Chapter 269
Weng Taihong's terrifying knife is the accumulation of his practice for hundreds of years!
With the blessing of the Chitian Saber, he has already surpassed the elementary Daxuan Grandmaster!
It can be completely compared with the full blow of the middle-level Daxuan Grandmaster!
Contains a majestic general trend!
And has successfully locked Chu Tianshu!

Under the general trend, ghosts and gods retreat!
Even though Chu Tianshu was invisible with the aid of the illusion world, under the guidance of War Soul and Weng Taihong's powerful will, this knife could follow him into the illusion world and hit his body!

And if he loses the will to resist, the injury will be even worse!
"I don't believe that you can cut my keel. If the keel is not destroyed, the foundation will not be destroyed. Since you fight with all your strength, I will help you!"

Chu Tianshu suddenly restrained the light of the white light ball!
The Tiangang Formation was excited by him with all his strength, forming a layer of energy shield on the surface of the light sphere!
The white light ball began to show signs of turning black.

This is not the power of the black demon!
It is an illusion caused by absorbing all light sources but no longer reflecting!
Fighting with others in public, Chu Tianshu is not willing to use his trump card!

Even the fire light released by the blade glow seemed to be absorbed by the ball of light!

The volume of the white light sphere is also rapidly expanding!
Countless people looked up and watched!

This huge sphere is no different from a mountain!

The realm below the Grand Master, let alone fighting with him, can't even give birth to that idea!
Even if they don't attack, smashing them can kill you!

When the vacuum blade approached it, its diameter had already reached a kilometer!
Both meet!
The energy shield above the light sphere burst into cracks in an instant!

With the exhaustion of the attack power of the vacuum blade, the body of the flame blade finally slashed on the energy shield of the Tiangang formation!
The energy shield exploded directly!
The third-level Tiangang formation, just like that, was split open by someone!

The flame knife also cut on the sphere!

The sphere also exploded a crack, and as the flame knife continued downward, the sphere began to shatter!
Pushed by the flame knife, it continued to fall!
The giant ball landed, and the shock wave scattered away!

Dust billows!

The mountains are falling!
Everyone within ten miles from here vomited blood!

Seeing that the situation was not good, those Daxuan Grandmasters led their disciples one after another, stood up high, and quickly retreated backward!

Liu Wenxuan, Jian Hongxue, and Zhao Liancheng, who were closer to here, jumped up when the giant ball hit the ground!

It also failed to resist the huge earthquake in the air!
All of them vomited blood, their eyes turned black, and they almost passed out!
Fortunately, Liu Wenxuan reacted in time, grabbed Jian Hongxue in one hand, and Zhao Liancheng in the other, and quickly evacuated under the protection of the fighting spirit!
After retreating for several miles, the three stopped.

Horror still remained on his face!

"Too powerful, is this really just a junior grandmaster?" Zhao Liancheng clutched his heart, feeling powerless!
I am not even a Great Mysterious Master!

In the past, in his heart, as long as he became a Great Mysterious Master, he could become an elder of the Xuanling Sect and become a high-ranking figure!
But now it seems that the Great Mysterious Master is still an ant!

Haven't seen so many great mystic masters, can't even watch the battle between the masters?
So far away, what do you think?
Can't see it at all!
The three of them ate a healing pill one after another!

After calming down for a long time, Liu Wenxuan finally opened her mouth and said, "I'll take everyone to the sky to watch!"

Her fighting spirit is a second-level crow!

It can be regarded as an exchange for the life of the eagle demon!
At that time, the three of them took the eagle demon that Chu Tianshu gave them to go to the monster mountain range!

As soon as it went deep, it was besieged by a group of crows!
If it wasn't for Yaoying's desperate rescue, the three of them would have died!
Although the three finally beheaded the leader of the crow, the demon king, but the demon eagle was eaten by the crow, and the three were also seriously injured!

The fighting spirit of the crow emerged, and with its wings spread, Liu Wenxuan flew into the void!

