The strongest concubine ever

Chapter 355 Young Master Comes In Person

Chapter 355 Young Master Comes In Person
Gu Wentian looked at Chu Tianshu for a while, and then asked: "The undead in Liuye City, and the Chitianmen incident, should be your fault?"

Chu Tianshu nodded: "Have you heard about the head?"

Gu Wentian glared at Chu Tianshu: "It's more than just hearing about it? I almost didn't go to Liuye City to check it out for myself. The fact that you beheaded Weng Taihong, the head of the Chitian Sect, attracted even Patriarch Wan Zilin. Already!"

"Uh..." Chu Tianshu was speechless.

It seems that the secret that I keep, perhaps, has already been known by Daxuanzong, right?

One's own disguise and fantasy world can hide others, but not necessarily Xuanzun masters.

That Fan Jiu could see through his real body.

It was also fortunate that he did not attack Wu Xiaodong at that time, otherwise, Fan Jiu would have attacked him too!

However, Gu Wentian's serious face suddenly showed a smile again: "You have done a good job, you should use killing to frighten those who kill innocent people indiscriminately. At that time, you fought at Chitianmen, and it was very satisfying. Even if you don't come to avenge the people of Liuye City, the old man will send someone to catch that murderer Hou Ba!"

"Thank you, Master, for your understanding!"

"Well, but, you didn't kill innocent people afterwards, but I let the old man take a look at it. As for the undead in Liuye have to be more careful. There are many ghosts in southern borders, and there are ghosts and gods among ghosts. Ghosts hide deep in the ground. , is also called the Underworld, on the contrary, the land is called the Yang Realm, and the creatures of the Underworld generally do not come to the ground, because it is difficult for them to withstand the light of the outside world, but they are also feared by all living beings!" Gu Wentian Serious again.

"Master, is there really a hell in this world?" Chu Tianshu was even more confused.

"Of course, the reason why there are so many ghosts in Southern Border is because there is an entrance to the underworld. Besides, there are also cavemen in the Catacombs!"

"The entrance to the underworld?" Chu Tianshu was surprised.

"There is an extremely vast dead forest in southern Xinjiang, not even smaller than the total area of ​​the eighteen countries in the Eastern Continent. The dead forest is shrouded in dead air all year round, and the sun can't shine in. Ghosts are rampant. Although they seldom come out, but It is also a huge threat to the human race!"

"What's the difference between a ghost and a monster?" Chu Tianshu asked.

"Ghosts are transformed from undead. Monsters are flesh and blood evil creatures living in hell. They are more violent and ferocious than monsters. Some people say that they are those who were contaminated with evil thoughts and souls during the battle between dragon and phoenix. Transformed by the polluted blood of the gods, it often attacks human villages, and likes to devour human brains and the brains of monsters that have opened up their intelligence. This knowledge is recorded in the classics of the sect. You should read more books in the future. You know how to practice all day long!"

"Uh... I understand, but, these undead?"

Gu Wentian was silent.

Based on his experience, he naturally knew that these undead still in the human world had not been infected with evil power and did not pose any harm to human beings.

It would not even be an exaggeration to say that it is a heroic spirit.

However, if they are gathered together, they can easily be used by evil spirits.

The evil power from the underground abyss is like a drug to these undead.

Once contaminated with a little bit, they will never get tired of it and desperately ask for it.

Then, it gradually turned into the enemy of human beings and became a real evil spirit.

a long time!

He said to Chu Tianshu: "You protect the undead first. As for how to use them in the future, we should wait until after this big battle to decide. Since the feather clan and monsters are here, they will not leave easily. I will definitely find a way to break into Tiandu City!"

Chu Tianshu nodded.

The body also moved away, using the illusion to gather those undead.

But Long Juechen asked in doubt: "Master, why don't you let Junior Brother Chu kill all those undead? To avoid future troubles?"

"Hey... these undead have just died, and they still have the memories of their lives. How can a teacher have the heart to let them go like this? They... are also a part of our Tiandu City after all!"

"But..." Long Juechen was still worried.

"Let's settle the matter in front of us first. Besides, Liuye City is safe and sound. I believe Chu Tianshu will find a perfect solution!" Gu Wentian said.

Long Juechen stopped talking.

The two looked up at the sky.

The giant bird with a wingspan of a thousand meters was still hovering high in the sky, casting a large black shadow.


Someone came to report: "Master, a large number of monsters have been found outside the city!"


Gu Wentian frowned and flew towards Ximen quickly.

Standing on the ridge-like city wall, looking out.

There is a dense mass of monsters that can't be seen at a glance, and they are approaching from far and near.

Tiandu City, with a radius of hundreds of miles, has no mountains or forests, but is an endless plain.

Grains, rice, wheat, etc. are grown for human consumption.

It also raised millions of citizens of Tiandu City.

But now, the bankers in this area to the west have been trampled to death by monsters.

With the rapid advance of the group of monsters, the people in Tiandu City became more and more nervous.

The colossal monster with a height of tens of meters, accompanied by densely packed small monsters, made people feel chills when they saw it.

It is only a rough estimate that there are hundreds of monsters at the third level, and more than one hundred thousand monsters at the first and second level.

There are also some ferocious beasts that have not yet become monsters.

The total number should add up to more than 50!
This time, the monster clan seemed to come out in full force.

Gu Wentian said solemnly, "Why didn't you hear the news of the gathering of monsters in advance?"

Long Juechen said: "The task of inquiring about the news of monsters was previously handled by the major monster trainers, but these days it is the monster beast competition, and the monster trainers have also recalled their monsters to participate in the competition." It's game!"

Speaking of this, he gritted his teeth even more: "The most important thing is Tu Wanxiong's rebellion. Without his secret help, people in Baiyun City would not dare to come here easily!"

Gu Wentian nodded: "Come here as soon as you come, our capital city will encounter monster beasts attacking the city every few years, and they don't want to invade this time!"

Long Juechen nodded.

The Yu people who were originally flying in the sky had already landed in the group of monsters and stood on the backs of those huge monsters.

The four headed Xuanzun did not look at Tianducheng, but stared at the western sky.

A golden light has come from far and near.

In a blink of an eye, they came to the outside of Tiandu City.

This is still a birdman.

But on his back, there are a pair of golden wings.

"The golden blood of the Tianyu God Clan?" Gu Wentian's expression became serious.

There are also high and low points in the blood of the Yu clan.

Among them, the one with golden wings is the bloodline closest to the gods, and is also called the golden holy blood.

The Yu clan people with this bloodline have extremely high status.

Although the person who came was a man, his appearance was as handsome as a woman's.

Wearing a white as snow, spotless strong clothes, against the backdrop of golden light, it looks extraordinarily refined.

Without flapping his wings, he could stand firmly in the sky, looking down at Tiandu City in front of him.

"I've seen Young Master Baiyu!" All the feathered people below bowed and saluted in unison!
(End of this chapter)

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