The strongest concubine ever

Chapter 295 Public Threat

Chapter 295 Public Threat
As Wu Changlin's prince, his status has already attracted a lot of attention!
Not to mention, he also possesses an extremely high talent for both physical and qi cultivation!
Chu Tianshu had seen Li Hansha before!
He really has a very high attainment in the way of swordsmanship!

Being able to be taught by him since childhood, it seems that there is indeed something extraordinary!

Wu Changlin indeed stunned many people, including Yang Buqun who had bid before!

In fact, Yang Buqun's identity is not simple, he is a little prince, with the support of his master and master behind him!

He is already a half-step great mystic master, but he is bound to win such a third-level demon soul!

How can it be easy for people?

Even if what he comprehends is not light attribute profound energy, but he is an earth-level low-grade talent!

As long as the demon soul is refined and combined with some special pills, maybe it will give you some insight into the profound energy of light!

However, when he looked at Wu Changlin!

Wu Changlin's face turned cold again, his eyes were like a real sword energy, he stared at Yang Buqun and said: "Give him to me, I owe you a favor!"

Although the words are polite!
However, Yang Buqun heard threats from it!

If he refuses, the other party may not easily let him go!

That gaze containing sword intent is a reminder!
Needless to say, Yang Buqun was indeed a bit afraid of Wu Changlin!

At least, he is not Wu Changlin's opponent!

After hesitating for a long time, he finally didn't have the courage to speak.

Perhaps, his courage had been slapped by Ji Ruxin just now.

But Chu Tianshu said at this moment: "Four thousand one hundred!"


All eyes were on Chu Tianshu!

Xin said, even if you have a wife behind you, you can't do this to death, okay?
Is Wu Changlin so easy to provoke?
Your wife is the proud daughter of heaven, but she is also the proud son of Daxuanzong!
Even if it's just a low-grade heavenly grade, it's still a heavenly grade after all!
Only heaven-level talents are worthy of the word Tianjiao!
Although the talent is not as good as Ji Ruxin, the master behind her is not weak!

The most important thing is, is there any good fruit for being remembered by such a proud man?
You just offended Yang Buqun just now!

Sure enough, Wu Changlin's cold gaze immediately turned to Chu Tianshu!

Unfortunately, he can only see the back of Chu Tianshu's head!
Chu Tianshu didn't look at him at all, as if...

Didn't take him seriously at all!
Wu Changlin sneered, and asked someone beside him, "Who is this person?"

"Ji Ruxin's husband, Chu Tianshu!" someone replied.

"Ji Ruxin's husband?" Wu Changlin frowned immediately.

Although he doesn't like Ji Ruxin very much, it doesn't mean he doesn't have that idea!
The proud daughter of heaven, which man wouldn't want it?

The more talented a young man is, the more hesitant he wants to take the proud girl of heaven as his own!

This has nothing to do with love, but a desire!
"His elder brother is Chu Tianyang!"

"Chu Tianyang's younger brother?" Wu Changlin narrowed his eyes.

To have a wife who is the proud daughter of heaven is already a blessing from heaven!

But they still have a big brother who is like the proud son of heaven!
Even if he is a waste, as long as he doesn't die, he can really ignore other people's threats!

As Wu Changlin, I'm afraid he won't be able to hold back!
After Chu Tianyang became famous, he once went back to the Great Xuanzong, and he also saw it!

Wu Changlin's profound energy talent was far inferior to Wu Changlin's, but his bloodline talent firmly suppressed him.

Now it is close to the realm of Daxuan Grandmaster!

As long as there are no accidents, becoming a master within a year is a sure thing!
No wonder the other party can ignore himself!

As the prince of Wu, he still knows something about the affairs of the new Chu!
It is said that this Chu Tianshu has been a waste since he was a child. Although he was granted the title of Yanhuang Hanwang, he also suffered from the empress' jealousy because of this!
The relationship between this Chu Tianshu and that Chu Tianyang seems to be like fire and water!

Many times in private, he threatened to get rid of this half-brother!

If it hadn't been for the suppression by the Chu Emperor Chu Yanhong, it is estimated that Chu Tianshu would have been killed.

Then, the only threat is this Ji Ruxin!

In the Great Xuanzong, no one dared to ignore Ji Ruxin's existence!

Since it cannot be suppressed, only the one with the highest price will get it.

However, someone also said to Wu Changlin: "Chu Tianshu is only a yellow-level talent. It is a waste to have such a third-level earth-level talent!"

"A yellow-level talent dares to bid for a demon soul with an earth-level talent? Where does he have the courage and guts?" Wu Changlin became angry again.

This bright beast has an extremely important relationship to him!
How can people be so wasteful?

Immediately, he didn't hold back anymore, and said, "Chu Tianshu, you trash, do you want to waste this third-level demon soul?"

Chu Tianshu didn't expect the other party's words to be so aggressive!
Then he turned to look at the other party: "Who are you? Did I provoke you?"

"I'm the arrogant Wu Changlin. If you can refine this kind of demon soul, it's fine, but how many catties and taels do you own, don't you know?"

Chu Tianshu hehe.

Ji Ruxin said with a murderous look in her eyes: "Wu Changlin, if you dare to say one more word, I will tear your mouth apart!"

Wu Changlin froze for a moment, frowned, and said, "Ji Ruxin, others are afraid of you, but I am not afraid of you. Competing with me for the beast soul of light will block my way of cultivation. You should advise your husband not to rely on it." If you rely on the power of others, you will make enemies indiscriminately!"

Ji Ruxin stood up: "What you should think about is whether there will be any good results if you offend our husband and wife!"

"Are you planning to fight me?" Wu Changlin sneered.

Ji Ruxin wanted to say something more, but Chu Tianshu held her hand.

I only heard Chu Tianshu say to the auctioneer on the stage: "Excuse me, is this a fair auction, or are you a person with a high level of cultivation and a strong background?"

The auctioneer is a little embarrassed!
He didn't dare to offend any of these little ancestors!
But he could only open his mouth and say: "Of course, the one with the highest price gets it. Is there anyone with more than [-] points? If not, this third-level demon soul will belong to this fellow!"

"Four thousand two!" Wu Changlin also ignored Ji Ruxin.

"Four thousand three!"

"Four thousand four!"


The price was quickly raised to five thousand!
Wu Changlin finally frowned and stopped bidding.

His master did not give him the Great Mysterious Order!

Five thousand points means that he has to kill five thousand first-level monsters, or five hundred second-level monsters, or five third-level monsters!
Monsters are just like humans!
Level two to level three is a difficult threshold to cross!

Don't think that five third-level monsters are missing!

The combat strength of a third-level monster is comparable to that of the Daxuan Grandmaster, and ordinary people don't even need to think about it!
With that strength, I can go to the monster mountain range and kill it myself, why is there any need to auction it here?
Level [-] monsters are also comparable to Great Mysterious Masters, even for Great Mysterious Masters, it is not so easy to kill five hundred monsters, let alone Wu Changlin.

Chu Tianshu also became a little nervous.

The Great Xuanling can only borrow [-] credits!

As for how many points can be obtained in the Great Mysterious Order, Chu Tianshu is not sure.

In case this guy continues to increase the price, whether Chu Tianshu can afford it is not certain!
(End of this chapter)

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