Chapter 131

After Huo Ying responded, he said to the soldiers beside him: "What are you still doing in a daze? Still not following Lord Yan's orders?"


Immediately, six soldiers stood around Chu Tianshu and the others.

Wang Chenghu and Yang Lie were both dizzy, they didn't know Yan Yuan at all, let alone why Huo Ying was so afraid of Yan Yuan.

But Wang Chenghu is not a fool. As his brother-in-law, Huo Ying will never target him indiscriminately.

It must be that something major happened when I left Yanhuang County!
His gaze also turned to Yan Yuan again.

But seeing the other party's eyes were as sharp as a knife, showing murderous intent, he was so frightened that he hurriedly lowered his head again!
"Let's go!" Yan Yuan urged his horse forward without looking at him.

Huo Ying hurriedly followed.

Many officers and soldiers behind him also followed them to the gate of the city.

No one noticed that when Yan Yuan passed Chu Tianshu, he nodded slightly.

But Wang Chenghu was unwilling, and asked a soldier, "Who is that man in Tsing Yi?"

The soldiers chirped and hummed, but did not answer.

"Looking for death? Tell me!" Wang Chenghu shouted suddenly.

Perhaps Wang Chenghu's prestige was too strong, a soldier trembled in fright, and said urgently: "Master Yan is a newly appointed county captain, and it is said that he is a mysterious teacher!"

"What? Profound Master?" Wang Chenghu and Yang Lie were shocked again.

Master Xuan came to be a county lieutenant?When did this happen?How can it be?

Is it?

Involuntarily, they all thought of the upcoming princess!

Could it be that the emperor sent a mysterious master to prepare for the arrival of the princess?
"Then who is Mr. Jiang in his mouth?" Wang Chenghu asked again.

"Mr. Jiang is the new county magistrate!" A soldier replied again!
"The new county magistrate? No!"

Wang Chenghu frowned again.

Because before he came, he had encountered a large army from the Princess Mansion. It is said that the son-in-law Chu Tianshu had already been killed by the Yunshan faction and the small national teacher of Beiyou country.

According to the speed of those people, it is estimated that in another three to five days, they may not be able to reach Yanhuang County.

It would be fine if only a mysterious master was sent to take the lead, how could even the county magistrate be changed?
However, since he couldn't figure it out, he didn't plan to think about it anymore.

After glaring at Chu Tianshu again, Wang Chenghu decided to go back first, tell his father the important news he knew, and also see what happened in the county government office!
"Boy, I'll deal with you later, take them away first, Yang Lie, let's go back first!"

Wang Chenghu still regards himself as the half master of Yanhuang County, and he doesn't take the few soldiers around him seriously at all.

After speaking, he planned to get on his horse.

But Chu Tianshu said lightly: "Did I let you ride a horse?"

The anger in Wang Chenghu's heart went straight to his head again, and he roared angrily: "Boy, do you really want to court death?"

But Chu Tianshu answered inappropriately: "One of his legs was crippled!"

After the words fell, Liu Wenxuan slapped out from the air.

A burst of energy, like a spear's light, hit Wang Chenghu's right knee.

Wang Chenghu's right leg was pierced instantly.


Wang Chenghu screamed and fell to the ground.

The right leg has been completely twisted.

This scene made Yang Lie paralyzed with fright.

Wang Chenghu's three companions, as well as the six soldiers around him, also trembled violently.

No one would have imagined that Chu Tianshu would dare to order Wang Chenghu's leg to be amputated under the guard of the soldiers.

It was even more unexpected to everyone that Liu Wenxuan, who looked very weak on the surface, was actually so powerful.

However, none of them dared to attack Liu Wenxuan.

Breaking a leg in the air is definitely not something a body tempered warrior can do.

It must be a mysterious master!

But which one of the profound masters in the Western Qin Kingdom is not of high status?
Even those generals who lead one side are not necessarily in the realm of profound masters.

Looking at Liu Wenxuan, Chu Tianshu and others, they were already full of awe.

Wang Chenghu, who was clutching his broken leg and rolling on the spot, also trembled in his heart.

Although the broken leg was very painful, it was still difficult to hide the panic in his heart.

This is a mysterious master!

How could it be easy for a person who can invite a mysterious master to be his bodyguard?
Even if he was killed, his father who was the county magistrate might not dare to make trouble for him!
Therefore, he could only howl in pain on the ground, never daring to say anything harsh.

Chu Tianshu didn't look at him more, but said to Ji Ruxin, "Get on the horse first!"

Ji Ruxin nodded.

With a touch of the toes, the body floated up and landed on the horse's back.

Duoduo was held in Dongyu's arms and rode on the same horse.

The last horse was naturally owned by Chu Tianshu.

Liu Wenxuan followed on foot!
Several soldiers could only watch them on the horses, not even daring to say no.

Chu Tianshu looked at them and said, "Aren't you going to take me to the county government office? Why are you still standing there? Still not leading the way?"

The six soldiers nodded at the same time as if by accident.

"Don't forget to take the one with the broken leg and that guy with me, I'll chop whoever leaves!"

After finishing speaking, Chu Tianshu urged his horses and strode forward.

There were two soldiers who immediately ran to the front to lead the way for them.

The other four people carried Wang Chenghu and Yang Lie respectively, and followed behind.

As for Wang Chenghu and Yang Lie's entourage, they have already fled, and it seems that they are going to report!

At this time, the people watching the excitement all around suddenly started talking.

"Who are they? So powerful!"

"Yes, the status should be very noble, right? Are they not afraid of that king's skinning?"

"Who knows? But I think that young man and that young girl are not ordinary people either!"

"This time Wang Chenghu kicked the hard board, hehe... I'm really looking forward to what will happen next!"

One pass ten, ten pass one hundred!

The news of Wang Chenghu being beaten spread quickly.

Even Huo Ying, who had just arrived at the gate of the city, was reported by his subordinates.

"What? That person actually broke Wang Chenghu's leg in the street?" Huo Ying exclaimed.

The subordinates nodded: "It's still due to luck in the air, it should be a mysterious master!"

"Mysterious Master?" Huo Ying gasped.

The anger in my heart disappeared instantly.

He is also only a seventh-level body tempering warrior.

For that high-ranking profound master, he couldn't even have the slightest thought of resistance.

Thinking back to the situation of Chu Tianshu and Ji Ruxin, his heart trembled even more.

According to the rumors, that good-for-nothing son-in-law Chu Tianshu and the princess Ji Ruxin were only fifteen or sixteen years old, and Chu Tianshu was a little fat.

It seems that they are very similar to those two people.

"They can't be son-in-law and princess, right?" Huo Ying's forehead was already covered with cold sweat.

After all, he still didn't know that Chu Tianshu had been "assassinated to death"!

Deliberately return home and inquire about the specific situation!
However, when he looked at Yan Yuan beside him, he could only dismiss this thought.

(End of this chapter)

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