The strongest concubine ever

Chapter 1328 Tears on the Other Side of the Starry Sky

Chapter 1328 Tears on the Other Side of the Starry Sky

Chu Tianshu dispatched [-] clones, and Shura Reaper naturally dispatched [-] clones.

For a while, it was difficult for both parties to find out which deity the other party was.

The judge Yan Wang on the other side also locked his target on the ape god and the others.

Xuanwu frowned slightly, and said to Yuan Shen: "I will defend, and you will attack. Let's fight this Judge Hades together!"

"Hey... I wish I could!"

The ape god jumped up, and the big stick in his hand turned into thousands of stick shadows, spanning tens of thousands of meters of void, and threw it at the judge Hades.

Judge Hades used a divine book and a magical brush to draw, and in the process of sketching, countless holy ghosts who are not afraid of the scorching sun combined into a huge "ghost" character.

It is like a talisman, spinning rapidly, intercepting the attack of the ape god.

The sound of heaven and earth cracking came out again, and the space collapsed into a black vortex, swallowing everything in the world.

But no one cares about it, both sides of the battle are still releasing the most violent attacks.

One by one, ghost talismans flew out from the pen of Yan Wang, a judge, some of which were blocked by the giant turtle shield transformed from Xuanwu, and some were shattered by the ape god.

More gods flew to the sunny side of Kunpeng Continent, boarded the left and right sacred mountains, and watched this wonderful scene.

Although hundreds of millions of miles away, the time and space ripples caused by the fighting still make the creatures on the left and right of the sacred mountain tremble with fear.

The eight Shame brothers gathered on a high cliff of Zuo Shenshan, looking up at the sky.

Najiro asked, "Brother, which side shall we stand on?"

Shame Dalang said: "No rush, just wait."

"Brother, what else is there to consider? Chu Tianshu has an enmity with us, and he is very narrow-minded. If he becomes the overlord of this world, our Yu family will suffer. Why don't we help Shura Shinigami? You can rely on her." Shame Saburo replied.

"Do you think Shura Death God is easy to get along with? We are the demon clan, not the Shura clan."

"Hey... If only you could break through to the realm of the true god, big brother, we don't have to worry about it."

"It's useless to break through the true god. Chu Tianshu is beyond our ability to deal with. From now on, we must respect him as a feather god, and we must not have any conflicts with him."

"But, are we going to endure it like this?"

"It's not to endure, but to live. This battle is definitely not something that can be separated in a day or two. I really want to know now, whether the reincarnated body of God Peng can become a true god, and if so, then In a battle, if Chu Tianshu is on the side, he will definitely win."


"If the reincarnated body of God Peng becomes a true god, he can completely inherit everything from his previous life. When he breaks through the bottleneck, he will return to the peak of his previous life."

"Isn't there still the Feather God? What if the Feather God breaks through to the realm of the Primal Primal Chaos God? There is also the Demon God, who is quite terrifying, and maybe he can also break through."

"Even if they break through, they can't change the overall situation. They don't have soldiers in their hands, so why should they fight against the God of Wealth Realm? Haven't you seen those gods and great saints, have they all chosen to join the God of Wealth Realm?"

The Shark brothers were all silent.


The other side of the distant starry sky!
Ji Ruxin, who had disappeared for a long time, was sitting in meditation on top of the statue of the broken-armed goddess.

Suddenly a ripple of time was released from her body, sweeping everything around.

Where the ripples passed, the earth collapsed, the vegetation died, and the stars were shining brightly, turning into an endless starry sky.

Only a huge statue of God is still quietly suspended in the void.

Ji Ruxin slowly opened her eyes, with a hint of bewilderment in her eyes.

She seemed to have had a dream, dreaming of everything in her past and present lives, and countless years had passed.

She saw another version of herself, fighting a giant beast that almost spanned the galaxy.

Because that giant beast actually feeds on the stars, constantly devouring everything in the universe.

And as the guardian of this star field, she had to fight with it.

In the end, he and the giant beast both created a double wound.

In desperation, he could only expend all his strength to seal the giant beast in the depths of the starry sky.

A strand of her remnant soul also attached to the body of the giant beast.

Countless years passed, and the giant beast was consumed alive, and its body turned into a vast continent.

Countless creatures were also born.

Among them, the dragon and the phoenix stood out the most, they actually learned how to practice and became the main gods of chaos.

But they are not in harmony with each other, and both died in a big battle.

After that, this continent ushered in the age of the gods.

And the remnant soul of Ji Ruxin in her dream is also constantly reincarnated in this world.

After becoming a god, she regained some memories and was called the Star Goddess by the people on this continent.

But if Star Goddess wants to fully restore her memory and return to her peak, she must be reincarnated continuously to make up for her crippled soul.

Until she became the current Ji Ruxin, the three souls and seven souls were not complete.

"It turns out that I am the Star Goddess, and my original name is the same as my name in this life, Ji Ruxin. I am another high-level civilized Ji family in this universe. My mother is the Emperor of Heaven. That is a super strong man who manages many Chaos Gods."

Ji Ruxin's eyebrows gradually condensed into a silver galaxy pattern.

