The strongest concubine ever

Chapter 1318 The departure of the Fengxue family

Chapter 1318 The departure of the Fengxue family
Everyone was speechless for a while when they saw that the ape god had hanged a [-] million god stone, which can only be purchased.

However, what the ape god said just now revealed a little bit of space theory, dimension breakthrough and dimension reduction blow, but they have never heard of it.

If you don't understand it, you won't be able to be at peace in your heart at all.

Fortunately, the ones with the lowest cultivation level in the group are also quasi-gods, all of them are the ancestors of various gods, and they also have countless wealth.

Even if there is no one with [-] million divine stones, they have started to connect in private, planning to get together and buy together.

But the ape god said again: "What I sell is knowledge, which is carried by the spiritual power of my true god realm. Once you read it, you can't share it with others, unless your realm is higher than mine. In addition, if I know it, you can buy it." After that, tell the other gods, don't blame me, the ape god, for being rude."

His words startled those quasi-gods with small plans again.

No one wants to become an enemy with the ape god because of [-] million god stones.

Although he knew that the ape god was trying to overwhelm people with power, he was helpless.

He could only start to gather his clansmen, collect enough [-] million god stones, and directly purchase the goods of the ape god through the God of Wealth Realm.

The content inside is naturally more detailed.

For example, there are detailed explanations for the spatial dimension from one dimension to ten dimensions, and the division of twelve levels of civilization.

Although not much information was revealed, all the gods who bought it felt their eyes brightened, and they felt a sense of enlightenment.

No one thinks that the cost of the [-] million divine stones is worthless, because everyone knows that it cannot be measured by money.

As for the ape god, he took money and received soft hands.

In the God of Wealth Realm, he danced excitedly and said, "'s so cool. In just a short while, I have earned nearly 20 billion god stones. Master, isn't my grandson not bad?"

Chu Tianshu was also surprised by the wealth of the gods.

There are only two to three hundred gods in the group, which is equivalent to one tenth of the gods.

20 billion divine stones!

Don't look at the fact that communication devices are all over the world now, he charges a lot of handling fees, but he has never accumulated so many sacred stones.

"Okay, that's great, Wukong is worthy of being the lucky star of our God of Wealth Realm." Chu Tianshu praised.

"Hey... These guys are rich and ruthless, let's wait, I can guarantee that all of those people will buy it."

During the chatting process of several people, batches of divine stones were also transferred to the God of Wealth Realm through the communication device.

The gods who have acquired knowledge sighed in the group: "It is really unexpected that our Kunpeng Continent does not belong to the highest civilization. According to this division, we should belong to between the ninth and tenth civilizations?"

The gods who did not buy it were puzzled: "What do you mean? What is a ninth-level and tenth-level civilization?"

"If you bought the knowledge of the ape god, you will understand it naturally!"

"Uh..." The gods who didn't buy it were even more excited.

"Creating a soul can break through to a higher civilization. In history, the elves have also created giants. Does this mean that our civilization has also reached the eleventh level of civilization? It's just degraded now?" There are gods asked.

"How did the elves create the giants? There is no real evidence for whether there is a soul at that time. Now, the elves have disappeared in the long river of history, and there is no way to prove it!"

"Yes, as far as I know, there used to be an elf in the demon race, and it seems to have died. Now there is no elf in the whole world."

"No, there is an elf in the God of Wealth Realm, she is Chu Tianshu's daughter Chu Xiang!" Xuanwu said.

A god immediately exclaimed: "Ah? Boss Xuanwu, don't scare me? Are there really spirits in the world?"

"Do you think I'll lie to you? If there were no elves, do you think the giants would willingly join the Tongtian Cult?"

When the gods heard it, it was really the case.

Everyone knows that the giant race is one of the most stubborn races.

In history, there are so many gods who wanted to conquer the giants, but the giants would rather die than surrender. They would rather hide in the mountains and be with monsters than be enslaved.

They seem to have only one god, and they are still hiding in the burrow, and they are the only one who does not obey the precepts and is willing to stay in the lower realm.

"Ape God, that senior goddess, isn't she an elf?" someone asked.

"It doesn't matter what race the goddess is. Her state has already exceeded the limit of life."

"That's what the ape god taught."


The gods continued to discuss.

After half a day, the sacred stones in Chu Tianshu's hand had already reached 100 billion.

It is estimated that there will be more in the future.

In the moon palace.

Yu Cang, the True God Ancestor of the Yu Family, and Lei Tian, ​​the True God Ancestor of the Lei Family, stood on the high platform.

The Snow Goddess and some other gods stood below, frowning slightly, without saying a word.

I just heard Yu Cang say: "I think everyone's heart is also swaying left and right, worrying about the rise of the Peng God, and worrying that Chu Tianshu will use that mysterious goddess to overthrow our Moon Palace, but you have to be clear about one thing, even if the Moon Palace is not safe , our Yu Clan will also exterminate the clan, because the Peng God is also the Yu Clan, and the billions of Yu Clan people in the Heavenly Feather Kingdom, even if they belong to the Tongtian Sect or the God of Wealth Realm, they still cannot change their bloodline."

The gods nodded silently in agreement.

Lei Tian, ​​the True God of the Lei family, is a middle-aged uncle with purple eyes. He doesn't appear to be burly, but rather slender and handsome.

