The strongest concubine ever

Chapter 1304 Peng God joins

Chapter 1304 Peng God joins

Yu Changtian soon learned the news of Fengxue Wuya's return, and was stunned.

Because as far as he knew, Fengxue Wuya surrendered along with the army, why did he suddenly come back now?
"I'm going to meet him myself!"

After Yu Changtian finished speaking, he teleported away and came to the front of Fengxue Wuya, separated by an energy shield.

When the four eyes met, Feng Xue Wuya also slightly bowed and said: "I have seen the Holy One!"

"How did the dean escape? How are the others?" Yu Changtian asked.

"Everything is fine, no one died."

"Oh? So, the dean was put back on purpose by them?"

Fengxue Wuya nodded: "That's right, they asked me to bring you a sentence, as long as you surrender, they can forget the past, and said that this is a war between God of Feather and God of Peng, and it has nothing to do with you."

"Is that so?"

Yu Changtian narrowed his eyes: "I don't know, have you surrendered, Dean?"

"Do I need to surrender? Your Majesty, don't forget, I am a member of the Fengxue family. In the world, there is no one, or even a god, who dares to easily offend our Fengxue family."

After hearing this, Yu Changtian frowned immediately.

He found that Feng Xue Wuya's tone was much tougher than before.

He has always kept a low profile, why did he make such a big change today?

Just as he was thinking, Fengxue Rubing had brought some saints and great saints of the Fengxue family with him, teleporting here.

After seeing Fengxue Wuya, he also showed joy.

"Dean, are you back?" Feng Xuerubing was a little excited.

Fengxue Wuya just nodded, and continued to ask Yu Changtian: "Your Majesty is not going to let me in?"

Yu Changtian's face changed slightly, and then he smiled again, saying: "Principal, don't get me wrong, I'm just a little surprised. Since the dean has returned, I naturally welcome him with both hands."

The energy shield slowly cracked a hole.

Fengxue Wuya also stepped into it.

However, he could clearly feel that a divine sense had already locked him.

As long as there is a slight change in myself, the divine sense will probably attack me.

As the energy shield slowly closed again, Yu Changtian asked again: "Dean, can you tell me why they let you back? Just to give me a word?"

Feng Xue Wuya nodded: "There is only one sentence, they are probably threatening the Holy Majesty, as long as the Holy Majesty surrenders, the 500 million people can continue to live, otherwise, they will all die."

As soon as Yu Changtian's complexion changed, he suddenly became gloomy.

He suddenly understood the conspiracy of Chu Tianshu and Pengshen.

Those 500 million people are related to tens of millions of families, especially those great saints and saints, all of whom are important figures of a certain big family or aristocratic family.

In order for these people to survive, will those families fully assist themselves in defending the city when the enemy army arrives?
I'm afraid it would be good if I didn't betray.

The opponent is trying to disintegrate their own fighting spirit from within.

If it was just Bai Baishu, everything would be easy to handle, because few people from the Tianyu God Clan would have a good impression of him, and even wished to kill him early.

But with Pengshen, it's different.

Although he has been dead for many years, he still has great influence.

Now that he is back as king, with a wave of arms, maybe there will be a herd effect, and everyone will fall into his arms again.

Fengxuerubing ignored Yu Changtian, just smiled at Fengxue Wuya: "Dean, hurry up and go home with us, we are all worried about you."


Fengxue Wuya responded, and then said to Yu Changtian: "My lord, Wuya will retire first."

Yu Changtian opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but he held back.

Tomorrow is the big day for Yu Chengfeng and Feng Xueji, and he doesn't want the two families to be separated because of this matter.

So he nodded and said: "Dean Wuya, don't forget to come to the palace tomorrow to attend Chengfeng's wedding."

"Boundless compliance."

After saying that, Fengxue Wuya and the Fengxue family left together.

Yu Changtian glanced at their backs, and then said to the patrolling Yuren: "From now on, no one will be allowed to let them in again, and you don't need to report to me."

"Yes!" The patrolling people bowed at the same time.

Yu Changtian also teleported away.

When she returned to her bedroom, Lei Yunxia also walked up quickly: "My lord, this Fengxue Wuya will be released, we must be careful of their Fengxue family's betrayal!"

Yu Changtian gritted his teeth: "Do you think I didn't think of it? But, before I'm sure that they betrayed Yushen, what can I do? Now that Yushen is in seclusion, the entire Moon Palace is managed by Fengxue Goddess. When God Peng's army attacked Fengchao, he ordered the gods not to participate, what should we do?"

"Your Majesty, Goddess Fengxue is just a quasi-god at the pinnacle. In addition to Lei Shen, our Lei family also has a true god ancestor Lei Xuanting, and your Yu family also has a true god. We can definitely invite them out of the mountain!" Lei Yunxia asked.

"Since the death of Peng Shen, the true god Lei Xuanting has not manifested, and the true god of the Yu family is the same. We can't communicate with them at all. Besides, there are so many god statues in this phoenix nest now, so we don't have to worry too much about it." Too worried, has Yu Youya contacted you yet?"

"He seems to have retreated and has not returned to Phoenix Nest."

