The strongest concubine ever

Chapter 254 Loneliness and Death

Chapter 254 Loneliness and Death

Chu Tianshu recalled the swordfish spirit bone, and his eyes fell on Liu Feifei again!

Liu Feifei is in a bad state right now!
Walking staggeringly in the street like a walking corpse without a soul!

Occasionally, there was giggling in my mouth!

In this regard, Chu Tianshu couldn't comfort her, and could only quietly follow behind her!
not far away!
The onlookers who fled because they were afraid of the people from Chitianmen, have stopped in their tracks!
Originally thought that this was another unsightly bullying!

Unexpectedly, the battle would end so soon!

"Insta-kill a first-level mystic master?" Someone gasped!
"Who is that young man? Why haven't we heard of it before?"

"Yeah, I thought this little fat man and that girl would die under the knife of the Chitianmen, but I didn't expect him to be so strong!"

"The people from Chitianmen haven't even passed on the news, have they?"

"Still spreading news? That great mysterious master didn't even have the battle spirit to open it in a hurry!"

"Just now I felt a powerful sword intent. Could it be that this little fat man has practiced some powerful sword skills?"

"It's possible, this person's cultivation level is at least a middle-level Great Mysterious Master!"

"Intermediate great mystic master? Hehe... You underestimate the first-level great mystical master, right? Will you be instantly killed by the middle-ranked great mystic master? The distance between the two is at least 50 meters!"

"It can't be a high-level mystic master, right? A high-level mystic master in his teens is extremely rare even in first-class sects!"

"It's probably another young man who is like a peerless arrogance. Such a person is extremely valued in any sect. At least the master is also the master of Daxuan!"

"Now there is a drama to watch. The Chitianmen killed their family members and slaughtered their homes. It would be strange if they didn't take revenge. At that time, maybe they will move out the elders of the sect!"

"Well, I don't know how Chitianmen will respond!"

"We can't participate in these anymore, let's go quickly, lest people from Chitianmen come again, I'm afraid they will kill us to vent their hatred!"

These people ran away one after another!


Chu Tianshu didn't have the time to pay attention to these people. He looked at Liu Feifei and thought of himself!

Liu Feifei has already fallen into a demon because her home was destroyed, her relatives were killed, and her friends were lost!

What about yourself?

What is your biggest obstacle?
If something like this happened to you, how would you react?
Gradually, he no longer followed Liu Feifei, but stood still and closed his eyes!

The surroundings have become silent!

Those dead children, the broken city walls, and the blood on the ground...

They all appeared in his mind!

What is a demon?



Still an unattainable dream?

Who is my enemy?
What is it that you are afraid of?
What do you expect?
If everything is shattered, what should I do?

Hatred will end with the death of the enemy!
My love, there will be a day when I grow old!
Family affection and friendship will gradually fade away with the passage of time!

The long river of time will drown all fetters!
Afraid of losing, it is because of fear of being alone!
Only loneliness will gradually increase with the passage of time!

Even if the sky falls apart, even if the universe is destroyed, as long as the heart and soul are immortal, loneliness will not disappear!

That's why I hold on to everything in front of me and don't want to let go!
That's why I carefully guard every person or thing I'm familiar with!

But what kind of demons can loneliness give birth to?
Chu Tianshu had no choice but to magnify the loneliness in his heart infinitely!
His surroundings also turned into a dilapidated ancient city full of death and silence!

In the ancient city, there is not a single living thing!
There is no sound at all!

He is also like a walking dead, wandering in the ancient city!
But no matter how he walked, he couldn't get out!

The ancient city is also under his feet, infinitely magnified.


There is no wind!

There is no more rain!

There is no light either!

Even, there is no temperature!

I don't know when, he finally walked out of the ancient city!

What greeted him was the infinite emptiness!

There is no ground under my feet!
Looking back, even the ancient city is gone!

There is no light to guide the surroundings, and there is only endless darkness!

He just quietly suspended in the empty world!
One year, two years, three years...

Chu Tianshu went crazy!

He started roaring, hissing like a beast!
Looking forward to a little response from around!
Unfortunately, there is still nothing!
In the end, he couldn't even make a sound!
He started to become desperate and lost any motivation to live!
Just like that, a person, lying alone in an empty place!
Don't even want to blink again!
It seems that life is about to come to an end!
He is also eager to end all this as soon as possible!
End this torment of loneliness!

At this time, if someone is by Chu Tianshu's side, they can find that he is a dead person!
There is no heartbeat, no profound energy fluctuations, and no soul!

The body is also cold and stiff!


One day, two days, three days!
The news of the killing of people from Chitianmen finally got out.

A large number of people from Chitianmen came again!
However, when they came to Chu Tianshu's side, they found that Chu Tianshu was standing there, motionless, as if he had already passed away!

Liu Feifei's body lay not far away, holding a dead child in her arms!

Her expression was still at the moment before she died!
Desperate and alone!
"Bah... just dying like this, it's really cheap for them!"

There was a man who picked up a machete and was about to chop Chu Tianshu!

But another person stopped him and said, "The person is already dead, forget it!"

The rest of the people also frowned, but didn't say much!
It was the death of the two that shocked them a little!

It can also be said that their empty, desperate, and hopeless expressions made these people a little scared!
This is obviously overly sad, and he committed suicide!

When the heart dies, the person dies with it!

No matter how high the cultivation base is, if there is no desire to survive, what is the use?

What should you do if you encounter such a thing?
However, the young man who wanted to slash Chu Tianshu again couldn't help kicking Chu Tianshu!
However, Chu Tianshu, who was standing upright, was as hard as a rock, motionless!
On the contrary, it shocked the kicker until his legs went numb.

Also let this person scold: "Made, you will die when you die, and your body has become like a stone!"

But as soon as he finished speaking, he felt a little cold in his body!
I looked around, but there was no wind!
For some reason, a sense of helpless loneliness suddenly appeared in my heart!
He looked at his companion and said, "Brothers, why do I feel so empty inside? Some want to die?"

"You want to die too? I feel like dying too!"

Another person said: "Yeah, what's the point of living? How good is it to die? Just like these people, if you die, you will die!"

"It's good to die, everything is liberated, you don't have to think about anything, you don't have to do anything, and all grievances and hatreds are gone!"

"That's true. If you die, you don't have to worry about this or that. What's the point of living alone like this?"

For a moment, the disciples of the Chitianmen became a little sad.

"Forget it, I don't live anymore!"

"Brother, wait a minute, I will accompany you!"

"That's right, let's die together, it's good to have a companion!"

"Hey, die together, die together!"

"Count me in!"

"Finally dying? That's great..."

(End of this chapter)

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