled by another force, and they are running in an orderly manner.

But there is no Kunpeng Continent here anymore.

Only in the extremely distant depths of the void, there are some stars that still emit light.

(End of this chapter)

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