Chapter 209
"Haha... the ancestor is not dead!"

"Yes, the ancestor is still alive!"

"The old ancestor not only did not die, but also truly broke through to the realm of Daxuan Grandmaster!"

"Long live the ancestors!"

If you don't break through the realm of Daxuan Grandmaster, your life expectancy will be around 120 years old!

But once a breakthrough is made, the lifespan can be increased to about two hundred years, almost doubled!
The critical crisis will be resolved automatically, and if there is no accident, he can still sit in Xuanlingmen for at least 80 years!

How can the people of Xuanlingmen not be excited?
All embrace and cheer!
In their view, Xuan Lingzi alone is enough to fight against thousands of troops!
Those Xuanlingmen disciples who tried to escape before felt a group of mud horses galloping past their minds!

I was tricked by the young master and Zhao Liancheng!
Those two sons of bitches must have intentionally scared him!

But at this time, they dare not speak out!

In fact, Zhao Liancheng himself was in a daze!
Is the ancestor alive?And also back to peak condition?
"Xuan Lingzi? You're not dead?" Lord Jianling also pretended to be shocked.

" wish for me to die, right?" Xuan Lingzi descended from the sky and landed beside Chu Tianshu!
He stared closely at Lord Jianling, and said: "Mr. Jianling, you have two paths today, one, I will kill you now, don't doubt my ability; Great Elder!"

Lord Jianling was stunned for a while!
Suddenly stepped forward and knelt down on one knee: "I have seen seniors, I, Lord Jianling, are willing to worship Xuanlingmen!"


Now, it was the turn of many disciples of Xuanling Sect to be dumbfounded!

Do you want some face?
Aren't you Zhenxigong?
Don't you hold an army of one hundred thousand?

Aren't you leading the army to attack Xuanlingmen coquettishly?

Why did you kneel down as soon as your ancestor came out?
It can be said that Lord Jianling's performance disappointed everyone in Xuanlingmen!
They were very much looking forward to their ancestors being able to teach this group of people a lesson and avenge the Young Master!

This is great, but it didn't work out!

"Xuan Lingzi" looked at the many generals behind Lord Jianling again, and said, "It's the same with you, either surrender or die!"

Headed by Niu Bitian and Bai Xuanyi, the rest were lost in thought!
Now, the people of Xuanlingmen waited with anticipation again.

He even shouted in his heart: Can't surrender, absolutely can't surrender!

Unfortunately, the results often let them down!

The top brass of the Zhenxi Army got off their mounts and knelt down in front of "Xuan Lingzi" after hesitating for a while.

They said in unison: "We are willing to surrender!"

"Your sister..." The people from the Xuanling Sect almost cursed!
However, there are still so few women who did not kneel down!

One is the princess Ji Ruxin, and the other two are a pair of lovely twins!
However, all three of them are so beautiful!
Even if they don't surrender, they are still a little bit reluctant to beat their ancestors!
Well, it seems that one person has been missed: Duo Duo!
This little angel, let alone fight!

Such a cute, caring little girl, even if she is an enemy, she must be well protected!
Xuan Lingzi nodded slightly, very satisfied, and said: "Xuan Lingmen has insulted the princess, but you have killed and beaten, and the young master Chutian has even fainted because of this, which can be regarded as the punishment of this princess." The debts have been paid off, and when you join my Xuanling Sect, both parties are not allowed to talk about the past, and work hard for the development of Xuanling Sect, do you understand?"

"We understand!" Lord Jianling took the lead.

Many disciples of Xuanlingmen looked at Xuanlingzi with complicated eyes, but they all nodded.

Then Xuan Lingzi looked at Chu Tianshu, pointed at Chu Tianshu with his hand, and a beam of light was born and injected into Chu Tianshu's body.

The "injury" on Chu Tianshu recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye.

After a while, he opened his eyes, showing surprise: "Old Ancestor, have you left the customs?"

