The strongest concubine ever

Chapter 1322 The Birth of Shura

Chapter 1322 The Birth of Shura
The voices of the creatures transformed by these black energies are getting louder and louder.

Their bodies became more and more solid, and in the end, they all seemed to have turned into black steel living creatures.

The aura of Shura's God of Death also continued to skyrocket. After reaching the top, she suddenly raised her hand and slapped the sky.

A palm print covering a radius of ten thousand miles, supported the ceiling of the crypt, soaring into the sky.

She actually pierced through the crypt and the underworld with one palm, forcibly opening up a new passage thousands of miles long.

Fortunately, the ground is the southern rainforest, which is a deserted mountain.

But the mountains and rivers were also pushed up into the sky by the force of the palm, and then exploded into countless rubble in mid-air, flying around like an erupting volcano.

A huge shock could be felt throughout the Middle-earth Continent.

The rubble even spread to an area of ​​more than [-] li, and many cities inhabited by humans were attacked by the rubble.

Numerous houses collapsed.

The lives of tens of millions of people have been affected.

Chu Tianshu, who has been able to monitor the world for a long time, naturally also discovered this huge change.

It was also night.

He was also a little shocked by the terrifying aura that the other party infiltrated.

The black flames gushing out from the pierced passage quickly covered a large area of ​​the sky.

This kind of black energy is somewhat different from the ghost fog. It is like a black flame, and everything it encounters is burned to nothingness.

In the process of scattering, a huge shock wave was also formed, and the vegetation was directly turned into powder.

In just a quarter of an hour, the area with a radius of one million miles has been completely destroyed.

"This black arrogance, can't it be all murderous? Which catacomb master is about to leave the customs?"

Chu Tianshu's avatar who was in the hive also teleported directly to the edge of the black flame after a secret passage.

What he practiced was the way of killing, from murderous aura to holy.

Today, it is still only the realm of saints.

Although the original deity has become a god and possesses the body of the five elements, the changes in the avatar are not great.

Chu Tianshu didn't interfere much with him, and even suppressed his power.

Because Chu Tianshu didn't want his avatar to become a god in the future, but wanted him to be the saint of this new country forever.

"Who is it that has such a powerful force, piercing through the earth with a radius of thousands of miles?" The clone frowned.

This time!

A woman with long black hair poked her head out of the black mist.

Her lower body was shrouded in black energy, making it impossible to see clearly.

At the moment when the four eyes met, Chu Tianshu's avatar was suffocated for a while.

too strong.

Chu Tianshu was overwhelmed with just one look, and couldn't help asking, "Which god are you?"

"I am Shura Death God, and I am also your believer."

While Shura Death was speaking, Chu Tianshu felt that his body was out of control.

The murderous aura in his body seemed to be no longer his own, but completely controlled by the opponent, and his body even flew towards Shura Death God.

He didn't stop until he was close.

Looking at each other, Asura Death smiled lightly: "Today, I want to kill you once, because someone bought your life. I thought I would go to Fengchao again, but I didn't expect that you came to the door by yourself. Just in time, I And save yourself trouble."

While speaking, the Asura God of Death raised his jade finger and touched Chu Tianshu's forehead.

Chu Tianshu immediately felt that the murderous aura in his body suddenly became irritable. Under the high-speed operation, it was like sharp knives, cutting every cell in his body.

With a loud noise, Chu Tianshu's clone shattered.

This distraction of Chu Tianshu just wanted to escape back to the God of Wealth Realm, but was grabbed by Goddess Shura.

"Little baby, you can't escape!"

Shura Death directly threw Chu Tianshu's distraction into the black energy.

When he was distracted, he immediately felt as if he was in the flames. In desperation, he could only use the power of the deity's soul and start to devour these black flames.

Needless to say, as time goes by.

Gradually, Chu Tianshu felt less uncomfortable.

Distraction is actually growing.

This also made him a little confused, not knowing what this woman meant.

"Little baby, how do you feel?" The woman suddenly appeared in front of him again.

It was not until this moment that Chu Tianshu saw the whole picture of the other party clearly.

The snake-tailed human body is actually the same as the goddess pattern on the scroll of Bailian Chengshen.

"You are?" Chu Tianshu showed surprise.

"I am Shura Death God. Your body is too fragile. Although it is also a god-level demon blood, it is still a thousand miles away from my Shura body. From now on, you Cultivate here, use the murderous aura here to re-condense into an Asura body, and become a member of my Asura clan."

"Asura Death God?" Chu Tianshu felt his soul tremble for no reason.

Rumor has it that this goddess is a peak true god who is as famous as the Feather God and Demon God.

Isn't she known for being mysterious?
Didn't he not ask about world affairs and concentrate on studying her way of killing?

Why did it suddenly appear today?And instantly destroyed his own demon blood clone?

Shura Death continued: "I hope you can become the leader of our Shura clan in the future and rule the world instead of me."

