The strongest concubine ever

Chapter 1329 Devouring the World

Chapter 1329 Devouring the World
Bai Yu's body turned into streaks of golden light, like sharp swords, they flew away instantly.

It actually directly penetrated tens of thousands of clones of Shura Death.

But the golden light did not disappear, but nailed these clones in the void, making it impossible for Shura Death to break free.

A scream came from the mouth of Shura Death God.

Seeing this, Chu Tianshu was dumbfounded: Nimei, you are indeed the old king of gods!
The body of the imprisoned Shura God of Death began to turn black, and then burst into bursts of bang bang bang, turning into strands of black flames.

Her voice also came out: "God Peng, you are finally resurrected? Hahaha... OK, OK, OK!"

After saying hello three times, the black smoke surged towards the roc that Bai Yu had transformed into.

Bai Yu didn't dodge, and let the black flames envelop her.

clack clack...

The space exploded, and the golden-winged roc was bound by the black smoke, and at the same time fell into it.

When the space returned to normal, the space in the distance exploded again, and the golden-winged roc came out again with black smoke.

The two also entered a stalemate.

Farther away, the Snow Queen and Yue Tongtong's battle against the King of Six Paths finally had a result.

Of the six heads of the Ghost King of the Six Paths, only one is left.

"Ghost king, surrender. From now on, the underworld and hell will still be governed by you and the judge, the king of Hades. This king can even let you manage the six realms of reincarnation." Queen Fengxue persuaded.

"Hehe... I've read Journey to the West, Chu Tianshu must be planning to be the Jade Emperor, right? And then make me and the King of Hades become servants of the Heavenly Court?" The Ghost King of Six Paths sneered.

"The weak should submit to the strong."

"Then you can empty the hell first, I won't play with you anymore."

The Ghost King of the Six Paths also knew that it would be meaningless to continue fighting.

Simply tear the space apart and go directly through the air.

Neither Snow Wind Queen nor Yue Tongtong chased after her, because it was useless to catch up.

On the other side, Ape God, Xuanwu, Long Quyang, Gui Lingzi, these four people are still fighting against the Judge Yama.

All four of them had just entered the realm of true gods, so they fought harder.

If it weren't for the blessing of the God of Wealth Realm, it would have been defeated long ago.

But even so, he was beheaded several times, and was finally resurrected because of the God of Wealth Realm.

"The Ghost King of the Six Paths actually ran away first? That's right, it's meaningless to continue fighting with these lunatics. You can't kill them, and I won't play with you anymore."

Judge Hades simply ran away too.

Seeing this, the four of them let out a sigh of relief at the same time.

A year has passed, and their patience has long since worn out.

After Judge Hades left, they also set their sights on Bai Yu and Shura Death God.

Shura's god of death had already turned into black smoke, wrapping the golden-winged roc transformed by white feather into layers.

And the golden-winged roc struggled for a moment, unable to break free, and flew directly towards the sun.

"What is he going to do?" Everyone was surprised.

Chu Tianshu also frowned.

As the golden-winged roc got closer and closer to the sun, the feathers on its body began to spontaneously ignite.

The black smoke transformed by Shura's Death God is also rapidly decreasing.

"White Feather is not planning to use the energy of the sun to die with Shura God of Death?" Chu Tianshu asked in surprise.

"It should be, but the golden-winged roc can devour the power of the sun, but the Asura Death God cannot. In the end, the Shura Death God must be the first to lose." The Snow Queen replied.

Soon, the two sides were already close to the surface of the sun.

Sure enough, Shura Death God couldn't hold on first, and cursed angrily: "God Peng, you are a lunatic."

The black smoke re-gathered into the body of Shura Death, and flew towards the area far away from the sun.

Because the closer to the sun, the more serious the space distortion is, and it is impossible to break through the sky.

But the golden-winged roc suddenly turned its head, opened its mouth wide, and sucked it hard.

The space collapsed, engulfing Shura Death God, all of them sank into its mouth.

This is the golden-winged roc displaying the roc swallowing the sky skill.

The sky can be swallowed, let alone the Asura Death God.

When the jaws were closed, the Shura God of Death had also disappeared, being suppressed in its belly.

With a flash of golden light, the golden-winged roc came to Chu Tianshu's side, and said, "I have returned to the God of Wealth Realm, and I will use the power of the God of Wealth Realm to suppress her first, but in the future battles, I guess Unable to participate."

"Don't worry, if she doesn't surrender, I don't want to waste it anymore, so let Master eat her!" Chu Tianshu smiled.

The golden-winged roc nodded, tore apart the space, and fled back to the God of Wealth Realm.

The year-long battle finally disappeared at this moment.

Chu Tianshu looked at the scorching sun and said, "You say, if I transfer this sun to the God of Wealth Realm, what will happen to the Kunpeng Continent?"

The Snow Queen said: "You don't really want to do this, do you?"

"I do intend to do that."

After becoming a true god, Chu Tianshu's dream space became extremely large.

As long as he is willing, it is possible to swallow the entire Kunpeng Continent.

And the sun, which is much smaller than Kunpeng Continent, is nothing.

"Then why don't you try? If you swallow the sun, the power we can use will multiply. At that time, if you swallow the Kunpeng Continent, what will happen even if the Feather God breaks through to the realm of the Lord God of Chaos?" Feng Xue The Queen raised her lips.

"Then let's get started!"

Chu Tianshu grinned.

