The strongest concubine ever

Chapter 1315 Change of Dynasty

Chapter 1315 Change of Dynasty
Chu Tianshu's attack this time has surpassed the abilities of many quasi-gods, so many gods were almost ignored by him.

Along with the people of the Yu family, more and more people died.

Finally, a statue with twelve wings burst out with dazzling light, and a huge phantom appeared on the surface of the statue.

The twelve wings on the back stretched out quickly, covering the entire Phoenix Nest.

From then on, those people who were influenced by Chutian Shu Xinmo suddenly came to their senses.

When they saw that it was actually the twelve-winged true god protecting them, they all cheered.

Especially Yu Changtian, his expression was even more excited, and his voice trembled: "It is Yu Cang's ancestor who has manifested, and the ancestor has finally manifested!"

"Kowtow to the ancestors!"

Almost all members of the Yu family prostrated themselves on the ground and kowtowed.

Feng Xue Wuya and the others also bowed their bodies involuntarily.

Yu Cang, one of the two true gods of the Yu family and one of the three true gods of the Tianyu God Realm, is even older than the Yu God.

It can also be said that it can be regarded as half of Yushen's master, without Yu Cang, there would be no Yushen, the current king of gods.

However, apart from the last Yin-Yang war, Yu Cang showed his face once, and there was no news about it.

Because he is already a true god, he doesn't need to absorb the incense of believers, and there are very few god statues in Tianyu Divine Kingdom.

Only in Phoenix Nest, there is such a statue second only to the statue of Feather God.

No one thought that Yu Cang would appear today.

After Yu Cang covered the phoenix nest with a radius of [-] li with his pure white wings, an old and majestic voice came out: "God of Wealth, why do you want to kill them all like this? Really bullying our Yu family, ignoring the precepts of the gods, wantonly Kill ordinary people?"

In the sky, Chu Tianshu, who had turned into a dark cloud, was also looking down at Yu Cang, and said lightly: "If I really want to kill all the Yu family members, it's not just this means, besides, I don't have any Violating the commandments of the gods, because I am just a mortal who has not yet become a god."

"No, you have passed through the divine thunder calamity, you are a god, if you do not become a god, I will not appear, but now you must abide by the contract of the gods, otherwise, the old man can only send out the lower realm of the real body to drive you out Kunpeng Continent."

"Are you threatening me?"

"No, I just want you to abide by the rules we all abide by."

Chu Tianshu was silent.

The black heart demon was also gradually taken back to the God of Wealth Realm, and his soul body began to change from black to white, turning into a huge energy feathered man.

However, behind him, there is only a pair of wings, which are colorful and look more noble.

"Your name is Yu Cang, and you come here on behalf of God Yu?" Chu Tianshu asked again.

"I only represent myself, Chu Tianshu. After all, you have the blood of our Yu family in your body. Whether it is the Bai family or the Yu family, you are all a part of the Yu family. Yesterday the Yu God ruled the world, today It is not wrong for God Peng to return and try to take what he lost, I don't want the fight between the clansmen to bring our Tianyu clan to annihilation."

"Hahaha... So, you recognize my identity as a member of the Yu clan?" Chu Tianshu laughed out loud.

"This is a fact!"

"But I don't want to admit it!"

"Unless you can peel off the blood left by your mother in your body!" Yu Cang replied.

Chu Tianshu was silent.

To be honest, he is not afraid of Yu Cang, Yu Cang is just a distraction.

Now, the entire Phoenix Nest is shrouded in his dream space, and Lei Jie has been absorbed into his soul body by him. Judging from this alone, he has indeed become a god.

With the help of the power of the God of Wealth Realm, Yu Cang can definitely be stabilized.

He was just thinking about how to deal with the Yu family in the mortal world.

After being taken the initiative by the black heart demon just now, his killing intent was also aroused, regardless of men, women, old or young, he wanted to erase all the blood of the Feather God together.

After calming down at this moment, he also felt that his murderous intent was too heavy.

Even if he could wipe out a group of creatures, he still couldn't maintain his inner peace.

At this time, Fengxue Youruo flew over from a distance.

She said, "Tianshu, don't kill any more, okay?"

Chu Tianshu looked at her, but did not respond.

"Tianshu, no matter how much enmity there is between you and Yushen, or between Yu Changtian's family, most of the members of Yu's family are innocent. You have killed many of them. I beg you not to kill again, if your mother is still alive, she definitely doesn’t want to see you become a monster who only knows how to kill.” Feng Xue Youruo said again.

Chu Tianshu remained silent.

Countless people looked up at the sky.

At this moment, those who originally resented Feng Xueyouruo's betrayal of the Yu clan also felt a little grateful.

No one wanted to die. After learning about Chu Tianshu's ability to destroy everything, they were already in awe.

A golden light came from far and near, and Bai Yu, the reincarnation of God Peng, also came over.

He didn't try to persuade Chu Tianshu immediately, but looked at Yu Cang who was guarding Fengchao, and said, "Yu Cang, do you still remember Baiyun City in the Eastern Land Monster Forest?"

"Of course I remember!" Yu Cang replied.

