The strongest concubine ever

Chapter 145 The Ever-Increasing Talent

Chapter 145 The Ever-Increasing Talent

Silent all night!
Three poles in the sun!

The golden eagle with the scroll in its mouth flies to its lair on the cliff from afar.

The lair is built on a rocky outcrop near the top of the mountain.

In the crevices on one side of the rock, there is an ancient tree leaning outward.

Chu Tianshu was reclining on the trunk of this ancient tree, meditating with his eyes closed, and there was an abyss beneath him.

The golden eagle fell silently into the huge nest, staring at Chu Tianshu curiously.

At this moment, Chu Tianshu seemed to be emitting colorful rays of light all over his body.

The light is like fog, and the traces are distinct!
Suddenly, the threads of light spread out like rippling water ripples.

The occupied area is getting bigger and bigger.

From a distance, it looks like a huge CD!

long time!

This halo was gradually restrained, and was absorbed into Chu Tianshu's body.

And Chu Tianshu also opened his eyes.

Seeing this, the golden eagle immediately jumped out of the nest and touched Chu Tianshu's body with its head.

He also put the scroll in his mouth in front of Chu Tianshu.

Chu Tianshu picked up the scroll and opened it!
His eyes also showed excitement.

The content on the scroll was written by Ji Ruxin herself.

In addition to making him pay attention to safety, he also told him a happy thing.

It turned out that Jiang Mingsi, the ninth-level mysterious master, not only recovered from his injuries in the past few days, but also got a blessing in disguise.

Perhaps he was attacked by the mysterious talisman refined by the Great Mysterious Master, which made him have an epiphany in practice.

After recovering from the injury, he stepped into the half-step Great Mysterious Master level.

Now he has started to use the black bear demon soul and the Great Mysterious Pill left to him by Chu Tianshu to attack the realm of the Great Mysterious Master.

Not surprisingly, within two days, the promotion should be successful.

After all, Jiang Mingsi was already a ninth-level peak mystic teacher many years ago, and already has a considerable foundation.

Now that I finally get the hang of it, it can be regarded as a matter of course.

"Great, as long as Jiang Mingsi can advance successfully, cooperate with the group of monsters, beast legions, and more than 1000 leather armored soldiers, Yanhuang County will definitely sit back and relax!"

After the excitement, he put down the scroll.

Focus on yourself again!

After a night of practice last night, he has reached the realm of a second-level mysterious master.

It has been more than ten days since I entered the Profound Master.

Although there was a lot of time wasted in the middle, but because of the Qi Gathering Pill, he still made up for the time wasted, even earlier!

There are already two cyclones in his dantian.

But what surprised him was that there was an extra profound energy seed.

Each cyclone slowly rotates around a profound energy seed.

Before that, according to what Chu Tianshu knew, it was almost impossible for a person to have more than two seeds of profound energy.

Not to mention that in the process of cultivation, the seeds of profound energy will gradually increase.

Don't underestimate one more seed of profound energy, because almost all the profound energy in a person comes from it.

The growth of cultivation base also depends on it.

With one more seed, within the same period of time, the recovery speed of profound energy is equal to doubled.

The speed of practice in the future is also equivalent to doubled.

Before, Chu Tianshu needed about 20 days to advance to a level without using elixir.

But now, it only takes ten days!
If there are enough Qi Gathering Pills to assist him, then he can shorten the time to about seven days.

This speed is already unbelievable.

"What is the grade of my profound energy seed? Even a cultivator with a heaven-level profound energy seed should not be able to compare with my speed, right?"

"If in the future, I reach the third level of Profound Master, will there be a third Profound Energy Seed? Couldn't the speed be improved?"

If it really increases according to what he guessed!

Then, even if he reaches the realm of the Great Mysterious Master in the future, his practice speed will not slow down.

It is absolutely impossible to be successful like other great mystic masters who need more than ten years, or even decades!

With a thought, the two cyclones left the dantian and quickly moved to the Laogong acupoint on the palm along the meridians.

The cyclone is still running at a high speed, and even outside the palm, two identical cyclones have condensed.

It's like a projection!
The cyclone was not big at first, only the size of the palm of your hand!
But the light of heaven and earth from the outside world was also drawn, and quickly condensed toward these two small cyclones.

The cyclone also expanded to the size of the washbasin.

It looks transparent and not hard, but Chu Tianshu can sense that their toughness is comparable to black steel!

This is the ability of a mysterious master.

"It's no wonder that if you want to be promoted to a mysterious master, you must not only condense the vortex, but also open up all the congested acupuncture points in your body, because only in this way, the vortex in the dantian can be moved to any acupuncture point of the body as you like, and formed outside the body. The profound energy shield has an offensive and defensive effect!" Chu Tianshu said secretly.

He can also sense that the strength of the profound energy shield depends on the speed of the profound energy.

The higher the rotation speed, the stronger the profound energy shield.

Of course, the more profound energy will be consumed.

In theory, it's like an engine.

The higher the speed, the more energy is expended.

After all, the cyclone is originally formed by the gathering of mysterious energy strands.

And in the high-speed rotation, the consumption of profound energy is also huge.

In addition to leaving the dantian, the distance from the seeds of profound energy will be greatly increased.

If the profound energy cannot be replenished in time, then the projected time outside the body cannot last for too long!

When fighting against the enemy, most of them just flash randomly!

With the mobilization of Chu Tianshu's mind, the cyclone in the palm also disappeared!

Even in just 20 seconds, the cyclone has shrunk by a third.

Then the two cyclones returned to the dantian and began to absorb more profound energy from the profound energy seeds.

"Mysterious energy shield is also the most basic profound technique that every profound master possesses. However, if you want to have other abilities, you must practice other profound techniques!"

Chu Tianshu thought of those mysterious books he got from Xiao Xuan.

With a swipe of the wrist, a book called Xuan Snake Sword Qi, a book of Xuan-level elementary spells, appeared!

This is also the highest level of profound art that Chu Tianshu has come into contact with since his rebirth.

Mysterious arts and profound energy seeds are the same, in fact, there are high and low grades, and the grade division is not much different.

The higher the level of profound art, the more powerful it will be!

Once the black snake sword qi technique is used, it can shoot out a piece of energy like a silver snake.

Possesses the ability to kill enemies from afar.

If there is a corresponding mysterious weapon to assist, the power will be even stronger!

Even in Yunshan faction, Chu Tianshu didn't get it.

Chu Tianshu compared it with advanced martial arts, and he could clearly feel the gap between the two.

Once a profound level profound art is refined, its power is comparable to that of a high-grade martial art cultivated to the level of perfection.

However, the energy consumed by mysterious profound arts is extremely huge.

With Chu Tianshu's current state, even if he refines the Silver Snake Sword Qi, he can only perform two moves.

After the two moves, the profound energy in the two cyclones in the body will be exhausted.

From the perspective of stamina alone, it is better for him to use Tai Chi and Tai Chi Sword!
(End of this chapter)

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