The strongest concubine ever

Chapter 344 Fighting Gryphon Beasts

Chapter 344 Fighting Gryphon Beasts

Chu Tianshu looked at Tu Wanxiong across the air, gritted his teeth in hatred.

This was definitely done on purpose by Tu Wanxiong, otherwise, with his strength, would he still need to escape?
Even if you can't beat it, you can still entangle it!
But he still couldn't just watch the people of Daxuanzong being killed by the lion eagle.

Stepping on the lightning dragon horse, he rushed up.

The three lion kings and the blood unicorn were by his side.

Seeing this scene, Tu Wanxiong's eyes became even more murderous.

Sure enough something happened.

These three lion kings had already been tamed by Chu Tianshu. If Chu Tianshu had added three third-level early-stage monsters, it was really possible to defeat his own black bull monster.

Now the black bull demon has disappeared, and it is estimated that he has escaped.

So, Wu Tianlong should have escaped too, right?

"Chu Tianshu, you should die!"

Tu Wanxiong planned to personally attack Chu Tianshu.

The griffin behind him was not attacking Tu Wanxiong at this time, but locked on Chu Tianshu and the three monsters beside him.

However, fortunately, another figure flew over quickly.

Jia Wudao appeared.

He suddenly shouted: "Tu Wanxiong, what are you going to do? Why don't you expel this griffin quickly?"

Tu Wanxiong, who was about to strike, frowned, but finally endured it.

He clutched his chest and said, "I'm already injured, and I can't stop this griffin anymore, everyone should run away quickly!"

After finishing speaking, he was like a gust of wind, rushing away.

They actually left everyone here.

"You? You are not worthy of being an elder of the Great Xuanzong. When I return to the sect, I will definitely sue you to the sect leader!"

Jia Wudao was so angry that he pouted his beard so high.

But the gigantic body of the lion eagle beast, tens of meters long, had already rushed towards Chu Tianshu.

The whole body is shrouded in the golden astral wind.

The space seemed to be shattered, and ear-piercing screams came out.

Chu Tianshu knew that he couldn't resist, but behind him was his fellow disciple.

What else can he do?
The body turned into a [-]-meter-long white dragon again, lying together, like a white planet, releasing the light of thunder and fire!

The Tiangang Formation was activated again.

But the three monsters attacked the Gryphon first.

A silver lightning, a tricolor light, a magma-like fire pillar.

He rushed towards the flying lion and eagle beast.

The Gryphon is three to 40 meters long, has the wings of a giant eagle, and its wingspan covers a void of 200 meters.

The whole body was covered by the golden wind.

Flying over, it was like a big mountain hitting.

After encountering three beams of light, its speed only slowed down slightly.

The three attacks were also blocked by the golden wind, and it couldn't even get close to its body surface.

at the same time!

A black shadow like a pillar of heaven also emerged from the Tiangang formation.

Chu Tianshu mobilized almost all his soul power, and condensed it into a hundred-refinement hammer, which was smashed under the blessing of the black heart demon.

The Bailian Divine Hammer covered by the power of the black heart demon is almost visible to the naked eye, and the hammer head is nearly 300 meters away!

It landed directly on the body of the Gryphon!
The earth-shattering mental shock wave scattered in all directions.

A colorful mysterious light with a diameter of more than ten miles was formed, like a huge colorful sky disk, suspended in mid-air.

Jia Wudao, who was flying here, was covered by the shock wave, and his body also flew upside down.

I just felt dizzy for a while, and almost passed out.

My heart was already shocked.

This is just the aftermath of the spread. If he is in the middle of the battle, he feels that his soul may be scattered.

Looking at the Gryphon that came on the attack, under this hammer, the golden wind around it was directly smashed away.

It turned into countless wind dragons, and along with the mental shock wave, it also raged around.

Everything encountered, whether it is vegetation or rocks, is all turned into powder.

And the body of the lion eagle beast also fell into the void after a short period of dizziness.

After all, it still suffered some damage.

Chu Tianshu used almost all the power of the black heart demon that he could mobilize. Together with Bai Xing, the battle spirit, and the formation, the attack power of the Hundred Alchemy God Hammer that was condensed just now is no worse than that of the high-ranking Daxuan Grandmaster .

Moreover, the mental attack and the physical attack are carried out simultaneously.

It was only natural to smash down the Gryphon.

But after this blow, Chu Tianshu almost fell into a coma.

The body also fell from a height.

The formation disappeared, and the body of the white dragon collapsed, revealing his true self!

The lightning dragon horse was the fastest, and hastily turned into an afterimage, catching Chu Tianshu's body.

This scene made many demon trainers see it, and some of them were only shocked.

Who would have thought that Chu Tianshu was so powerful!
The black sledgehammer that was shot, even if they took a look at it, made them feel uneasy, and their souls almost collapsed!
Such a person, before that, actually encountered criticism from others.

Almost got framed to death.

Looking at the distance, where is the figure of Tu Wanxiong?
People have already run away.

Comparing the two, the judgment is high and low!

Because Jia Wudao was relatively close to the lion eagle, he was first shocked by the mental storm, and then he was engulfed by the strong wind. He did not stabilize his body until tens of miles away.

But he didn't stop at all, and flew towards Chu Tianshu's direction again.

After he got there.

It was discovered that the blood unicorn and the three lion kings were besieging the landed griffin.

The Gryphon's soul was wounded, and its body was also covered with wounds.

Facing the siege of two early level three monsters, he could only defend, but could not counterattack yet.

Jia Wudao seized this opportunity and slapped it with one palm.

The runes were densely covered, like chains, which fell on the body of the Gryphon, locked it firmly, and began to penetrate into its body.

The griffin struggled frantically, roaring continuously.

A pair of wings flapped vigorously, trying to fly high into the sky again.

But the blood unicorn and the three-headed lion king didn't give it a chance.

The huge body rushed up directly, biting the two wings of the Gryphon, forcing the Gryphon to struggle on the ground.

Stab it!

The wings of the griffin were actually broken under the bite of the two monsters.

The huge pain also stimulated the Gryphon, making it almost fall into madness.

A violent energy spread out again.

bang bang bang...

All the chains that Jia Wudao played were broken.

The Gryphon was also free.

The four hooves stomped on the ground, the body jumped up, the bloody mouth opened wide, and it went to Chu Tianshu and the lightning dragon horse again.

Obviously, its target, from beginning to end, was Chu Tianshu.

However, without its wings, it is no longer as fast as Lightning Ryoma.

A flash of lightning pierced through the void, and the lightning dragon horse took Chu Tianshu and fled away.

The lion eagle also rushed into the air.

But after landing, it still spit out a beam of light, and hit the lightning dragon horse again.

This time, Lightning Ryoma slowed down a little, one leg was swept by the beam of light, and his body spun around in the sky, almost throwing Chu Tianshu off his back.

Fortunately, it stabilized its body in time, took Chu Tianshu with it, and continued to flee far away.

Seeing this, the Gryphon could only roar unwillingly, turned around, and ran towards the depths of the monster mountain range.

(End of this chapter)

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