Chu Tianshu was a little annoyed: "Is there something wrong with your brain? Kill my clone first, and then you still want me to be your younger brother?"

The demonic blood avatar that I finally had, was destroyed by this goddess just like that.

Isn't this obvious bullying?

Even among the demons, his demon blood avatar is at the top of the list, and has the talent of devouring.

Combining black and white heart demons, you can directly attack the enemy's mind, how powerful is it?
It's good now, and I'll go back to before liberation.

However, when he thought that his soul had already become a god, he felt much better in his heart.

Because there is still a chance of redemption.

"Being my little brother, are you wronged?" Shura Death God sneered.

Chu Tianshu said: "I said Senior Shura, why are you doing this? I am just a clone, don't you know what a clone is?"

"Of course I know. It is because you are just a clone that I kill you casually. If your real body comes, I might think about it."

Chu Tianshu's face darkened, the Asura Death God should already know him very well.

After all, I have used the Death Orb myself.

Although it is no longer used in the near future and has been thrown in the space of stars, the Shura God of Death may still be able to sense it.

"What I want is your distraction, not your avatar. I even know that whether your avatar is dead or not has little effect on your main body. Even your main body can create another demon blood avatar at any time. ,right?"

Chu Tianshu did not answer.

Because Shura Death God's words are true.

The talent attached to his blood of gods and demons has long been integrated into the soul of the deity.

And the deity has now become a god, possessing the ability to derive flesh and blood from the soul.

As Shura God of Death said, even if his avatar is destroyed, the deity can use the God of Wealth Realm and blood essence to create another avatar with the same talent and blood at any time.

What's more, my distraction is not dead yet.

After pondering for a moment, he asked: "Are you planning to use me to rule the world? If so, then I can only say that you made a mistake. I will never be anyone's slave."

"No, no, no... You misunderstood, I just want you to experience the beauty of the Shura body, where you rule the world, you can spread the Shura way more, so that people who like to kill can move from darkness to light. "

"You don't intend to openly establish Slayer Alliance organizations everywhere, do you?"

"Why not? There is an alchemy guild for alchemy, and there is a guild for refining weapons. Why can't we have an assassin's guild when we are killers?" Shura Reaper asked rhetorically.

Chu Tianshu frowned more and more.

He already understood the meaning of Shura Death God.

Accepting himself as a younger brother is false, but wanting to establish his own power on the ground is true.

She wanted to create a union organization that could be distributed widely and aboveboard.

In this way, her influence will also increase exponentially.

But once I agree, won't people from now on have to live under the shadow of the Killer Guild?

Over time, the power of this trade union might surpass his authority.

Seeing that he was silent, Shura Reaper continued: "You are a killer yourself, why can't you tolerate other people being killers too? You have also tempered your body through killing and let yourself grow, why can't you promote it? My Shura Dao?"

Only then did Chu Tianshu reply: "The killer lies in a hidden word. If you make the killer fair and aboveboard, it means that you have broken away from your own way of killing, isn't it?"

"No, no, what I want is the Dao of Asura, not the Dao of Killers. The Dao of Killing is just the starting point, and the Dao of Asura is what all killers dream of."

"You mean, the way of Shura is the way for a killer to become a god?"

"Smart, whether it's the Demon Race, the Monster Race, or the Dao of the God of Wealth you created, it is a road to becoming a god. The same is true for me, the Asura Dao. It should not be buried, nor should it be kept hidden forever."

"Asura Dao!" Chu Tianshu sighed.

He really didn't know what to do.

"Actually, whether you agree or not, my Asura clan will appear in the human world. I just told you in advance. Now, you are distracted, just practice in my Asura world honestly. When you have the body of Asura, Of course I'll let you out."

"What does it mean to have a Shura body?"

"When you condense this killing arrogance into a real blood, you will have the Shura body. Once you survive the thunder disaster, you will be the god of Shura."

"how long it takes?"

"With your talent, it will only take three or two years."

"Can ordinary undead become Shura?"

"Of course they can, but they must also be able to withstand the burning of Shura's arrogance."

Chu Tianshu pondered for a while, if he was really distracted and couldn't leave, then staying here and experiencing Shura Dao well would be a good choice.

The big deal is to create another distraction and clone.

But for the specific situation, he still needs to ask a few gods around him, so as not to fall into the tricks of Shura God of Death.

"Cultivate well, my Asura clan, it's time to walk the world."

As the words of Shura God of Death fell, Chu Tianshu sensed that one after another, dark creatures exuding metallic luster came out of the burrow, flew out of the place covered by black flames, and began to run wildly in all directions. .

"There are still so many souls in the Shura clan?"

Chu Tianshu's expression suddenly became more dignified, and he also felt that something was wrong, so he said anxiously: "You want to slaughter human beings?"

The Asura God of Death had a sneer on his lips: "The Asura clan just wants to fight for their own place to live. This Middle-Earth Continent must have us."

(End of this chapter)

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