The strongest concubine ever

Chapter 1306 Ape God Breakthrough

Chapter 1306 Ape God Breakthrough
"Tianshu, if we can break through the Phoenix Nest this time, then our human race should be regarded as a real rise, right? At that time, each of us will be immortal, forever recorded in the annals of history, and we will live forever in the next life." Suffered." Hu Buhui sighed.

Chu Tianshu also nodded in agreement: "Yes, every earth-shaking change is the best opportunity for each of us to grow rapidly. I hope that each of us can seize this opportunity and become our own The person in my heart."

"Then... can we really succeed?" Hu Xianyue looked at Chu Tianshu adoringly.

Chu Tianshu smiled: "We must succeed, even if we can't break the Phoenix Nest, we must force it out of the Middle-earth Continent."

But Xue Lingyun worried: "Tianshu, will God Realm intervene? There are many god statues in Phoenix Nest."

"Don't worry, everything is under control, don't forget, there is a Tongtian sect behind us."

"Then when do you plan to reveal your identity as the leader of the God of Wealth Realm?" Hu Yingwu asked.

"After we win this battle, I will make this matter public to the whole world."

"Hey, when the time comes, it will definitely surprise many people."


Seeing this group of people talking and laughing, with Feng Xueyouruo on the side, I suddenly felt like a transparent person, which was superfluous.

At this moment, she suddenly understood why she couldn't walk into Chu Tianshu's heart.

Because, I have never been involved in his life, and I don't know anything about his past.

Originally planning to use tenderness to resolve his resentment towards the Yu people, at this moment, it suddenly faded a lot.

Her eyes have been watching Chu Tianshu quietly all the time, and she thought to herself: "Perhaps, I will never be able to chat with him like the friends around him without restraint? After this battle, I will also It's time for me to leave."

At this time, a space channel suddenly opened.

Yun Luoluo got out from inside, looked left and right, and said in surprise: "Ah, so everyone is here?"

"Lolo? Long time no see." Xue Lingyun smiled.

"That's right, Auntie, you have also become the Great Emperor?" Yun Luoluo looked Xue Lingyun up and down.

Xue Lingyun smiled and said: "You have already been sanctified, right? I'm just the emperor, why should I be surprised? Besides, Tianshu gave us food that we are only eligible to eat after eating so many gods. It's rubbish."

"Hee hee...Actually, I have something to do with Tianshu!"

Yun Luoluo looked at Chu Tianshu expectantly.

Chu Tianshu said: "Tell me, there are no outsiders here."

"Well... the ancestor wants to ask you for a favor."

"Oh?" Chu Tianshu suddenly became serious.

He naturally knew who Yun Luoluo's ancestor was. It must be a big deal for her to find him.

So I nodded: "Then I'll go with you, let's chat first."

Everyone hurriedly nodded.

Afterwards, Chu Tianshu and Yun Luoluo entered the God of Wealth Realm, and moved directly to the planet where the Nine-headed Phoenix God was.

"The Phoenix God has something to ask me, so why let Luo Luo spread the word? Just send me a message." Chu Tianshu has always respected the Nine-headed Phoenix God.

Nine-headed Phoenix God smiled slightly: "If I don't let Luo Luo find you, how can Luo Luo have the opportunity to be alone with you?"

Chu Tianshu looked at Yun Luoluo with some doubts.

Yun Luoluo blushed: "I miss you, can't I?"

"Ahem... okay, okay... Luoluo, the Phoenix God is here today, I have something to say, let me explain it to you, actually, I don't care about what you can produce right now, the key is... I'm really not as good as you think, if you follow me for a long time, you will get tired of it, I advise you to think carefully about it."

Seeing that Chu Tianshu was so serious, Yun Luoluo pursed her lips again, and said, "Why are you so serious? People also know that life is long, and the lifespan of gods is even longer. I'm not in a hurry to let you be with me right now. I can wait for you until the next life, just like my ancestors waited for God Peng!"

Chu Tianshu opened his mouth slightly, a little speechless.

After a while, he said, "Luo Luo, don't you need to do this? You are already a saint."

"I don't care, I'll just look for you. If there is no fate in this life, I will wait for the next life. If there is no fate in the next life, I will wait for the next life. I don't believe that even if you reincarnate a hundred times, I won't be the first to meet you." Once." Yun Luoluo's tone was full of stubbornness.

Chu Tianshu was a little moved in his heart, the demon blood avatar was already ready to move.

But many times, he was suppressed by him.

He just nodded slightly: "Forget it, if we really have a fate in the future, I will promise you to be the only one for the rest of my life."

"You want to remember your promise? Just like your true self, doting on sister Ruxin." Yun Luoluo's eyes lit up.

Chu Tianshu nodded heavily: "Well, my promise will remain unchanged forever."

Yun Luoluo was moved, and there were tears in her eyes.

After finally getting Chu Tianshu's promise, she suddenly felt that all the yearning and hard work in the past few years were worth it.

He also nodded vigorously, and said: "I don't want to live forever, but I want to be a mortal with you once, to be a pair of people who only have one life!"

Seeing the posture of the two of them, the Nine-headed Phoenix God suddenly felt that he was also superfluous.

