The strongest concubine ever

Chapter 1310 Five Elements Divine Physique

Chapter 1310 Five Elements Divine Physique
After Chu Tianshu saw that Chu Tianyang could really ignore the barriers of formations and attack Fengchao, he was also stunned.

It seems that what the ape god said is true.

This Chu Tianyang has really achieved very high attainments in Buddhism, reached a certain mysterious and mysterious realm, broke through the hierarchical constraints of the existing world, and embarked on an unprecedented road.

Although it cannot be said to be a dimensionality reduction blow, the power of Buddhism is not something that people in this world can understand.

After encountering this kind of power, some people seem to be at a loss and don't know how to deal with it.

Watching those golden lotus flowers flying around.

Some holy masters released their holy power to attack those golden flowers.

After encountering an external force, the golden flower suddenly burst and turned into petals, flying all over the sky like snowflakes.

"What kind of power is this? So evil?"

Yu Changtian was also taken aback, and hurriedly used space freezing technique in an attempt to imprison the petals.

It's a pity that these petals can ignore the blockade of time and space.

In the frozen space, you can still float freely.

Lei Yunxia couldn't bear it, and shot out a lightning strike, trying to destroy the petals.

But although the petals exploded, they turned into smaller auras, covering the entire Phoenix Nest.

These auras, ignoring all obstacles, flew into the bodies of everyone.

Anyone who is infected with the aura immediately feels that his body and mind suddenly calm down, and in his mind, he can't help recalling all the good things in the past.

The guards of the outer city also suddenly became much quieter.

However, when those petals and the spiritual light transformed by the petals scattered to the inner city, after encountering the god statues, the god statues still released waves of divine power ripples, blocking the spiritual light from the outside.

People in the inner city were not affected much.

As the controller of Fengchao, although Yu Changtian was also attacked by the aura, he didn't let the aura enter his body.

Fengchao, a true artifact, is helping him to defend himself automatically.

"Let's return quickly!"

After Yu Changtian finished speaking, he took Lei Yunxia, ​​Yu Chengfeng, and Feng Xueji and flew towards the inner city.

However, during the flight, Feng Xueji turned her head to look at Feng Xue Youruo beside Chu Tianshu.

They were far apart, and the eyes of the two women met each other, as if they could read each other's heart.

Not long after Yu Changtian returned to the inner city, the god statues located in various places released multicolored light, and the powder and petals of the golden lotus were blown away.

But divine power couldn't make them disappear, they just gathered into a golden cloud high in the sky.

Seeing this, Chu Tianyang didn't force it, he just used this blow to verify his strength.

The deity withdrew his hand, and the golden bergamot on the energy shield was also lifted up and retracted.

At this time, the monster army accompanied by the giants has also passed through the space channel and arrived at the side of Fengchao.

The many great sages of the monster clan headed by them were also shocked when they saw the huge Buddha shadow like a giant spirit god.

And in the northern sky, there are also space passages that have been opened.

One by one, demon soldiers wearing demon armor got out of it.

In a short time, the army of 500 million demons has already lined up neatly.

In the east, creatures from the catacombs, as well as fierce ghosts, riding the black ghost fog, also came from the top.

They were transferred by Chu Tianshu from the Death Forest in the southern part of the Eastern Continent, and some of them were surrendered in the burrows of the Middle-earth Continent in recent years.

Some of them were underlings of Pluto, but now they all believed in the God of Wealth.

All in all, almost all the armies in the four directions obeyed Chu Tianshu's orders.

This time, almost all the Tianyu people in the city fell into despair.

The human race and the Bai family alone have already made it impossible for them to deal with them. Now that there are so many powerful enemies, how can they fight?
People who originally had absolute confidence in Fengchao couldn't help but start to doubt it.

Yu Changtian, who returned to the temple, broke several exquisite teacups one after another.

"Damn it, not only the demons, demons, and humans have united, but even the ghosts in the crypt and the underworld are also involved. The God of Wealth is definitely behind it. Otherwise, how could they attack Feng at the same time? Nest?" Yu Changtian scolded angrily.

Lei Yunxia said: "My lord, as long as the statue is still there, as long as the control of Fengchao is still in your hands, we don't have to worry about it. If it doesn't work, we can also use divine power to control Fengchao, leave Middle Earth, and go to other places. The place."

But Yu Changtian said angrily: "Where are you going? Once I leave the Middle Earth, I, Yu Changtian, will be the biggest sinner of the Tianyu clan for millions of years. In the history books of the Tianyu clan, I will be evaluated as a faint king. To accept the curse of the tribe, the souls of the dead will not be at peace."

"Your Majesty, this is really not your fault. This is a war between Peng God and Feather God! It is a game between gods and gods. We are just mortals. It is still gods, not us, who decide the direction of the war."

With Lei Yunxia's persuasion, Yu Changtian's anger finally subsided slowly.

Yu Chengfeng, who was at the side, dared to speak, he said: "Grandfather, let's invite Yushen to go out?"

Yu Changtian said with a gloomy expression: "They forced us so to pass us and invite Yushen to leave the customs, thereby interrupting Yushen's cultivation. If Yushen's success falls short because of our trivial matter, then our sin Bigger."