He also said: "It doesn't matter if there are a few more true gods in his Tongtian Sect, because this moon belongs to our Yu clan, and the moon is also the only artifact of chaos master in the whole world. No one can break through the defense of the moon palace. We You just need to wait for Yushen to leave the customs, and everything will turn around."

The gods nodded again and breathed a sigh of relief.

This moon, which is like a huge crystal ball, is indeed a supreme artifact.

It has never been breached by anyone in history.

Legend has it that this is formed by Kunpeng's inner alchemy, which possesses inexhaustible energy.

It's a pity that no one can refine this kind of energy so far, so they can only use some kind of formation method and use it a little bit.

"Also, the order continues that, except for the gods, the creatures in the area ruled by the Moon Palace are not allowed to use the communication device in the future, and the communication device must be extinct." Lei Tian said again.

Fengxue Goddess said: "I'm afraid someone has secretly believed in the God of Wealth, how should I deal with it?"

Lei Tian hesitated for a moment, and said, "Expel them from the moon!"

Snow Wind Goddess nodded: "Yes!"

"From today onwards, the two of us will preside over the Heavenly Feather God Realm together, with Fengxue Goddess assisting us." Yu Cang said.

The Snow Goddess nodded again.

These two true gods should have seen the crisis of Yu Clan and Moon Palace, so they showed up.

However, it doesn't matter to her, because the entire Fengxue family has already begun to move to the God of Wealth Realm.

After the meeting ended, the Snow Goddess also returned home.

There is also a snowstorm mountain here. On the surface, the bare mountain range is empty except for the wind and snow.

But after the goddess of wind and snow landed on the top of the mountain, I just saw that there are many pavilions and temples here.

There are also majestic buildings suspended in the air that seem to be carved from ice.

After flying to the top of a mountain, the Snow Goddess also stepped into the hall.

Bai Xuanjia, the god of the Bai family, has been waiting here for a long time.

"The meeting ended?" Bai Xuanjia smiled.

Goddess Fengxue nodded: "You have already made up your mind to go to the God of Wealth Realm?"

Bai Xuanjia nodded, and looked outside the door: "This moon was once full of vitality, and gods of all races could watch the scene of stars outside the sky here, but now, it has become the private property of God Yu, and has become lifeless. My Bai family is still here, and we can only be constantly drained, now that the Peng God is back, we will naturally follow!"

"Are you ready?"


"You won't bring the secret realm of the entire family with you?"

Bai Xuanjia nodded again.

"Forget it, it's time for me to leave, and our Snowstorm Secret Realm will also disappear from the moon."

The space channel has been opened.

The Snow Goddess stepped in.

Immediately afterwards, Bai Xuanjia also got in.

And this space channel is like a huge loophole, which produces a huge suction force, and sucks all the floating buildings around.

Those buildings originally looked huge, but after approaching the passage, the volume was reduced to the extreme, and they gradually disappeared into the passage.

The other end of the tunnel is the planet belonging to the Fengxue family, and it is also the place where Queen Fengxue became a true god.

In another extremely secret tomb of the Snow God on the moon, the Snow Queen also appeared out of thin air.

With a wave of her hand, everything in the God's Tomb disappeared, and she was also sent into the God of Wealth Realm.

This secret realm slowly collapsed after the Snow Queen disappeared.

But in a moment, it disappeared into nothingness.

Lei Tian and Yu Cang, who were in the Moon Palace, were hesitating whether to buy the knowledge of space and civilization described by the ape god through the communication device, their expressions suddenly became serious.

After looking at each other, they immediately disappeared at the same time.

The next moment, they appeared in a group of mountains a million miles away.

"The entire Fengxue family disappeared?" Yu Cang murmured.

"They won't seek refuge in the God of Wealth Realm, will they? Why would they do this?"

Lei Tian gritted his teeth, and thunderbolts flashed in his eyes, sweeping across the snow-capped mountains in a radius of thousands of miles.

However, even if the snow mountain collapsed, there was no abnormal phenomenon.

The secret realm of the entire Fengxue family really disappeared.

But suddenly, Yu Cang's expression changed again, and he said anxiously: "Let's go to the tomb of the Fengxue God immediately!"

The two turned into a beam of light and disappeared here.

But for a moment, they appeared above a sea covered in ice.

The sea water here is actually completely frozen.

Yu Cang bent down and struck down, and the [-]-meter-thick ice instantly turned into powder.

But the bottom of the sea is also empty.

This place was originally the location of the tomb of the Fengxue family.

Only the two of them and Feather God know.

Unfortunately, it's gone now too.

"There is no one in the Bai family's mansion, and the entire secret realm has disappeared." Lei Tian said.

"I'm not surprised that the Bai family left, but the departure of the Fengxue family was beyond my expectation. They have more than 100 sleeping ancient gods, most of them are in the peak quasi-god realm, which is beyond the reach of any god clan. Comparable." Yu Cang replied.

But Lei Tian's expression changed again, and he said: "Look at the group of gods!"

Yu Cang also hurriedly called out the communication device and watched the contents inside.

It was Goddess Fengxue's speech: "Our Fengxue family has moved to the God of Wealth Realm as a whole, and the ancient god Queen Fengxue of our Fengxue family has also successfully advanced to the realm of the real body. As for the reason, I believe everyone can guess. "

Seeing this, Yu Cang didn't faint directly.

(End of this chapter)

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