Chapter 271

In the eyes of the great masters, a huge cloud of fog appeared on the ruins of the small town!
But they couldn't see through the fog, and couldn't find out what was going on inside!

As for those profound masters with low cultivation bases, they simply can't let the battle spirit leave the body alone!

I can't see the barriers of this fantasy world anymore!

In fact, even a grand master cannot watch it for a long time!
Without the protection of profound energy and qi and blood, without the blessing of any energy, the fighting spirit is equivalent to a person who has been stripped of his skin!

When a gust of wind blows, it will be like a sharp blade on your body!

It's hard to bear!

Wu Xiaodong also didn't last long. Seeing that he couldn't break through the barrier of the illusion, he took the fighting spirit into his body.

In the line of sight, the fog disappeared, and there was still only ruins in front of me!
After a little hesitation, he stepped forward with the monster pet and stepped into the ruins of the small town.

Here is also the coverage of the fantasy world!

It's like two spaces overlapped!

Standing within the coverage of the fantasy world, Wu Xiaodong felt obviously different.

Stormy wind!

Chills down my spine!

It was as if countless pairs of eyes were staring at him!

He still couldn't see through the fantasy world, but the undead inside could see him.

Looking around again, recalling the scene where the souls of the moat formation were killed!
It seems that under the cover of the formation, the door of this fantasy world can be opened!

Although the third-level formation does not dare to say that it is a world of its own, it can possess the power of some fields through runes!

Of course, if the cultivation base reaches the high-level Grandmaster Daxuan, he can easily sense the existence of the illusion world in this illusion formation, and even open the door of the illusion formation!

There was a gloomy smile on his face again, and he said: "Do you think I have nothing to do if you are hiding in this phantom formation? I can send a message to the senior brothers of the sect at any time, as long as a high-ranking Daxuan Grandmaster comes over." , your formation is useless, no matter how much you can hide, you can’t escape the domain perception of the high-ranking Daxuan Grandmaster, so I advise you to hand over the Chitian Saber, the old man may be able to let the past go!”

Chu Tianshu in the fantasy world scoffed!

The Wumen is tens of thousands of miles away from here, how can you come here just as you say?

When your physical strength recovers, you can escape at any time!

See Chu Tianshu is silent!

Wu Xiaodong said again: "Even if I don't send a message, I can still set up a third-level formation here. When my formation is completed, your phantom formation will no longer be able to hide!"

This time, Chu Tianshu said: "The Chitian Knife is my trophy. Did you take it just now? Just now, Weng Taihong and I were in a life-and-death battle. Are you sure you want to join in?"

"Hmph, since Weng Taihong himself said that he would give me the Chitian Knife, it should belong to me. If you don't hand it over, you will be against my Wumen. You should think about it!" Wu Xiaodong threatened.

"Witch Sect? It's scary... But I also want to remind you, if you can't kill me today, then in the future, don't blame me for bringing tens of thousands of undead to assassinate your Wu Sect disciples!"

Wu Xiaodong's expression changed: "Are you threatening our Wumen? You know, for tens of thousands of years, no one has dared to threaten us. None of those who offended our Wumen will end well!"

"You are only allowed to threaten me with the Wumen, but you are not allowed to threaten your Wumen? Then let's try in the future. If you don't retreat today, then as long as I bump into people from the Wumen, I will show no mercy!"

"What are you? You are just a guy who hides his head and shows his tail, and he is also qualified to threaten the Wumen?"

Chu Tianshu didn't speak any more!

The killing intent in Wu Xiaodong's heart became stronger!
The more so, the less he can keep Chu Tianshu!

Chitian Dao, he will take it back no matter what!

Most importantly, he has seen Chu Tianshu's cards clearly!

It's just a mental phantom array arranged in advance!
Perhaps, it also has some power of space!

Among the spectators around, there are also three high-ranking great mystic masters, who are from the Wumen!

After listening to the conversation between Chu Tianshu and Wu Xiaodong, they flew over one after another.

"Elder Wu, let's help you set up the formation together!" said the leading middle-aged man.

Wu Xiaodong nodded: "Alright, only the formation can completely eliminate him!"

Afterwards, Wu Xiaodong took out an animal skin bag from his bosom!

A lot of formation materials were poured out of it!

Chu Tianshu in the formation showed a sneer, high-ranking great mystic masters, dare to participate?

Isn't this looking for death?

Liu Feifei and others in the formation also felt aggrieved for Chu Tianshu.

Chu Tianshu took revenge for himself and others, how could he embarrass his benefactor so much?

Without further ado, Liu Feifei directly opened the fantasy world, followed by hitting it with a hammer!

Wu Xiaodong suddenly felt dizzy!
The formation material in his hand almost fell, and his body wobbled!

He was so frightened that he exclaimed and hurried away!

The other three great mystic masters saw that their parents ran away inexplicably, so naturally they didn't dare to stay, and ran out in a hurry.

Unfortunately, their speed is much slower after all!
Liu Feifei hammered three times in a row, knocking out the three great mystic masters.

Chu Tianshu stepped forward to make up the knife, and chopped off the heads of the three great mystic masters!
Wu Xiaodong, who was in the sky, saw this scene, his face became even colder!

Before that, although he also considered that Chu Tianshu would carry out a sneak attack, he was also fully on guard!
But he never thought that Chu Tianshu's attack was directly aimed at the soul!

The hammer just now could actually hit his own head directly!

If it wasn't for running fast and letting the opponent hit a few more times, he would have been knocked unconscious!
"It's such a powerful phantom formation. Could it be that you really want to invite a high-ranking Daxuan master brother?" Wu Xiaodong frowned, feeling unwilling!
If a senior brother with a higher cultivation base came, even if the formation was broken, the Chitian Saber would not be his own.

But seeing the three juniors who were implicated by him, he secretly gritted his teeth again!

From the animal skin bag, a Mysterious Talisman of Thousand Miles Communication was pulled out!
The violent profound energy was injected, and the mysterious talisman soared into the sky, turned into a beam of light, and flew to the south!
Chu Tianshu in the formation naturally also saw this scene!
After a moment of hesitation, he was captured in the willow leaf city fantasy world!

He himself, still in the invisible state, flew to the distance!

You can't stay here for long!
Chu Tianshu was just talking harsh words just now, so he didn't dare to really confront the Wumen head-on!

He doesn't have that spare time either!
Both Hou Ba and Weng Taihong, the head of Chitianmen, have been killed, and the revenge of the tens of thousands of undead in Liuyecheng is basically avenged!

There is no point in staying here any longer!
However, Wu Xiaodong has been using the battle spirit to observe the situation of the phantom formation.

However, when he saw that the phantom array was running away at high speed, he immediately froze!
Formation can actually run?
Who the hell has seen a big formation that can run?
The big formation that floats up is like a mushroom, and the roots below seem to be very human!

The little short legs move quickly, the speed is really fast!

Not only he couldn't understand, but some Daxuan masters around him were also confused for a while!
Seeing the formation, he escaped from his sight!

Wu Xiaodong finally came to his senses and roared, "Do you think you can escape? Kill my Wumen disciple, even if I run to the ends of the earth, I will never let you go!"

After finishing speaking, he followed Chu Tianshu and flew over!

(End of this chapter)

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