Jian Hongxue and Zhao Liancheng jumped on the crow's wings!

The three were suspended in mid-air, separated by more than ten miles, watching the situation ahead!

The giant ball that Chu Tianshu transformed into was completely shattered after it hit the ground.

There is only one dragon skeleton, coiled together, protecting Chu Tianshu's body inside!
No matter what, Chu Tianshu finally resisted the opponent's first level!
This blow is already equivalent to the explosion of a middle-level Daxuan Grandmaster.

Chu Tianshu himself was almost depleted of energy, and his mental strength was extremely weak!

As a last resort, I can only enter the dreamland!

Relying on the power of instinct, the body stood up again!

But the keel still surrounds his body!

He looked up at Weng Taihong who was slowly falling from the sky!
The four eyes met, neither of them spoke!

Weng Taihong's breath is also very weak!

The vitality seems to have been exhausted by the knife just now!

In the end, it was Weng Taihong who said: "The grade of your keel is at least from a fourth-level monster, right?"

Chu Tianshu frowned, but didn't answer!

But for Weng Taihong's sinister intentions, he hated him even more!

Even if he dies, Chu Tianshu should not live well!
Sure enough, the eyes of the surrounding grandmasters who came closer again had greed flashing in their eyes!

No wonder he was able to withstand Weng Taihong's terrifying knife!

The third-level monsters are comparable to the Grandmaster Daxuan, and the fourth-level monsters are at the Xuanzun level!
With so many grandmasters and great mystic masters present, who has the ability to kill level four monsters?
Even with the support of an ancestor of the Xuanzun level, it is extremely difficult to kill a fourth-level monster!

The four-level big monsters are all hidden in the depths of the monster mountain range!

Most of them lead a group of monsters, even Xuanzun, they dare not easily fight with them!
This is absolutely priceless!
Once the demon soul is refined and becomes the main battle soul, it cannot be replaced!
However, there is a possibility of replacing the demon spirit bone!
As long as you pay a certain price, it is worthwhile to have a stronger demon spirit bone!
Especially those Daxuan Grandmasters who have sons and nephews!
Even if you have no hope of advancing, you can still give this level of demon spirit bone to the younger generation for use!

Therefore, looking at Chu Tianshu's eyes became more and more complicated.

Weng Taihong said again: "Besides, your demon spirit bone contains a certain amount of dragon power. It must come from the dragon clan of the East China Sea. If the dragon clan knew about this, they would definitely not let you go!"

Chu Tianshu said lightly: "What's the use of saying this? If you don't want to fulfill your promise, I can help you!"

"Hehe...hahaha...Of course I will die!"

After Weng Taihong finished speaking, he looked at Wu Xiaodong in the distance again, and said, "Brother Wu, I will use the Chitian Knife in my hand in exchange for you to protect my Chitian Gate for 30 years, how about it?"

Wu Xiaodong raised the corner of his mouth, flew over and nodded, "Of course!"

If it was before the battle, he would definitely not dare!

But now!

Everyone can see that Chu Tianshu is exhausted!
The injury on the body will never heal in a short time!
Lost profound energy is not so easy to replenish!

Such a person, he can kill on the spot!

Perhaps, if there were not so many spectators around, he would have already done it!
Weng Taihong held the Chitian Dao in both hands, and handed it to Wu Xiaodong!

Wu Xiaodong was all smiles, extremely excited!
He also stretched out his hand and grabbed Chi Tiandao!

The spectators around also showed regret and envy!

Earth-level high-ranking Xuanbing!

It just fell into Wu Xiaodong's hands, really...

However, what everyone can't think of is!
A figure suddenly appeared!
Wu Xiaodong took a step ahead and grabbed the handle of the knife!
Then, the figure and the handle of the knife disappeared at the same time!

Wu Xiaodong was stunned for a moment, then flew into a rage: "Bold..."

(End of this chapter)

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