Xuan Lingzi nodded, then shook his head again: "This is just my avatar, my deity is still in retreat, and it may take a few years to officially leave the closed door, but it doesn't matter, if there is any way to destroy the sect in the future You don’t have to carry the disaster yourself, you can go to me directly, Lord Jianling and others will be arranged by you, and from now on, you will be the head of the Xuanling Sect!”

"Old Ancestor, me?" Chu Tianshu was moved.

"There is no need to refuse. I am very satisfied with your performance this time. You have passed the final assessment. You must be the master!"

"Yes, Patriarch, this junior will definitely live up to Patriarch's hope!" Chu Tianshu took it sincerely!

Xuan Lingzi looked at Ji Ruxin again!

The people from Xuanlingmen also looked over one after another.

They are also looking forward to what the princess will do!
The Zhenxi army was forced to join the Xuanlingmen under the threat of their ancestors. What is your princess?
Ji Ruxin pretended to be extremely fearful, and said, "What do you want to do?"

"Little baby, I should be asking you this question!" Xuan Lingzi laughed.

" worst, I won't take revenge!"

"Hehehe... Do you think our Xuanling Sect is so easy to bully? Now, I will give you a choice, one, marry the young master Chutian; two, I will kill you right now!"

"I..." Ji Ruxin was stunned.

He looked at Chu Tianshu again, and finally nodded.

However, this performance of hers made the entire Xuanling Sect a little confused!
Even some Zhenxi troops who didn't know the inside story were a little dumbfounded.

this princess...

Isn't it too arrogant?

How about the attitude of rejecting Jian Hongxue when he was alone in the face of an army of [-]?

Can't you just die rather than surrender?To protect the name of the Festival?
You have lost all the face of the royal family!
No wonder the West Qin Kingdom is about to be destroyed!

It turns out that the royal family is a bunch of people like this!


The princess married the young head, it seems that they are really a natural couple!

Both of them are not very old, and the identity of the princess is noble enough!

Who hasn't dreamed of a consort?

Ordinary people, even in their dreams, want to marry a beautiful princess!
As for the first marriage or the second marriage, it doesn't seem to matter to practitioners!

Xuan Lingzi nodded with satisfaction: "Well, since that's the case, after seven days, you two will formally worship at Xuanlingmen to get married. I hope you don't disappoint the old man and don't try to escape, otherwise, even if it is the ends of the earth, The old man will also chase you back!"

After finishing speaking, his body turned into a stream of light, flew into the distance, and disappeared in the blink of an eye!
In fact, it didn't go far at all, it just entered a state of invisibility!
The rest of the disciples who were going to talk to Xuan Lingzi showed a little disappointment.

Especially Zhao Liancheng!

He originally thought that in the mind of the ancestor, he was the most important, otherwise, how could he seal his whole life in his body?
But now it seems that the ancestors seem to love Chutian even more!

He didn't even look at himself!
Is it because you are too bad?
Zhao Liancheng felt a little cold inside!
But Chu Tianshu stood up again under the support of everyone.

He pushed aside the crowd and looked at Lord Jianling and the others!
This group of people has already got up.

But he still bowed to Chu Tianshu and said, "I've met the master!"

This time, the disciples of Xuanlingmen also reacted!
They all knelt down on the ground and said to Chu Tianshu, "I've seen the master!"

Among them, Zhao Liancheng was also included!

He is the one who doesn't want to kneel!

Although he is a candidate for the future elder, but now he is not after all!
The new head takes office, comparable to the secular emperor's ascension to the throne!
This etiquette is a must!

Otherwise, others will only think that he is dissatisfied, and will bring trouble to himself instead!
Seeing this, Lord Jianling and the others could no longer stand still, so they could only take the lead and kneel down again!

Chu Tianshu opened his mouth and said: "Everyone is free, get up!"

"Thank you, head!" Everyone spoke in unison!
But Chu Tianshu walked towards Ji Ruxin and stretched out his hand!

Ji Ruxin pretended to be shy, but finally passed her hand over!
Just like this, Chu Tianshu took her by the hand, led Qiudong's second daughter, and Yun Duo, up the stairs, and walked into the gate in the eyes of everyone!

(End of this chapter)

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