The strongest concubine ever

Chapter 211 Healing Lin Xiyuan

Chapter 211 Healing Lin Xiyuan

After Chu Tianshu arranged the girls!
And returned to his room!

Afterwards, he asked someone to call Lin Xiyuan over!
"Sect Leader, what do you want from me?" Lin Xiyuan looked disappointed!
Chu Tianshu knew that he should be regretting that Xuan Lingzi didn't heal her!
After all, if I want to see Xuan Lingzi next time, I don't know it will be the Year of the Monkey!

He said: "Senior Sister Lin, in fact, when the ancestor left, he secretly sent me a voice transmission, telling me a way to heal your injury!"

"Really?" Lin Xiyuan immediately showed excitement.

Chu Tianshu nodded earnestly: "I'll treat you right now, sit down and meditate!"

Lin Xiyuan didn't have the slightest doubt!
The old ancestor is now the Daxuan Grandmaster, a figure of the heaven-defying level!
He said yes, sure!

Immediately sat down.

Chu Tianshu pointed at Lin Xiyuan from across the air!

Lin Xiyuan immediately felt that a huge profound energy of heaven and earth poured into her body crazily!

The essence of this energy is somewhat similar to that of the previous head, Xiao Tianling, as if it is a kind of light!

But there are also some differences. The light in my body now seems to contain a powerful vitality!
Even the soul seems to have been baptized, and the problems that I couldn't figure out before can be figured out all at once.

In terms of realm, there has actually been a breakthrough!

Afterwards, she felt a powerful thought, engulfed in these energies, and forcefully circulated in her damaged meridians!

Every time it runs for a week, the meridians will recover one point!
After a dozen weeks!
The meridians are already completely healed.

What even the Great Mysterious Master could not do, was easily cured by his own head!
How could it not shock her!
When she opened her eyes, she knelt down to Chu Tianshu without saying a word: "Thank you, Master!"

"Hehe... get up, this is just a matter of effort for me, but don't say it casually!" Chu Tianshu said with a smile.

Lin Xiyuan nodded.

"Cultivate hard and strive for an early breakthrough!"

Lin Xiyuan thanked her again, and then left!

However, as soon as she left, Dodo walked in holding the white spirit rabbit.

"Brother head, can you give me this rabbit? I like it very much!"

"Oh? Of course you can, Rabbit, you will be by Duoduo's side from now on!" Chu Tianshu said immediately.

The rabbit seemed to have a relationship with Dodo, so he nodded directly.

This made Chu Tianshu feel a little relieved.

After all, having a first-level mid-level rabbit who follows Dodo is more secure for Dodo's safety!
"No, it's not a first-level intermediate, but a first-level high-level, comparable to a high-level mysterious master!"

Chu Tianshu discovered that Bai Lingtu's cultivation level had been raised by another small level unconsciously!

No wonder I didn't see it before, I don't know where it hid and went to practice!
It is estimated that after eating the good things in Xiao Tian's secret room, he made a breakthrough!
"Brother head, I will continue to refine alchemy in the future. However, if I want to refine higher-level pills, I need better alchemy furnaces, pill recipes, and medicinal materials. I need to travel to many places, and each place requires complicated procedures. Can you give me a token of the head? Let me take it casually in the future?"

"What's wrong with this!"

Chu Tianshu rummaged through the room, and indeed found several warrants that Xiao Tianling had prepared!
Generally speaking, if the headmaster has any new tasks or new orders, he will send someone to hold a warrant!
This thing, in the sect, is Shang Fang's sword!

There are complicated mysterious symbols on it!

He needs to input profound energy and soul power into it!

If he dies, the soul power inside will disappear automatically!
Now, these tokens are empty!

As long as Chu Tianshu inputs soul power and profound energy, the token will have Chu Tianshu's aura, and it is almost impossible to fake it!

After handing over a piece to Dodo, Dodo ran away holding Bailing Rabbit.

When you come here, there are more people, more fun, delicious food, and more things to do.

This little girl is obviously more lively!
It seems that she has forgotten her grandfather who is far away in the capital!
In the room, Chu Tianshu was left alone!

Scenes from the past kept flashing in my mind!
It's like a dream!
It wasn't until this moment that Chu Tianshu realized that he had finally gained a firm foothold in this world!
There are people who care about themselves, and there are people who they want to protect!
This is your new starting point!


The next few days!
Chu Tianshu is almost doing nothing, just drink a few sips of Wannian stone milk!

This thing is not only good for tempering the body, but it can also nourish the seeds of profound energy, making the seeds of profound energy stronger!

After drinking too much, it even has the effect of improving the quality of Xuanqi seeds!
The stars in the body seem to be brighter!

This surprised Chu Tianshu very much!

In terms of refining Qi, Chu Tianshu needed seven days to improve a small level even with the combination of pills!

But now, with the addition of another star in the dantian, paired with this ten thousand year stone milk!
You can upgrade to a level in three days!
In addition, Chu Tianshu also found that with the improvement of the Shenlei Purgatory Art, he is getting hungry more and more easily!

Every cell in the body seems to have turned into a giant spirit-eating monster. After finally eating a little food, it will be digested in an instant!
If it weren't for the Wannian stone milk, it would be really difficult to persevere!

There is no need for Chu Tianshu to worry about Zongmen's affairs!

With the participation of Bai Xuanyi, Jiang Mingsi and others, everything can be well organized!

On the other hand, Niu Bitian and Lord Jianling didn't care much, and devoted themselves to the practice!


What happened in Xuanling Sect recently has almost spread throughout the entire Eastern Continent!

If you just rely on Xuanlingmen's past status in the Xuanxiu world, everyone doesn't pay much attention to it!
However, today's Xuanling Sect has an extra Daxuan Grandmaster, so that's different.

Almost all sects are talking about the dead Xuan Lingzi, who suddenly left the customs and successfully promoted to Daxuan Grandmaster!

Of course, some people are talking about the news that the princess will marry the new head of Xuanlingmen!
People who don't know much about Xuanlingmen think that the head of Xuanlingmen must be a bad old man!
A teenage princess who is forced to marry the head of the Xuanling Sect is slapping the royal family in the face!

Therefore, some relatives of the royal family also began to speak to His Majesty and the Empress, demanding that Ji Ruxin's princess title and fiefdom be abolished!

But the emperor did not give any reply!
All the memorials about the princess have been suppressed!
Of course, some courtiers also spoke up and sent people to attack Xuanlingmen to rescue the kidnapped princess!
This request was also rejected!

The spies of Zhao State, Wu State, and Chen State in the south took this opportunity to create rumors, and all kinds of rumors against the royal family of West Qin State also spread in the capital!
Therefore, there are still some "loyal and righteous people" who actually sneaked into the palace to demand the Qing emperor's side!

The specific situation is unknown to outsiders!

At the same time, the Kingdom of Shu in the southwest finally couldn't help it, and launched an attack on the land of the West Qin Kingdom!
The army of Beiyou Kingdom, just after taking over the Weiwu Pass, tore up the covenant, and under the pretext of taking revenge for the little national teacher Tuoba Hai, led the army eastward to Tianzhu Pass, which is only three hundred miles away from Yanhuang County!

The West Qin Kingdom has also truly fallen into a crisis of enemies from all sides!
But all of this has nothing to do with the people of Xuanlingmen!

The Zhenxi army is hurrying up and transferring their family members, food, etc. to Xuanlingmen!
Those who stay at Xuanlingmen should seize the time to build new houses!
Also started to prepare for Chu Tianshu and Ji Ruxin's wedding!
(End of this chapter)

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