The strongest concubine ever

Chapter 250 The Stolen Spirit Bone

Chapter 250 The Stolen Spirit Bone

far away!

Hou Ba is still chasing Chu Tianshu's swordfish spirit bone clone!

He has already absorbed the battle spirit beast into his body.

After all, the giant ape's body is too huge, even if it is comparable to a third-level monster, it cannot fly!

Only by jumping, briefly gliding through the air!
It is still impossible to catch up with Chu Tianshu!
But Hou Ba can walk through the air through the use of profound energy!

The two flew forward for dozens of miles in an instant!

However, Hou Ba discovered that this figure did not seem to be his real body either!
Although there are fluctuations in soul power, there is no blood at all!

Moreover, the flying speed is not worse than him at all!
"Could it be another clone? What level of profound art does this person practice? Prefectural level?" Hou Ba secretly thought!
However, it has been chased here, and it is somewhat impossible to return.

As long as he can follow this avatar, he will definitely be able to find the boy's true self!

But with the passage of time, the distance between the two has not shortened, but has become wider and wider!
Chu Tianshu's figure has turned into the shape of a swordfish spirit bone!
Like a bone spur, it sent out a long air wave in the air!

Before the whistling sound dissipated, the bone spurs had already flown far away!

The speed has surpassed the speed of sound!
Seeing that the swordfish bone spur was about to escape from sight, Hou Ba became even more anxious!

He frowned slightly, and struck out a mysterious talisman.

The mysterious talisman turned into a ray of light!
Disappeared in an instant!
Obviously, he was going to move rescuers.

at this time!

Chu Tianshu's true self fell beside Liu Feifei!

When Liu Feifei, who was crying, saw Chu Tianshu, her eyes widened immediately: "Senior, are you alright?"

Chu Tianshu smiled: "A little Daxuan Grandmaster can't be killed!"

"Great, senior, can you take me away? I don't want to go back to Liuye City anymore!" Liu Feifei asked.

Chu Tianshu was slightly taken aback!
Is it really okay for you, a 20-year-old girl, to follow me as a boy?
This is easy to be misunderstood as elopement, okay?

Looking at each other, Liu Feifei suddenly felt that what she said was inappropriate!
His cheeks were like ripe red apples, and he lowered his head shyly!
Explained in a low voice: "Senior, I... didn't mean that..."

However, the heartbeat speeded up!

Chu Tianshu smiled: "Actually, you don't need to call me senior, you can just call me Brother Chutian, but it's not you who should leave, but your uncle, he really doesn't deserve to be the lord of Liuye City!"

"Well, brother Chutian, I want to practice with you, can I?" Liu Feifei raised her eyes again, looking at Chutianshu.

The big flickering eyes are even more beautiful!

"It's not impossible, you can follow me for now, but wait until the matter of Chitianmen is resolved!"

"But Brother Chutian, can you beat Hou Ba?" Liu Feifei asked with worried eyes.

"It's true that I'm no match for him now, but when I have two more demon spirit bones, I may not be able to fight!"

Liu Feifei's eyes lit up, and she said, "Brother Chutian, I have demon bones, one is silver fox bones, and the other is golden ape bones, here you are!"

As she said that, she took out two bones from the sleeve!

One is the skull of a monkey, and the other is the mandible of a silver fox!
"Uh..." Chu Tianshu was rather surprised: "Where did you get it?"

Liu Feifei showed a proud look: "After I told my uncle about the matter, I guessed that uncle would not agree, so, for me, I used my little nephew's hand to take their demon spirit bones It came out, but I didn't take it for no reason, I gave them the broken demon spirit bones I picked up, repaired them, and they should be usable, right? This should be called an exchange!"

Chu Tianshu couldn't laugh or cry!
How could a broken demon spirit bone be used?

Even if only a few cracks are blown, it will no longer be able to attach to the bone.

However, fragments of demon spirit bones are also excellent materials for casting profound weapons!

It shouldn't be too much to exchange multiple pieces for these two pieces, right?

Chu Tianshu did not reject Liu Feifei's kindness, and said: "In this case, let's find a secluded place and stay for a few days, and wait until I refine this demon spirit bone!"

