The strongest concubine ever

Chapter 335 News of the Chu Family Father and Son

Chapter 335 News of the Chu Family Father and Son

After Chu Tianshu returned to Lingyun Peak and put Duo Duo to sleep!

Then came to his room!
Ji Tiannian came out from the shadows.

The two sides looked at each other!

Ji Tiannian's eyes were filled with fear, and he said, "What exactly do you want?"

"I saved you, shouldn't you thank me?"

Chu Tianshu sat down, took a piece of Xuanyou grass, put it in his mouth, and chewed slowly.

"You won't save me for no reason!" Ji Tiannian said.

"It seems that you are not stupid. I really want to subdue you and use it for me. I wonder if you might be used for me?"

Chu Tianshu looked at Ji Tiannian who was still standing.

Ji Tiannian looked complicated.

He is a second-level demon trainer, a ninth-level master of great mystery, and he is still very young.

Just turned 30 this year.

If you practice well in the Great Xuanzong, you are expected to advance to the realm of the master.

But all of this has been destroyed in his own hands.

Just blame the wrong person!
I underestimated Chu Tianshu too!

If Chu Tianshu is the master, he has no psychological barriers.

But Chu Tianshu was only 17 years old, and his cultivation was not as high as him, so Ji Tiannian was naturally a little reluctant.

Chu Tianshu said lightly: "I am already a third-level demon trainer when I was ten years old, and I can kill you easily. How long do you think it will take for me to become a real master? Besides, you can only rely on me now." Me, otherwise, you have only a dead end, because you killed Tu Wanxiong's apprentice, will he let you go?"

"Then how do you plan to arrange me? I am in the Great Xuanzong now, and I can't stay any longer!"

"The sects in the world are not only Daxuanzong, you can go to other sects!"

"You plan to let me work as an undercover agent in another sect?" Ji Tiannian asked.

"How about going to Tianji Building?" Chu Tianshu said.

Ji Tiannian frowned and said: "Tianjilou and Daxuanzong are very close friends, once they know that I am from Daxuanzong, they probably won't tolerate me!"

"You won't change your name? With your talent, I believe Tianjilou will not want you!"

Ji Tiannian was silent for a moment, before finally nodding his head: "In that case, I'll go to the Tianji Building to try, but what is your purpose for letting me join the Tianji Building?"

"I am very interested in the mysterious weapons in the Tianji Building. From now on, my soul imprint will always be hidden in your sea of ​​consciousness. Even if you are separated by hundreds of millions of miles, you can still contact me. When the time comes, you and I will Let's study together!" Chu Tianshu said.

"Then if I'm in danger, I can also summon your power?" Ji Tiannian asked in surprise.

"Of course!" Chu Tianshu nodded.

"Then I'll say goodbye!"

"Remember, your name will be Ji Tian from now on!"

Ji Tiannian didn't speak, but hid in the darkness, and quickly left Lingyun Peak.

As for whether Ji Tiannian could get into Tianji Building, Chu Tianshu didn't give him much hope!
Of the four first-class sects, he is indeed most interested in Tianjilou.

Whether it's the spaceship or the grandmaster covenant, they all impress him.

If you can use Ji Tiannian's body, use astrology to attract the soul, and learn the "technical" knowledge of Tianji Building, maybe you can change the entire Donglu in the future.

How can people not have dreams?

If the cultivation base reaches the end, then the eighteen kingdoms in the Eastern Continent may not be able to achieve unification.

Then, using the power of the country to open up the Quartet may be faster than fighting alone!
He wants to become the god of the entire Eastern Continent!

Let his inner demon, Bai Xing, be closely connected with this world.

At that time, who can be his opponent?

Silent all night!
Early next morning!

Chu Tianshu took Duoduo to the restaurant at the foot of the mountain, ate something casually, and then took the blood unicorn to the Beast Taming Hall.

As soon as he landed in front of the Beast Taming Hall, Jia Wudao had already walked out of the hall.

"Let's go, I'll take you to Tiandu Peak!"

Chu Tianshu nodded.

Jia Wudao stepped into the void and flew into the sky together with the blood unicorn.

Tiandu Peak is also the highest mountain in Tiandu City!
Those who can live and practice here are only the true disciples of the Great Mysterious Master realm, as well as a small number of Grand Masters and Xuanzun Patriarchs.

The higher you go, the steeper the mountain becomes.

Thousands of meters above, like a straight sword piercing the sky.

The main hall of Daxuanzong's sect was built on top of the white clouds, covering the entire mountain top.

No wind!

There is no cloud in the sky, it is blue and blue!

The red sun in the east has gradually revealed the horizon.

However, the temperature here is much lower than that at the bottom of the mountain.

I'm afraid it's around zero degrees.

Chu Tianshu looked at Duo Duo in his arms: "Is it cold?"

"It's not cold at all on the blood unicorn, it's like a stove!" Duo Duo laughed.

"Then you just wait here, your brother and I will go to the Zongmen Hall to meet the head!" Jia Wudao said.

Dodo nodded.

Chu Tianshu stroked her head, then followed Jia Wudao into the main hall.

The entire hall looks like it was carved from black jade!

Gu Wentian, who was dressed in purple, sat on the innermost jade seat.

This is a person who is over a hundred years old, but has the face of a middle-aged man.

Tall and burly, with piercing eyes.

A pair of sword eyebrows, not angry and arrogant.

Based on his aura alone, Chu Tianshu could tell that this person's cultivation should be a high-ranking Daxuan Grandmaster.

His background seems to be higher than that of Tu Wanxiong.

It should have been infinitely close to Xuanzun's realm.

"Disciple Chu Tianshu, meet the master!" Chu Tianshu bowed deeply.

"Meet the sect master brother!" Jia Wudao also bowed slightly.

Gu Wentian nodded and said, "Forget it!"

Chu Tianshu straightened his waist!

While watching, Gu Wentian smiled and said: "What a young talent, I never thought that my Daxuanzong would have a talent like you, it is really my Daxuanzong's blessing!"

"Sect Leader, I'm overwhelmed!" Chu Tianshu said with a smile.

"I haven't won any prizes. A few months ago, I just met your elder brother Chu Tianyang. His talent and opportunity also surprised me. Unexpectedly, your talent and opportunity are also not weaker than his. There are rumors from the outside world that your Chu family has a spiritual relationship, and it seems to be true!"

"Uh..." Chu Tianshu didn't know what to say. seems that I have nothing to do with the Chu family now, right?
However, in the eyes of those who don't know the inside story, he is still that Chu Tianyang's half brother.

He is still a member of the Chu family.

"Did you know that your father, Chu Yanhong, has already broken the limit of martial arts without the seeds of profound energy, and has become the No. 1 in thousands of years?" Gu Wentian asked again.

Chu Tianshu frowned, shook his head and said, "I don't know!"

"Your father has accumulated a lot of knowledge. According to the news from your country, he is now close to the realm of the Great Mysterious Master. He has condensed the will of martial arts. Now, as the lord of a country, he controls the general situation of a country. The future is limitless. ; and your eldest brother is still tempering on the battlefield, and has already given birth to the momentum of sweeping thousands of troops. Perhaps, when you return to the Great Xuanzong, you will be in the realm of the Great Xuanzong? At that time, I, the Great Xuanzong, will have one more Master Daxuan!"

Chu Tianshu frowned even tighter!
Could it be that the father and son of the Chu family really have a divine connection?

Otherwise, how can progress so fast?
To control the general situation of a country, it seems that it is not difficult to become a Daxuan Grandmaster in the future.

Invisibly, Chu Tianshu felt a sense of urgency again.

(End of this chapter)

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