However, she still didn't want Luo Luo to be too emotional, so she said: "Luo Luo, you can go back first, practice hard, and strive to become a god as soon as possible, so that you will have the possibility of reincarnation many times, otherwise, in this life, you will be a god. The end of your marriage!"

Yun Luoluo nodded, and looked at Chu Tianshu affectionately, and then teleported away.

Chu Tianshu also looked at the nine-headed Phoenix God, and said, "The Phoenix God must really have something to do, right?"

Nine-headed Phoenix God nodded: "I still have a knot in my heart about the world of the God of Wealth that I haven't been able to unravel. As long as this knot is gone, I should be able to be promoted to the true god immediately."

However, as soon as her words fell, a roar came from a distance.

This roar was like that of an ancient ferocious beast, and it could be heard clearly even hundreds of millions of miles away.

"Ape God?" Chu Tianshu saw the source of the voice at a glance.

The galaxy in the distance is expanding rapidly, and all of them have changed their original trajectory.

Combined into the form of a giant ape.

Every star is emitting golden rays of light.

Another loud bang came.

At the center of the galaxy, it seems that an explosion occurred, and various energies emerged from nothing.

New stars are also constantly being produced in this energy explosion.

Even standing where Chu Tianshu was, there was a feeling of being glared.

"The ape god is going to become a true god?" Chu Tianshu was also a little suffocated.

This ape god didn't know when, he actually escaped his main body, and merged with his avatar, adding various insights to his body, and directly chose to break through in the God of Wealth Realm.

He also seemed to be able to see that it was easier for him to break through only in the God of Wealth Realm.

If it is in Kunpeng Continent, I don't know how long we have to wait.

When the giant ape-like galaxy gradually stabilized, a monstrous divine power emanated from it.


With a loud laugh, a handsome man wearing a golden crown and armor appeared in front of Chu Tianshu and the Nine-headed Phoenix God.

He directly bowed deeply to Chu Tianshu, and said: "Thank you, Master, for fulfilling your mission. My old grandson has finally broken the shackles of the limit of life and become one of the supreme true gods."

Chu Tianshu was also a little excited: "So, you plan to face the future with us?"

The man straightened up, pointed at the giant ape-like galaxy, and said: "Old Sun's lifeblood has been integrated into that piece of stars. As long as they are not destroyed, my old grandson will never die. From now on, my old grandson will be with you." This God of Wealth Realm will live and die together."

"Thank you Ape God!"

Chu Tianshu also cupped his fists and bowed deeply to the ape god.

"Hey, you don't have to be polite, Xiaojiu, shouldn't you work hard too?" The ape god looked at Jiutoufeng again.

In Jiutoufeng's heart, there is actually an uncontrollable excitement.

This is what she saw with her own eyes. Since the ape god doesn't even care about the future of the God of Wealth Realm, why does she think so much?
At this moment, she felt that even if she didn't see the goddess, the knot in her heart would be gone.

So he nodded: "Congratulations to the ape god..."

"Call me Monkey King!"

"Hehe... Okay, congratulations to Wukong for becoming a Buddha and proving the Tao. I, Xiaojiu, really have to work hard. That goddess, why don't you think so much?"

Chu Tianshu was taken aback for a moment, and then he understood the plan of the Nine-headed Phoenix God, and said: "If the Phoenix God really wants to meet the goddess, I can introduce you!"

"Oh? If so, it would be my luck."

"Then please ask Phoenix God to follow my spirit guide, and I will take you in."

"Can my grandson also go in?" Sun Wukong said with a smile: "That goddess, after all, is at the level of the main god. If I can pay my respects again, it will be of great help to my future progress."


Chu Tianshu grabbed their wrists.

He began to guide their souls, and along with his thoughts, entered the star beads hidden deep in his brain.

The phantoms of the three appeared in the endless galaxy at the same time, looking at the goddess in the distance.

Only Chu Tianshu said: "Goddess Master, these two friends want to meet you, I wonder if you can say something?"

After finishing speaking, Chu Tianshu also presented [-] million divine stones.

He knew that every reaction of the goddess required a huge amount of energy, and he didn't know if the [-] million divine stones would be enough.

As soon as the divine stone came out, it immediately turned into powder, and all the energy inside poured into the goddess' body.

And the voice of the goddess also came: "You two, just need to help Tianshu well, he will lead you out of the lost way, break the cage, and witness a more vast and boundless world!"

After speaking, two rays of light directly drilled out from the body of the goddess, and went straight into the phantom shadows of the ape god and the nine-headed phoenix god.

The phantoms of the two disappeared in an instant.

Seeing this, Chu Tianshu was taken aback, looked around, and said, "Master Goddess, who is this?"

"Give them some opportunities, don't need to think too much..."

After the goddess finished speaking, no more sound came out.

Chu Tianshu also breathed a sigh of relief, as long as he didn't eat it, his figure disappeared from the star beads.

When he returned to the God of Wealth Realm, Chu Tianshu discovered that the Phoenix God had gone away.

In an extremely distant dark area, a phoenix-like flame is slowly burning, and its light is getting brighter and brighter.

(End of this chapter)

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