The strongest concubine ever

Chapter 222 See Through Identity

Chapter 222 See Through Identity
Of course, Chu Tianshu couldn't hide the hidden killing intent from other people!
A middle-aged man beside Tuoba Hai said coldly: "What? Still not convinced? Do you really want revenge?"

Chu Tianshu put away his anger, covered his chest, and said, "Your junior dare not!"

"Hehe... Even if you have that idea, what's the use?" The other party continued to mock.

Chu Tianshu bowed his head and remained silent!
Xin Lie of the Yin-Yang Sect of the Shu Kingdom also said, "Little baby, tell me where your ancestor is retreating, and I will personally invite him out of the retreat!"

"Juniors can't!" Chu Tianshu was neither humble nor overbearing!

"Do you really want to court death?"

Xin Li was also angry. In the sky, black and white energies immediately gathered!

Like a huge millstone composed of two energy fish, it hits in the air!

Chu Tianshu, who had just got up, fell to the ground again!

The big pit on the ground has doubled in size again!
Chu Tianshu spurted out a mouthful of blood!

The yin and yang grinding disc has been pressing Chu Tianshu tightly!
It didn't collapse immediately!
The weight, on the contrary, is still increasing!

Chu Tianshu also felt a sense of suffocation and couldn't breathe anymore.

In desperation, he had no choice but to run the Shenlei Purgatory Secretly to resist.

Countless cells in the body were also activated at this moment, and the feeling of suffocation also disappeared!

But he didn't use all the power of thunder, but he was betting that the other party would not dare to really kill him!
The bet that the other party is also afraid of the revenge of a Daxuan Grandmaster!

Finally, after he suffocated for as long as 1 minute, the pressure on his back suddenly disappeared!
Chu Tianshu also took a deep breath!

He noticed that the energy of the millstone did resemble a Yin-Yang pattern!
It's just that there are two less fish eyes than the Tai Chi pattern in his previous life!

I don't know if the other party did it on purpose, or it's just like this!

And his performance made Ye Meng of Shuijingmen even more impressed!

Squinting his eyes and staring at Chu Tianshu, he said in his heart: "If this child can continue to grow, his future achievements will definitely surpass Xuan Lingzi and me, and it is not impossible to become a master!"

However, before Chu Tianshu could catch his breath!

Chen Qianxue of the Sacred Heart Sect of Chen Guo also said: "It seems that you two can't get out of the question. It's my turn, boy, look at me!"

She raised her hand, and a water dragon appeared out of thin air, wrapping around Chu Tianshu's body.

Forcing Chu Tianshu's feet off the ground, his body is suspended in the air!

When Chu Tianshu, who was covered in blood, looked at the other party!
It felt like Chen Qianxue's eyes seemed to have a special attraction!
It seems that there is a trace of soul power energy, through my eyes, drilled into my sea of ​​consciousness, and entwined on my soul!

At the same time, my heart also became a little uncontrollable!

The whole person is like a puppet!
"Actually proficient in illusion? Do you want to control my soul?"

Chu Tianshu wanted to resist, but he still endured him!

Simply, go straight to the dream!

No matter how powerful your illusion is, you still can't wake up someone who is pretending to be asleep!
Even, Chu Tianshu still had a feeling that as long as he worked a little harder, he could even pull the other party into his dreamland!

Let the other party dream with you!
At this time, in the eyes of outsiders, Chu Tianshu's eyes suddenly closed!
Then I thought it was Chen Qianxue's illusion, and secretly admired it!

But Chen Qianxue felt that her punch had hit the cotton!

This Chu Tianshu is a pig!

Just when he tried to control his soul, he couldn't help but fell asleep.

Angry in his heart, he shot out with energy and hit a large acupoint on Chu Tianshu's body!
This big cave can stimulate a person's potential, even if he falls asleep, he can be woken up!

But Chu Tianshu didn't respond!
"Could it be that he passed out because of his severe injuries?" Chen Qianxue said to herself.