"Brother Chutian, isn't every great mystic master only able to refine one demon spirit bone?" Liu Feifei asked curiously.

"Hehe...I'm different, let's go!"

Afterwards, Chu Tianshu took Liu Feifei up into the sky, stepped on the flying sword transformed from the wolf tooth spirit bone, and flew towards the mountains!
However, Liu Feifei, who was protected by Chu Tianshu, felt a strange feeling in her heart again!

She could see that Chu Tianshu was young, he seemed to be two or three years younger than herself!
Ever since he suddenly saved himself, in his heart, it seemed that his shadow could not be erased.

It's just that, at such a young age, he has such a high level of cultivation and fighting strength, what kind of arrogant girl is worthy of him?

I just don't know if I have that chance in the future?

Thinking of this, Liu Feifei became more shy in her heart.

However, Chu Tianshu is much more serious!

He was sensing the situation of the swordfish spirit bone avatar!
Because after the doppelganger, there was another Daxuan Grandmaster!
This person is much smaller in stature!
With a goatee, he came here in the clouds!

When Hou Ba saw the other party coming here, he was immediately overjoyed: "Yuan Gang, you are here. I don't know the origin of this son. He can actually separate the soul from the body and turn the demon spirit bone into a clone. Please help me quickly!" After chasing him, I must imprison this person's soul!"

"just wait!"

Yuan Gang stepped forward with one step, and there were afterimages, like chasing the stars and the moon, quickly closing the distance between the two sides.

Chu Tianshu in front also felt the situation of the visitor!
I was also slightly surprised!
The other party seems to be proficient in air escape, and his speed is no slower than his own!

After a long time, when my soul power is exhausted, I'm afraid it will only fall into the opponent's hands.

"Fortunately, I've been prepared, hehe... you guys just eat dirt behind!"

Chu Tianshu said secretly!
Suddenly, a few rays of rune light were released from the swordfish spirit bone!

The speed also doubled sharply!
Disappeared in an instant!
Yuan Gang stopped his figure and was dazed for a while!

A while later, Hou Ba also arrived, and he asked in surprise, "Where is he?"

"Run away!" Yuan Gang frowned.

"How could you let him go?"

"You think I don't want to chase? This guy is not a human at all, but a flying black weapon that can continuously absorb the energy of the world and has its own rune formation. How do you let me chase it? The soul goes out of the body to chase it Is it?" Yuan Gang asked back.

Hou Ba locked his eyes tightly!

Gritting his teeth, he said, "I'm not willing to let this son die!"

"What is the origin of this son? What kind of mysterious method is he cultivating? Why is it so special?" Yuan Gang asked again.

"You ask me, who do I ask? However, the more mysterious this person is, the more we should find a way to find him. It is best to force him to find out his skills or mysterious techniques. The technique that merges with the demon spirit bone is at least an earth-level mystery technique, and it may even be a heaven-level technique. If we can get it, our combat power will definitely be doubled!" Hou Ba said.

"Have you ever thought about it, if someone really possesses heaven-level profound art, what would be the origin? You and I might offend the forces behind him?"

"I don't care what his background is. Even if I die, I will avenge my son. Now I am going back to Liuye City. Since he can appear in Liuye City before, he will definitely go there again. Once he shows up again, I will definitely go there." Cut it!"

"Can you catch up with him? You can't even see his real body and avatar, how do you kill him? You should go back to the sect with me, and kill this person after the eldest brother breaks through to the middle-level Daxuan master There is no rush!"

"No, if I can't get my breath out, I'll probably be pissed to death. I have to make the people of Liuyecheng pay the price first. You go back first. After I get out of this bad breath, I will go back to the sect to find you! "

Yuan Gang sighed: "Hey... third child, don't be too reckless in doing things. Although you and I are masters, there are still stronger ones!"

"Okay, I get it!"

After Hou Ba finished speaking, as soon as his feet stepped into the void, his body jumped away like a giant ape!

Ups and downs, in the blink of an eye, it disappeared without a trace!

(End of this chapter)

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