Chapter 301
Chu Tianshu also did not expect that Wu Changlin's master was actually a high-ranking Daxuan Grandmaster!
This is already a super expert who has mastered the power of the field.

At least, with Chu Tianshu's current ability, he still can't compete!
Unless, he could sacrifice his life to unleash the full power of the black demon.

But that kind of method, he will not use it until the last moment of his life.

Otherwise, the heart will inevitably be dusty, and the soul may be swallowed by the black heart demon!

He who has lost it once, is absolutely unwilling to try it a second time!
However, the other party seemed to know that he was wrong, so he just hugged Wu Changlin, who was almost unconscious, and did not attack Chu Tianshu.

He glanced at Chu Tianshu indifferently, and said: "Little baby, you are very good. I owe you a favor today. Another day, Wu Changlin will come to apologize!"

What he said surprised Chu Tianshu a bit!

However, when he turned his head and found that Ji Ruxin had already flown over, he seemed to understand something!
So, I just smiled: "Senior, you are joking, Wu Changlin and I are just fighting between spirits, there is no hatred between life and death!"

The other party nodded, looked at Ji Ruxin who was on the ground again, and said with a smile: "Ji Ruxin, I hope you don't mind either!"

"Hmph, only your disciples are allowed to kill my husband, you are a good master!"

"It's true that I didn't educate well. This thing is my compensation for you!"

After finishing speaking, this person pulled out a black bone from the storage bag, and threw it to Chu Tianshu directly.

Chu Tianshu raised his head and took it, a little surprised, it turned out to be a piece of demon spirit bone!

"Let's talk another day, I'm going to heal Wu Changlin's wounds first!" After saying that, the man jumped into the air!

In the blink of an eye, it disappeared from the sight of the two of them!
"How are you? Are you okay?" Ji Ruxin worried.

Chu Tianshu shrugged: "What can I do?"

Ji Ruxin pursed her lips, pulled out a white cloak from the storage bag, and put it on Chu Tianshu herself.

Chu Tianshu was a little surprised and said, "Why do you have men's clothes?"

"Hmph...Of course it was prepared for you?" Ji Ruxin said angrily.

"Hey...Madam is so kind, you should have been thinking about me?" Chu Tianshu said with a smile.

"Damn it, this is made of the fur of a third-level monster, and I sewed it myself!"

"It's really warm, let's go!"

Chu Tianshu looked up at the stands around him, and then jumped into the sky together with Ji Ruxin.

The profound energy shield under his feet flickered, and he walked through the air like walking on flat ground.

When they got to the stands, it was natural that they would have a hug with Hu Buhui.

"Brother, it's amazing. Unexpectedly, you were hiding your clumsiness before. With your ability, you can walk sideways like a crab in the Great Xuanzong. Why should you be afraid of others?" Hu Buhui smiled.

Chu Tianshu rolled his eyes: "You are like a crab!"

"Hey...Brother, to be honest, you are several years younger than Wu Changlin, but you beat him head-on, do you know what that means?" Hu Buhui smiled.

"What does it represent? Wu Changlin is already very weak! Is it not normal to defeat him?" Chu Tianshu said.

Silent pretense is the deadliest!
Hu Buhui was hit hard again, and said: "I'm going, big brother, Wu Changlin is the pride of heaven, you know how many practitioners in the entire Tiandu City, except for the more than 100 Daxuan masters, among the nearly one million practitioners?" Is Tianjiao?"

"how many?"

"Including sister-in-law, there are probably less than thirty, one in 30. I can guarantee that after this battle, there will definitely be a lot of masters at the level of Daxuan Grandmaster, rushing to take you as an apprentice!" Hu Bugui said.

"That's it... I don't intend to separate from Ru Xin, I think Lingyun Peak is very good!" Chu Tianshu said.

"That's right, with my eldest brother's talent, even if he is self-taught, he can become a talent, so why should he learn from a teacher?" Hu Buhui was also very proud.

But suddenly, he seemed to think of something, and looked around!

Not to mention, I found Chen Yuanyuan among the crowd!

He laughed loudly: "Princess Chen Guo, now that my elder brother has defeated your fiancé, you will be my elder brother's man in the future. You and Wu Changlin have both admitted this with your own mouth. You can't play tricks!"

His voice is very loud!

The audience, who were planning to leave, stopped after hearing this, and stared at Chen Yuanyuan curiously!
Everyone can see that Hu Buhui is deliberately mocking Chen Yuanyuan!
Chen Yuanyuan will definitely become angry from embarrassment, right?

But the result was far beyond everyone's expectations!
Chen Yuanyuan tiptoed to the ground, soared into the air, and came to several people.

She glanced at Hu Buhui with a smile, and said, "Even if I have that kind of heart, I'm afraid the King of Han and Princess Wang won't agree to it, right?"

The corner of Hu Buhui's mouth twitched.

Who can't see that Chu Tianshu and Ji Ruxin are a couple with true feelings?

How could Chen Yuanyuan be allowed to intervene?

This woman has such a thick skin!
However, he still said: "Who said my elder brother would not agree? My sister-in-law is not a narrow-minded person, maybe she really accepted you? Right? Brother, sister-in-law?"

Chu Tianshu wanted to say something, but Ji Ruxin laughed first and said: "That's right, your status as Princess Chen is very noble. Are you really willing to keep your promise and become my husband's maid?"

"Why not?" Chen Yuanyuan confronted her.

Ji Ruxin's face darkened, and she said to Chu Tianshu: "Husband, you promise her, from now on, let her be our maid!"

"Uh..." Chu Tianshu didn't know what to say.

This Chen Yuanyuan is too scheming!

Together with Ji Ruxin, they may not be able to play with others!

Looking at Chen Yuanyuan's performance now, he suddenly felt that he had been tricked.


This Chen Yuanyuan deliberately forced herself to duel with Wu Changlin, and then won her over.

He would not narcissistically think that Chen Yuanyuan liked him, but that Chen Yuanyuan was saving herself!
She was not satisfied with Wu Changlin who had the blood of Tianjian.

She doesn't even want this kind of marriage with a friendly nature!
What she wants is freedom!

It just so happened that the conflict between herself and Wu Changlin became a tool for her to release the shackles.

On the contrary, it made the world feel that it was all Wu Changlin's fault.

It was Wu Changlin who lost her to others.

Eye to eye!

Chu Tianshu understood Chen Yuanyuan!
Chen Yuanyuan seems to understand Chu Tianshu too!

However, Chen Yuanyuan found that Chu Tianshu became more and more mysterious.

Why can you see things so clearly at such a young age?

He is a very scheming and talented person, but on the surface, why is he pretending to be crazy?
Willing to be the trash in his mouth?

Finally, it was Chen Yuanyuan who spoke first: "Chu Tianshu, Ji Ruxin, I owe you a favor today. In the future, I, Chen Yuanyuan, will definitely repay it and leave!"

After finishing speaking, a pair of blue wings appeared behind her, like a blue ocean.

With a slight shock, she flew away into the air.

"This woman?" Hu Buhui frowned.

(End of this chapter)

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