This is also the unique inscription of the Ji family.

As more memories emerged, the light of the surrounding stars became brighter and brighter, turning into strands of light and pouring into Ji Ruxin's body.

Ji Ruxin's cultivation base also continued to skyrocket.

"It's been 1000 million years, and I'm finally resurrected."

Ji Ruxin took a deep breath and stared into the distance, as if she had passed through layers of time and space blockades, and saw the Kunpeng Continent and many people who were fighting.

Her expression was neither sad nor happy, but she was slightly moved when she saw Chu Tianshu.

After all, those short 20 years were nothing to her long lifespan.

Just like in the ocean, an extra drop of water can no longer make too many waves, it can only add a small circle of ripples.

"Chu Tianshu, the lady behind you should have a lot to do with your previous life, right? You can't be a native of the Kunpeng Continent. I'm setting up this star array to suppress the giant Kunpeng beast. When you were born, you were seriously injured, so it is inevitable to leave some flaws, but it indirectly made you."

"However, it doesn't matter. You are kind-hearted and compassionate. You are also a good heir. When your big dream Zhou Tianjing comes to fruition, it is probably also when you break my star array. Once Kunpeng dies, it will be useless to continue suppressing it. I It's time to go back."

Thinking of this, Ji Ruxin turned around.

But when she was about to step out, she unconsciously shed a tear in the corner of her eye.

She raised her hand in amazement, held the tears that had slid down her face on her fingers, and murmured, "I actually cry? For that little man?"

Her brows were a little sad.

But in an instant, she regained her indifference, and said: "Since you still miss him, then you should turn into her woman and wait for him in his previous world, and accompany him through birth, old age, sickness and death, and bear children for him."

After she finished speaking, she flicked her finger lightly, and that drop of tear flew into the distant night sky.

I don't know how much time and space I have traveled, and I don't know how many light years I have leapt.

This drop of tears finally reached a blue planet...

But the real Ji Ruxin no longer has the slightest nostalgia, and with one step, she disappears like a stream of light.

She has been away from home for a long time, and everything that happened here is just a short experience to her.


Near the sun in Kunpeng Continent.

Chu Tianshu and his avatar were still fighting Shura Death.

You beheaded me, I beheaded you, like two huge legions of gods fighting against each other.

Neither side has absolute strength, crushing the other can only lead to a war of attrition.

one day...

two days...

Three days...

In the blink of an eye, a year has passed.

Both sides have been moving the battlefield with the revolution of the sun.

With a scream came from near the sun.

The golden-winged roc transformed from white feathers finally expanded several times in size, and its wings almost enveloped the entire scorching sun.

Its mouth was aimed at the scorching sun, and the light of the scorching sun and the energy it released were absorbed by the golden-winged roc crazily.

The Wan Yaozhu was spinning around in its mouth, looking very excited.

The aura of the golden-winged roc is becoming more and more terrifying, and it is rapidly climbing to the peak of the true god realm.

Seeing this, everyone in the fight was happy and worried, but they all distanced themselves from each other at the same time.

After playing for a year, everyone was tired except Chu Tianshu.

True God is really not that easy to kill.

Because no matter how many times you kill the opponent, the opponent can be resurrected quickly and continue to fight.

Even when Queen Fengxue was dealing with Yu Cang and others, she could only break them into the God of Wealth Realm first, and use the power of the God of Wealth Realm to suppress them.

However, it has been suppressed for a year, but it has not been killed.

As the peak true gods, these few who have even touched the bottleneck of the realm of the main gods of chaos are even more difficult to deal with.

If Chu Tianshu hadn't been supported by the God of Wealth Realm, and also had the body of the Five Elements God, which could absorb the power of the Five Elements in this space and convert it into the energy of his body, he wouldn't have been able to last for so long.

And he had raised his physical body to the realm of a true god half a year ago.

In the past six months, they have almost been fighting against Shura Reaper.

But Shura Death God's physique is also extremely special, possessing extremely strange innate supernatural powers.

It is not so easy to kill it.

Of course, Shura Reaper is also having a hard time. Originally, she thought that she still had the possibility of breaking through, but now, she found that she had completely become a training partner.

During this period, she also killed all 1 bodies of Chu Tianshu, but another 1 clones appeared in an instant.

Moreover, she is not very clear about how Chu Tianshu became a true god.

All I know is that after Chu Tianshu summoned his avatar half a year ago, his cultivation base suddenly skyrocketed.

The Jinpeng transformed by the white feather gradually stopped absorbing the sun's light under the attention of everyone, and its size also gradually shrunk.

In a moment, it turned into a white feather again.

However, if you look carefully, Bai Yu at this time is different from before.

Under a pair of eagle eyebrows, the eyes are sharper.

When looking at Shura's Death God, it was as if he was staring at his prey.

He said lightly: "Tianshu, you have been fighting for a year, and it's time for me to exercise. Leave her to me!"

Chu Tianshu smiled: "I can't ask for it. I'm almost exhausted to protect you, and my hands and feet are bound when I fight. If you can't do it, I will fight again!"

(End of this chapter)

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