"If he is here, he can share a lot of things for me."

"Yu Youya's retreat this time is to break through to the quasi-god realm. If he can break through successfully, he can completely use the short time before his ascension to kill Bai Baishu and Bai Yu."

"Yeah, gods are gods after all, where is the demon army in the north?"

"It has advanced a million miles, and they are building a long-distance teleportation array again. They will reach Phoenix Nest within three days at most."

"Let's do that for today. I don't believe those gods will just watch the Phoenix Nest being broken. Besides, it's not certain whether they can break the Phoenix Nest, unless they have the Chaos Artifact."

Lei Yunxia nodded.

Chu Tianshu and Bai Yu are leading the army towards Fengchao.

The reason why he didn't use the space channel to teleport was mainly because Chu Tianshu planned to let Bai Yu truly rule the Heavenly Feather Kingdom.

Currently, there are a maximum of one billion Yu people who have withdrawn into Fengchao, and there are still five or six billion people left, who are discarded in this area with a radius of 60 million miles.

The upper echelons of the Tianyu clan regard them as a burden, but in the eyes of Chu Tianshu, they are treasures.

There are people, there will be everything.

In the places they passed, all the statues of the Yu family were eradicated, and all were replaced with statues of the Pengshen.

All the people must change their beliefs, worship the God Peng, and believe in the God Peng.

After they erected another [-]-meter-high statue, Bai Yu called Chu Tianshu aside.

Chu Tianshu was stunned: "What's the matter with you?"

Bai Yu said seriously, "I've made up my mind and plan to formally join the God of Wealth Realm."

"You finally figured it out? No regrets?" Chu Tianshu became excited.

Bai Yu nodded: "Well, I can't let these people lose to the feet of other gods, they must be used, your God of Wealth Realm, I am also clear now, you are the God of Wealth, if I join, The God of Wealth Realm is equivalent to having me. Even if I have not become a god yet, I can use the power of these people's beliefs to build a huge galaxy for the God of Wealth Realm, and I myself can feel it in advance God's power."

Chu Tianshu patted Bai Yu's shoulder: "It's good if you can think this way. The outside world thinks that the God of Wealth is a certain person, but they don't know that the God of Wealth is not only me, Chu Tianshu, but also belongs to all our brothers and sisters. I just It’s nothing more than being in charge of the God of Wealth Realm, and we will work together to build a beautiful world that belongs to us.”

Bai Yu smiled and said, "After that, do I not have to worry about reincarnation?"

"The God of Wealth Realm is immortal, you and I can be immortal, and your joining will definitely bring about a qualitative change in the God of Wealth Realm."

"You think too highly of me, but let's witness what will happen in the end."

After finishing speaking, Bai Yu closed his eyes and fell into a dream of the God of Wealth Realm.

Under Chu Tianshu's guidance, Bai Yu vowed to do everything for the God of Wealth Realm.

When he was successfully ordered, countless powers of faith gathered from the outside world, and through the God of Wealth star in his soul, it was replenished to the God of Wealth Realm.

Then it turned into stars.

These starlights are also constantly expanding, and soon turned into small planets, like crystals, suspended in the dark void.

Seeing this, Chu Tianshu smiled and said, "In the future, as your cultivation level improves and the faith you gain increases, these small planets will gradually become larger, and I will not provide you with more energy."

"Well, with the God of Wealth Realm, my road to recovery will be faster and smoother, let's go out."

The two left the God of Wealth world together again.

After the soul returned to the body, Bai Yu said: "You give me the control of the communication device in the territory of Tianyu Divine Kingdom, and I will meet all the people who use the communication device in their dreams, and urge them to believe in me as soon as possible. "

"it is good!"

Chu Tianshu nodded and followed his words.

For him, this was just a thought.

And with Yu God's control of the communication device, those people in the abandoned Sky Feather Kingdom received the soul message from Yu God almost at the same time.

Let them believe in the God of Feather and dream of the God of Wealth Realm, because the God of Feather is also one of the founders of the God of Wealth Realm.

After this news was announced, it immediately caused a sensation in all directions.

Everyone was shocked.

Only now did they realize that the world of the God of Wealth they feared was actually founded by the God of Peng. Does that mean that the God of Wealth is the God of Wealth?
There was no need for too much guidance, they immediately entered the God of Wealth Realm in a dream through the communication device.

Bai Yu fell into a dream again and turned into a giant eagle covering a galaxy.

Just by showing his face, all the people who came from dreaming would prostrate and worship him.

Seeing this, Chu Tianshu was a little surprised at Bai Yu's generosity.

This guy also seems to understand people's hearts and knows when to do what.

As for what he said that he is also one of the founders of the God of Wealth Realm, there is no problem. He will also represent a galaxy in the days to come.

This is also the ability of every envoy who participates in the construction of the God of Wealth Realm.

And what he did made Chu Tianshu think of more ways to win over the gods.

Did he also pull Xuanwu in, and invite him to build the God of Wealth Realm with him?

Use this period of Yushen's retreat to change the entire God's Domain as soon as possible.

(End of this chapter)

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