"This..." Yu Chengfeng's heart trembled.

Lei Yunxia nodded: "That's right, at this point, we must not disturb the Feather God. As long as the Feather God breaks through, Peng God will die, and all crises will be resolved."

"But what now?"

"This time, I will be a tortoise and let it wind from east to west, and we will sit on the Diaoyutai. Even if the statue is destroyed, we still have tens of billions of sacred stone reserves, enough to support the long-term operation of the Phoenix Nest Formation .”

Hearing what he said, Yu Chengfeng also heaved a sigh of relief.

However, when he thought of Chu Tianshu's arrogant appearance, he was still very angry in his heart.

Lei Yunxia looked at Feng Xueji, and said: "Ji'er, today was supposed to be a happy day for you and Chengfeng, but it turned out like this, but you don't have to worry, our Yu family is not defeated, Feng The Xue family is not defeated either, and in the Moon Palace, we still have many gods to rely on, so you should go back to your own mansion first and let this wedding end perfectly."


Feng Xueji bowed slightly.

Yu Chengfeng also bowed to leave.

The two came out of the main hall, looked at each other, and then flew to Yu Chengfeng's own mansion together with the welcoming team who had been waiting in the square for a long time.

out of town!

Chu Tianshu also ushered in the good news that made him excited.

The God of Wealth Realm has finally refined the five-element fetish.

They are Xingchensha, Tiancang Shenmu, Magneto Power, Burning Demon Flame, and Eternal Water.

The God of Wealth Realm refined them, which is equivalent to Chu Tianshu refining them.

"It's also time to achieve the Five Elements Divine Meridian."

Chu Tianshu took a deep breath, and the five fetishes gushed out from his dantian and penetrated into his blood.

If you want to have a more advanced bloodline, you must abolish the original bloodline.

This is no different from crushing and rebuilding.

The pain in it can only be felt by the second daughter of Qiudong who also has the five elements.

But Chu Tianshu was expressionless, and his body never trembled at all.

Outsiders don't even know that Chu Tianshu has already started to change his blood.

However, just in case, he removed the dragon blood clone from his body.

He didn't want to interfere too much with this avatar, and he also wanted to try to see what level he could finally advance to when the demonic blood and murderous aura were combined.

In the future, it may still be a good killer.

The Shenluan blood of his body began to gradually increase the attribute halo.

However, after the five elements gathered together, Chu Tianshu unexpectedly discovered that there seemed to be an extra attribute in his blood, that is the attribute of thunder.

It's just that the Thunder attribute is excluded by the Five Elements attribute.

The five-element attribute energy is all transformed by the five-element gods.

Combined, the five elements generate and restrain each other, and can be transformed into the five-element divine body second only to the highest chaotic body.

And the thunder in Chu Tianshu's body is just a derivative of a kung fu.

In terms of grade and quality, it cannot be compared with the five elements.

But it comes from Chu Tianshu's body after all, and has such a wonderful connection with the God of Wealth Realm, Thunder Tribulation, so it cannot be eliminated at all.

On the contrary, there is a hint of entanglement with the blood of the five elements.

Always clinging to and entwining around the five-element fetish, cutting it off and never getting rid of it, it also makes the five-element deity body different from that of Qiu Dong Ernv.

But no matter what, Chu Tianshu felt that his physical cultivation was improving at a very high speed.

Soon he broke through the threshold of a saint and entered the level of a great saint.

If it is said that the sage only perceives time and can see the time line, then in the hands of the great sage, time is a force that can be controlled.

It is possible to change the timeline of a certain thing with the help of a certain technique or artifact.

Can gain insight into the more distant past and future.

Of course, if you encounter an opponent of the same level, this ability will be lost.

Many great sages, even gods, couldn't see Chu Tianshu's timeline clearly, because Chu Tianshu had the God of Wealth Realm in his body, which was higher than them.

But Chu Tianshu's power is not limited to this. When his physical body is strong enough, the power of the God of Wealth Realm can be transformed more.

The God of Wealth Realm is equivalent to Chu Tianshu's dantian.

All kinds of energies are allowed to be obtained and used by him.

Therefore, after reaching the realm of the great sage, his cultivation did not stop at all.

When all kinds of space, time, five elements, and even the energy of the divine thunder calamity came one after another, Chu Tianshu's cultivation reached the demigod level in a very short period of time.

It wasn't until this time that the people around him discovered that Chu Tianshu was actually practicing on the battlefield.

All eyes showed surprise.

Seeing this, Bai Yu immediately changed from the form of a roc to a human form, and landed beside Chu Tianshu. He was surprised and said, "The realm of the great sage? No, the pinnacle of the great sage? No, you actually have the deterrence of the gods in your body." Are you strong? And the aura of the gods? Are you a demigod?"

Chu Tianshu nodded slightly: "Aren't you not far behind? How can I fall behind?"

"You were only in the realm of a saint just now, but now you are actually a demigod!" Bai Yu was also speechless for a while.

"Actually... I can already be called a god." Chu Tianshu clenched his fists with full confidence.

Now, even in the face of quasi-god, he has the confidence to fight.

(End of this chapter)

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