A space vortex was formed, and then expanded rapidly.

Gradually, the diameter of the vortex has surpassed that of the sun, reaching a diameter of tens of millions of miles.

However, the energy in this sun is also extremely huge, releasing ripples in space, which has a strong repelling force to the outside world.

Just relying on the arrival of the dream world, it really can't be done.

But when the stars appeared in the space channel, Chu Tianshu's dream world expanded rapidly, like the mouth of a whale, and the sun looked much smaller like a fish and shrimp.

"come in!"

Chu Tian uttered a word, and countless stars rushed forward quickly, surrounding the sun in the very center.

It is equivalent to swallowing the sun in one gulp.

The stars are lit by the sun, and they seem to be resurrected.

The originally empty land gave birth to haze and clouds. As time passed, life forms were born and evolved rapidly.

However, when the sun disappeared, the Kunpeng Continent fell into darkness.

The overall environment has also undergone major changes.

Natural disasters come, landslides and ground cracks, and tsunamis sweep across all continents.

Chu Tianshu turned his head to look at the Kunpeng Continent again, and said, "Everyone join forces with me to swallow this Kunpeng Continent and move it to the God of Wealth Realm."

"it is good!"

Several true gods nodded.

As Chu Tianshu opened the space channel again and mobilized the power of the stars, several true gods also activated the power of their respective galaxies.

Tens of millions of stars operate according to a mysterious formation, which also makes the space channel bigger and bigger.

Start from the tail of Kunpeng Continent and move forward slowly.

First, the Eastern Chaos Islands were swallowed, followed by the Eastern Land, and soon the Middle-Earth Continent, the North Land, and the South Land.

It's like a giant beast devouring a big bird.


In the Dragon Palace, the descendants of the ancestral dragons, who had never participated in the battles in the world, all fell into panic after feeling all this.

"Surrender, surrender to the God of Wealth, if it is too late, we will all die!"

Under the leadership of the old Dragon King, the dragon gods of the Crystal Palace flew out of the sea one after another, looked at the sky full of stars that were so close, and shouted for surrender.

Compared with this kind of sky-swallowing technique, the Dapeng Swallowing Heaven Kung Fu is like a big witch.

A universe devours a plane.

All creatures, until this moment, have truly seen what is a world war and what is a dimensionality reduction strike.

The heart of the demon god who was practicing in secluded cultivation in the demon realm was pounding.

Originally, he planned not to break through and never leave the closed door, but now, this kind of palpitation made him feel the crisis of life, and it was impossible to retreat any more.

In desperation, he could only teleport out of the retreat.

When he looked up at the sky and saw the planets with a diameter of more than one million miles approaching from far and near, enveloping the entire Kunpeng Continent, a trace of despair arose in his heart.

This is no longer the level that divine power can achieve.

Even, it is not a power that the civilization of Kunpeng Continent can control.

He couldn't understand how Chu Tianshu did it and what kind of exercises he had to possess such great power.

"Is this just looking at the sky from a well? In the face of the universe and higher civilizations, a peak true god like me is like an ant." The demon god secretly said in his heart.

The speed of the whole devouring is not very fast.

Chu Tianshu was mainly worried that the creatures on Kunpeng Continent would be affected.

After swallowing more than half of it, the Ghost King of the Six Paths and Judge Yama, who had already returned to the underworld, also took a breath.

They also looked at the sky in horror.

"It's not good, the God of Wealth Realm is going to swallow the entire continent, what should we do? Are we really going to surrender?"

Judge Yama looked at the King of Six Paths beside him.

The Ghost King of Six Paths finally felt helpless.

With a wry smile: "What are you running away from? Escape from the Kunpeng Continent? The sun has been swallowed up, where else can we go? Leaving the underworld, we are just trees without roots and water without a source, and we cannot escape this huge prisoner." Prison, sooner or later you will die!"

"Then let's surrender. What I'm most worried about now is that once we are completely swallowed by the God of Wealth Realm, we gods will all be eaten by that terrifying female God of Wealth." Judge Yama said.

"Get out, surrender!"

The two could only teleport out of the underworld, suspended in mid-air, looked at the huge planet slowly flying overhead, and said at the same time: "Chu Tianshu, we surrender, please don't swallow us."

Chu Tianshu's phantom immediately appeared in front of them, with a faint smile: "Are you sure you surrender?"

"Definitely surrender, we lost, and will be willing to obey orders in the future!"

"Then swear to this world, never betray, and always obey orders!"

The two gods of the underworld can only do what they say.

Just after their vows were made, the old dragon king and the demon god flew over together.

Chu Tianshu looked at the two of them. To be honest, he didn't have any enmity with them.

Especially the old Dragon King, he was meeting for the first time.

This guy is as stable as a dog, and he rarely leaves the Crystal Palace in his life. It seems that he has seen through everything in the secular world long ago, and does not participate in any battles.

Also easier to bully.

Even when several clans planned to jointly build a dimensional space for training and fighting, they asked Dragon Palace to be responsible.

The senile old Dragon King first bowed to Chu Tianshu: "The old dragon has met Mr. Chu."

"Are you also surrendering?" Chu Tianshu asked.

"Surrender, we are willing to integrate into the God of Wealth Realm and become a part of the God of Wealth Realm in the future. I also ask Mr. Chu to be a large number of adults and take us in." The old dragon king replied.

The demon god also let go of his arrogance and bowed his head to Chu Tianshu.

(End of this chapter)

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