At this time, Chu Tianshu's appearance was indeed very miserable!

The injury is also very serious!
Chen Yuanyuan said: "Master, he must have lost too much blood, why don't you let the apprentice feed him a pill!"

"I don't need you!"

With a light flick of Chen Qianxue's finger, a bloody pill flew out!
It landed on Chu Tianshu's mouth!

The water dragon that restrained Chu Tianshu split a water column, wrapped in the elixir, and got into Chu Tianshu's mouth!

Chu Tianshu, who was sleeping, suddenly felt a huge medicinal power emanating from his stomach.

Spread to every flesh and blood cell in the body!
The injuries on his body healed quickly!
Even the broken bones began to grow and connect!
The Bloodline Body and the Divine Lightning Purgatory Body both improved!

Even with just one thought, one can reach the second stage!

In the outside world, someone has already sighed: "Elder Chen is really willing to give this waste a third-level healing holy medicine, Sacred Heart Pill!"

"Even in the world of Xuanxiu, this kind of elixir is hard to come by!"

"Yes, it is said that this kind of elixir also has the effect of tempering the physical body. Any one of them can make the body-tempering profound master raise a level in the physical body!"

"What is this? They belong to the Sacred Heart Sect. Although they are second-rate sects, they are extremely rich. It is said that they are infinitely close to the first-rate sects!"

But Chen Qianxue was complaining in her heart: If the old lady has a lower-grade healing pill on her body, why waste the Sacred Heart Pill?
As Daxuan Grandmaster, on weekdays, who would bring low-level pills?
Moreover, she also felt that something was wrong!

Chu Tianshu still showed no sign of waking up!

Regardless of her soul power, no matter how she tried to control Chu Tianshu's soul, Chu Tianshu remained motionless like a dead pig!
Chen Yuanyuan said: "Master, it's because he resisted the coercion of the grand master and hurt his soul, right? That's why he didn't wake up for a long time?"

Chen Qianxue nodded: "It should be so!"

"That apprentice, go and feed him a soul nourishing pill!"

After finishing speaking, she stepped forward without waiting for Chen Qianxue's answer!

After coming to Chu Tianshu's side, she personally put a soul nourishing pill in Chu Tianshu's mouth!

But a playful smile appeared on her face.

"The Sacred Heart Sect is really generous, and it's another third-level elixir!" The great mystic masters of other sects also sighed with emotion.

"That's right, this soul nourishing pill is of great benefit to the soul, and it is also one of the indispensable pills for the Great Mysterious Master in the stage of concentrating the soul and attaching the bones!"

At this time, Chu Tianshu also felt that a powerful medicinal power had submerged into his soul.

The soul power is actually increasing rapidly!
" you have to force me to wake up?" Chu Tianshu sighed!
But at this moment, he felt a voice coming from his mind: "I know who you are now. You can deceive others, but you can't satisfy me. No matter how you change your breath, your taste has not changed. I advise you It's better to tell the truth, otherwise, you won't be able to pass my master's level at all!"

After Chen Yuanyuan passed the sound transmission, she returned to Master's side!
Chu Tianshu hesitated!

After all, Chen Yuanyuan recognized her!

In the future, I'm afraid it will be even more difficult to handle.

However, it seemed that Chen Yuanyuan didn't want to disclose her identity in public!
In desperation, Chu Tianshu could only slowly open his eyes.

He wasted two high-quality pills, which not only healed his body in an instant, but also improved his soul and physical state!

If you don't say anything, it's obviously a little sorry for others!

As soon as he woke up, Chen Qianxue's thread of soul power entangled his soul again.

"Say? Where is Xuan Lingzi now?"

Chu Tianshu stared blankly and said, "I don't know either!"

"Why don't you know?"

"Because the ancestor didn't tell me, he already guessed that someone would come to disturb his practice, so I didn't even tell me!"

After listening to Chen Qianxue, she was as cold as frost!

How could he not be angry that the two pills were wasted?
(End of this chapter)

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