"The Yu family should leave Middle-earth Continent, go to an uninhabited and uncontroversial place, and leave the Phoenix Nest behind. As for the future, it depends on the fate of the Yu family. If there is a future, a hero can appear among them, like the Yu God." Similarly, no matter under what circumstances, if you defeat me, I will willingly give up Phoenix Nest and the right to rule the Heavenly Feather Kingdom."

Yu Cang was silent for a moment, then nodded: "Yes!"

He bent down and looked at Yu Changtian: "Hand over the Feng Lingzhu, and take the people from Yu's family to leave Tianyu Divine Kingdom, go to the West Land, and be with the Yaozu!"

"Old Ancestor..." Yu Changtian was very unwilling in his heart.

"Don't talk too much, carry out the order."


Yu Changtian could only nod his head.

He knew that if he dared to disobey Yu Cang's orders, his fate would be miserable, and the entire Yu clan would abandon him.

In desperation, he could only raise his hand, and the palm of his hand released colorful rays of light, which finally condensed into a colorful pill.

After taking a deep look, he raised his hand and threw the Danzhu up.

Danzhu soared into the sky, flew out, and reached directly in front of Bai Yu.

Bai Yu held Danzhu in his hand and said: "Chu Tianshu's body has the common blood of the human race and the feather race, so he should be the co-lord of the human race and the feather race. From now on, this phoenix nest will be handed over to him. have opinions?"

Yu Cang was slightly taken aback, but didn't say anything.

Others dare not speak.

Chu Tianshu, who was in a giant state, also quickly shrunk down to the size of his body, came to Bai Yu's side, and said, "I am the leader of the Tongtian Sect, and you still plan to make me the co-leader of the two clans?"

"Except for you, there is no one who can make humans and Yu people live in peace, not even me. If the two races want to merge, it will take at least a thousand or ten thousand years. If you want the two races to go completely peaceful, then accept this task .”

"Can't you?"

"I can not!"

"But now I have become a god." Chu Tianshu replied.

"Your avatar didn't become a god, did it?"

Chu Tianshu narrowed his eyes.

Indeed, the demon blood avatar is only a mortal body, like Feng Hualian, it will take a long time to become a god.

On the contrary, he can be allowed to rule the Heavenly Feather Divine Kingdom, and with a few female companions, he is more suitable to stay in the mortal world for a long time, even if he does not become a god in his lifetime, it doesn't matter.

And this deity himself has to go to God's Domain.

It's just that the demon blood avatar belongs to the demon clan, if it becomes the co-lord of the two clans, I don't know how everyone will feel!

Is it possible that the three races will coexist in the future?
It depends on Mo Sang's future achievements.

After a little hesitation, Chu Tianshu raised his hand and grabbed Feng Lingzhu in his hand.

This was transformed by the spirit of Phoenix Nest.

Following his recognition of the Lord with a drop of blood, everything in the Phoenix Nest was imprinted in his mind.

Including those statues, as long as he has a thought, he can easily destroy them.

Yu Cang looked at Yu Changtian and other members of the Yu family, and said, "Take the statues of the ancestors of our Yu family and leave Fengchao, I will see you off!"

"Yes, old man!"

Now that the matter is over, Yu Changtian also knows that there is no need to stay any longer.

The Yu family, like the previous Bai family, began to gather together, and then were engulfed by divine power, and directly carried out ultra-long-distance teleportation.

In just half an hour, hundreds of millions of Yu's family members left one after another.

Together with them, there are more than half of Lei's family members.

They did it for Lei Yunxia's sake.

And the statue of the true god ancestor of the Lei family was also taken away by them.

The remaining Lei family members followed Lei Ba and belonged to the God of Wealth Realm or God of Peng's rule.

It's just that there was a small episode during this period.

When Feng Xueji sent a message to Feng Xuerubing, asking her if she wanted to leave with her or stay, she severed her relationship with Yu Chengfeng.

But Fengxuerubing told her to leave for now.

Asked the reason, Fengxuerubing didn't tell her, but told her to do as she said.

Feng Xueji was somewhat disgusted by this, but when he saw Yu Chengfeng's gaze, he approved of this decision.

Because in the depths of Yu Chengfeng's eyes, the black aura controlled by Chu Tianshu actually flashed.

After the two, they can continue to be a peaceful couple.

As the members of the Yu family left, the entire Fengchao also returned to calm.

But all kinds of discussions and sighs behind the scene lasted for a long time.

Stepping into the temple, Chu Tianshu looked at Bai Yu beside him, and said, "Actually, this seat is the most suitable for you."

"No, my goal is to return to the peak and become the supreme patron saint." Bai Yu smiled.

"It's up to you, I don't care anyway, Tianyu Divine Kingdom should also change its name, what do you think it should be called?" Chu Tianshu asked.

"what ever!"

"When I didn't ask."

"How do you plan to reward those monsters and demons who came to cheer?"

"If they are willing to stay in the Heavenly Feather Divine Kingdom, I welcome them with both hands. In the future, this country will no longer exclude any race. Isn't the secret space in the south of the South China Sea about to be completed? If you want to fight or resolve the hatred between ethnic groups, you must You can go there, and I will just make a few more space passages later." Chu Tianshu replied.

He turned his head to look outside the hall.

High-level officials from all ethnic groups also gathered at the door, waiting for his summons.

(End of this chapter)

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