The strongest concubine ever

Chapter 303 I Killed All

Chapter 303 I Killed All

Chu Tianshu looked at the three of them: "What are you looking at me for?"

"Brother...don't scare little heart can't bear too much blow!" Hu Buhui said.

Seeing Hu Buhui's expression, Hu Xianyue frowned.

She found that her younger brother was completely like two people in front of others and in front of Chu Tianshu.

Where is there a little princely demeanor here?Where is there a little bit of arrogance?

Simply a child!
However, she was really curious about this matter.

Although she didn't think Chu Tianshu did it, she felt that Chu Tianshu should know something inside.

But Chu Tianshu straightened his back suddenly, and said domineeringly: "I tell you, I killed Gui Qianchou and Shao Yulong, do you believe it?"


Hu Buhui laughed first, but he breathed a sigh of relief: "It's fine, haha... Let's eat, eat!"

"I said what do you mean? Look down on me?"

"Hey..." Hu Buhui just laughed dryly, but didn't speak.

Obviously, he really didn't believe that it was possible for Chu Tianshu to kill those two people.

Even if Chu Tianshu defeated Tianjiao Wu Changlin, he would definitely not have the strength to fight against a high-ranking Xuanshi.

After all, Wu Changlin was only training his body to reach the level of the Great Mysterious Master.

The strength of the Ten Thousand Beasts team is enough to resist the junior master Daxuan!

How old is Chu Tianshu?What realm?
Chu Tianshu looked at the other people again, and he found that even Ji Ruxin didn't seem to believe it!

Looking around again, the people eating at the nearby tables were all looking at him!

Well, it seems that I spoke a little loudly just now, and was heard by others.

Someone saw Chu Tianshu looking over, and said with a smile: "I said this little junior brother, you are quite courageous, not to mention whether you have the strength, but you know, if this word gets out, that ghost Qianchou and Shao Yulong's master, might he let you go?"

However, someone also asked: "Is this little junior from Team Sky Star?"

"I am indeed from Team Sky Star!" Chu Tianshu nodded.

"Then can you tell us how the Skystar team annexed the Myriad Beasts team? Even if the two captains are dead, the Skystar team is not their opponent, right?"

"This... the secret, you may know it in the future!" Chu Tianshu smiled mysteriously!
"Huh...why do you look so familiar? You are not the Chu Tianshu who dueled with Wu Changlin, are you? Are you Ji Ruxin? Are you Hu Xianyue?"

Someone has already recognized them.

His gaze is different from just now!

There is a bit of awe!

Hu Buhui said loudly: "Eat your food, don't listen to what you shouldn't listen to, don't watch what you shouldn't look at!"

Everyone bowed their heads and stopped talking!
There is indeed a huge gap between such a person of Tianjiao level and ordinary Xuanxiu!
Hu Buhui looked at Chu Tianshu again, and said, "Brother, do you know why I don't believe you did it? Because, if you really did it, I guess you won't admit it. If you admit it now, you will definitely If it’s false, just tell us what happened at that time, and how did Gui Qianchou die!”

Chu Tianshu sighed: "Hey... that ghost Qianchou, speaking of it, is also unlucky. He insisted on chasing and killing the Lightning Ryoma, and then the Lightning Ryoma used its horns to directly penetrate his body and was electrocuted to death. The internal organs are all burnt, what a pity!"

"I'll go, do you really know? What is the level of Lightning Ryoma?"

"I'm afraid it's close to a third-level monster? That Gui Qianchou is too arrogant, and she wanted to tame the monster, but in the end, she was devoured by the monster!" Chu Tianshu said.

Everyone frowned.

The animal trainer died under the claws of the monster!

This seems...and indeed makes sense!

Many animal trainers ended up like this.

Because you can't tame the monsters, but you will be backlashed by the monsters, hurting your soul!

Then the monster went crazy, and the animal trainer had no power to fight back, so it was no surprise that he was killed.

However, Ji Ruxin still looked at Chu Tianshu suspiciously!
She knew that Chu Tianshu was also a beast tamer!

When two animal trainers meet, maybe some kind of spark will come out of the collision.

But she can't ask these words yet.

He just changed the subject and said, "Tianshu, how do you plan to pay back the [-] points to my aunt?"

"Eight thousand points... [-] first-level monsters... It's really hard to kill, do you know, where is there a group of monsters around here? It's better to have hundreds or thousands of them!"

"Brother, do you really plan to kill monsters to pay off the debt? Eight thousand monsters, do you know what the concept is? Even a peak mystic master can't make enough without five years or more. Don't even think about monsters that live in groups, unless you have the ability of Grandmaster Daxuan, otherwise, even if you pull a few teams up, you will die!" Hu Buhui said.

Hu Xianyue also said: "Even if there are more than a dozen monsters in the late stage of the first level, it is possible to hunt and kill a junior great mysterious master who can't fly. Hundreds of monsters like that are really not big. What a profound master can contend against is not even being able to fly!"

"Oh... that's it, then we can only kill the third-level monsters, and if we kill seven or eight monsters, we will get [-] points!"


Hu Buhui sprayed it out directly.

Killing seven or eight third-level monsters is better than killing a group of monsters!

But he didn't say anything, just gave Chu Tianshu a thumbs up!

Chu Tianshu also bowed his head and stopped talking.

However, in his mind, he has already communicated with others.

It was Wan Lisha who took the initiative to get in touch with Chu Tianshu in the dream through meditation!
"Hanwang Highness, Gui Qianchou's master has come and asked our team members what happened at that time. This person... is proficient in soul art and can hypnotize our people!" Wanli Shadao's tone became very serious. Respectfully.

As soon as Chu Tianshu heard this, he immediately became serious.

Gui Qianchou is an animal trainer, his master, the soul power is frighteningly high!
And he is also a high-ranking Daxuan Grandmaster, whose soul power is even stronger than Chu Tianshu's.

However, he didn't expect the members of those teams to keep secrets!
When you are away from home, you kill others, and they kill you, what complaints do you have?

No matter how powerful your master Gui Qianchou is, how dare you kill innocent people in Tiandu City?

He then asked, "Did you say that?"

"Not yet, but we estimate that it won't last long, and things will be revealed sooner or later!"

"It's okay, Gui Qianchou was not killed by us, but by Lightning Dragon Horse. As for Shao Yulong's matter, you don't have to worry about it!"

After finishing speaking, Chu Tianshu changed his mind!
A trace of soul power was transferred to a profound master through the technique of pointing stars!

Hypnotize the opponent's soul directly!

He occupied the opponent's body!

See the world through the eyes of the other party!
This trick is also called Xingmeng Shifting Soul!

It is not a real soul-shifting and body-changing, it can only be performed on the basis of the star-pointing technique in a dream!

(End of this chapter)

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