Chapter 226

Tuoba Qingyun was so frightened that he could only dodge again and run towards Li Hansha.

Li Hansha's eyes were fixed, revealing dissatisfaction!

After a moment of hesitation, his body suddenly spun!
Towards the edge of the formation, the energy shield shining with the power of thunder crashed into it!
Indistinctly, a huge crane shadow emerged, its wings folded together, protecting Li Hansha's body in the center!

Like a spinning top, with violent wind pressure, the tips of the wings are like sharp swords, hitting the energy shield!
Although high in the sky, there are thunderbolts falling!
But Li Hansha's white crane feathers can actually block the thunder!

It is like an insulator, which can transfer the power of thunder to other places!
The attack speed is not reduced at all!

And under the high-speed rotation, the thunder cover was really stirred up by the vortex formed by his sword energy!
The body disappeared in a flash and successfully escaped!

It has to be said that Li Hansha, who has extraordinary attainments in swordsmanship, is the scariest among several great masters in point-to-point attacks!

Most importantly, his battle spirit can resist Thunder's attack!

Seeing this, the other three great masters were overjoyed!
They all followed suit!
Under the huge impact, this small hole became even bigger.

The great mystic masters they brought didn't dare to stay for a moment, they all followed behind and fled away!

in a blink!
The top of the mountain regained its calm again!

Chu Tianshu didn't chase after him!
Although he intends to kill the enemy, the opponent is the four Daxuan Grandmasters after all!

And the mountain protection formation is only a third-level formation!
It should be no problem to surround and kill one or two Daxuan Grandmasters, but it is almost impossible to kill all four of them!
Moreover, his current state cannot last!
Otherwise, it will inevitably bite back!
After separating the Thunder Beast and retracting its wings, Chu Tianshu heaved a sigh of relief!

Looking around, he found that everyone was staring at him in awe.

Including Xue Lingyun, the contempt in her eyes is gone!

Some are just shocking!

He was somewhat afraid in his heart, if not for Chu Tianshu knowing that he would not hurt Princess Ji Ruxin!
When I first arrived, I opened the mountain protection formation, and it was absolutely impossible for me to resist!
However, she didn't know that if Chu Tianshu hadn't upgraded both the Bloodline Body and the Divine Lightning Purgatory Art, how could one person preside over the formation with ease?
Even if there was one more person to assist, Chu Tianshu would not be able to unleash the thunder attack as he wished!

It means that he has perfectly integrated the energies of himself, the Great Formation and Thunder Beast Soul!
Only by one's own strength can he resist the four Daxuan Grandmasters!

The few people who fled did not go away, but were suspended in mid-air, staring at the top of the mountain solemnly!

Chu Tianshu also jumped onto the roof, and stared at the other party through the energy shield: "Do you still want to fight?"

"Stinky boy, it turns out that you are pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger. I have underestimated you, but you think you can block the attacks of our four sects with this tortoise shell?" Tuoba Qingyun was dressed in rags and his hair was burnt Yes, it looks extremely embarrassing!

"If you have the guts, do you continue to come?" Chu Tianshu snorted coldly.


Tuoba Qingyun was annoyed, and the battle spirit was looming again!
But after all, I still dare not attack alone!
The rest of them also had lingering fears when they recalled Chu Tianshu's terrifying combat power just now!
If it weren't for Li Hansha, who has a higher cultivation level, it's hard to say whether they would be able to escape!
Maybe he really died with this kid.

Now, it is no longer something that Xuan Lingzi can't do, but this seemingly weak leader has become a worry for everyone!

Even if Xuan Lingzi is dead, as long as this kid sits at the Xuanling Gate, who would dare to come here so easily?
"Is this son really only a fifth level mystic master?" asked a great mystic master of the Yin Yang Sect.

"This person is a dual cultivator of body and qi, and has the blood of the Yu clan. The realm of the physical body has far surpassed the cultivation base of qi refining. However, the cultivation base is not much higher, and he just borrowed the power of the big formation!" Xin Lie said. .

"That's right, I also sensed the aura of the other four middle-level great mystic masters in the formation. They should have been ready to launch the mountain protection formation long ago!"

"A small Mystic Spirit Sect, how can there be so many middle-level great mystic masters? If Xuan Lingzi breaks through to the Great Mysterious Master, plus this third-level grand formation, then the Xuanling Sect is a well-deserved second-rate sect Now, once the power of the royal family of the West Qin Kingdom hides in it, what should we do?" Chen Qianxue showed a worried expression.

Grandmaster Daxuan and the third-level mountain guard array are also standard equipment for second-rate sects!
Both are indispensable!

The reason why they dared to come today, and they were so tyrannical, was because they knew that the Xuanling Sect should not have a third-level mountain guard array!

But now it seems that I have underestimated Xuanlingmen!
Li Hansha said indifferently: "What if there is a third-level formation? Could it be opened all the time? Could it be that the people inside wouldn't come out?"

"Is Master Li planning to send people to ambush around the Xuanling Gate? Once the people inside come out, will they be killed?" Tuoba Qingyun asked.

"Why not?" Li Hansha asked.

"Don't forget, the Great Xuanzong is also involved, and Xue Lingyun is still in the formation!" Tuoba Qingyun said.

Li Hansha frowned slightly and didn't answer any more!
The strength of Daxuanzong is something that he dare not touch easily.

Only the Sacred Heart Sect, which is already close to the first-class sect, and the Yin Yang Sect, which has a close relationship with the Wu Sect, have the courage!

"Everyone talk about what to do? If I leave in such a desperate way today, tomorrow, our four major sects will probably become the joke of the entire Xuanxiu world!" Xin Lie said.

"This is a bit exaggerated. If we really want to fight for both sides, we may not be able to break through this big formation. Compared with the real second-rate sects, the background of Xuanlingmen is still far behind. Right now, we only need to ensure that Xuanlingmen does not Just interfere with the plan of the Five Kingdoms to destroy Qin!" Tuoba Qingyun said.

The rest of them nodded slightly!

Chen Qianxue also said: "When the Qin Kingdom is destroyed, I will be able to draw up my strength to deal with this Xuanling Sect, but I must find a way to kill him!"

"That's right. Compared with my peers, no one in the entire Donglu sect can compete with it. I have planted karma today, and I'm afraid it will become a serious problem for you and me in the future!"

"If he doesn't come out, what shall we do? Send out the middle and high-ranking Daxuan Grandmaster?" Tuoba Qingyun asked back.

"No need, the gain outweighs the loss. I don't believe that he won't come out for the rest of his life. As long as he leaves the formation, any great mystic master can kill him!" Xin Lie said.

Li Hansha frowned: "I'm thinking, what is the origin of this son, don't you think it's strange that he has the blood of the Yu clan?"

After hearing this, everyone frowned again.

Mysterious cultivators pay attention to bloodlines!

Xuanxiu with excellent bloodlines will surely achieve higher achievements than ordinary Xuanxiu in the future!

But blood is usually inherited!

If Chu Tianshu has such a high-level bloodline, it means that his father or mother also has such a bloodline!
What if the family still has a grandfather or maternal grandfather?
A 16-year-old boy is already comparable to a great mystic master in combat power. How can the cultivation base of his elders be too low?
Thinking of this, everyone became serious again.

His eyes were also very vigilantly scanning his surroundings!
(End of this chapter)

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