The strongest concubine ever

Chapter 358 1 Hammering the Universe

Chapter 358
Facing the attack of the giant hammer, Bai Yu actually didn't even have the slightest ability to fight back.

It can only fall rapidly under the pressure of the giant hammer.

The air under his feet was like a hard rock, bursting into cracks.

The golden light exploded with all its strength, making it difficult for people to see his real body clearly.

Unfortunately, this golden light cannot penetrate the black giant hammer.

Seeing this scene, the four great Xuanzun below were also furious, but unfortunately, it was already too late to rescue them.

It is falling too fast.

The giant hammer landed!

There were many third-level big monsters below, and they were also covered by the hammer, and more than a dozen of them were smashed to death on the spot.

The ground sank hundreds of meters.

A terrifying shock wave, accompanied by cracks, scattered in all directions.

The earth bounced out layer by layer, as if there was a terrifying earth dragon rapidly shuttling around!
All the monsters around screamed in horror!

Run around!

It's a pity that their speed couldn't compare to the speed of the shock wave after all, they were knocked into the air, shattered, turned into billowing dust and smoke, and continued to spread rapidly outward.

However, the four great Xuanzun also opened up their own realms.

In an instant, it covered a thousand-meter radius.

Even if the shock wave is extremely terrifying, it can't shake the place protected by them.

Like a solid fortress, guarding a group of monsters.

Most of the monsters that were killed or injured by the shock were little monsters that were not taken seriously.

Among the real big monsters, there were only a dozen or so who were crushed to death on the spot.

Wait until the dust clears!
Outside Tiandu City, there is only one big pit and four isolated "islands" left.

Other than that, there is nothing else.

However, although the area ten miles away was messy, it was not affected too much.

There are still many monsters gathering.

However, according to preliminary estimates, it is estimated that nearly ten thousand monster clans died unexpectedly.

Looking at the deep pit, there is only one golden ball.

This ball is formed by the wings, and it has been broken into pieces.

Through the broken gap, you can see the white feather wearing the golden armor inside.

His armor also burst into cracks, spitting out blood.

But he didn't die.

Not even knocked unconscious from his injuries.

After the black giant hammer disappeared, the wings that protected the body slowly unfolded again.

It's a pity that it no longer has the slightest brilliance, and the feathers have begun to fall off in pieces, becoming bald.

Bai Yu's hands were pressing the ground, her whole body was still covered in the golden armor.

He slowly raised his head and looked at the sky.

long time!

Only then slowly got up.

There is also crackling bone sound in the body!
Although he was shaking a bit, he finally stood up!
"Little Lord!"

The four Xuanzun flashed past almost simultaneously.

The four realms firmly enveloped Bai Yu.

Even if there is another giant hammer coming, they are not afraid at all.

After Bai Yu stood up straight, her body swayed again, and her expression was a little dazed.

One of the Yuren hurriedly took out a pill and stuffed it into Bai Yu's mouth.

The other person held Bai Yu's wrist, and introduced the profound energy in his body into Bai Yu's body.

long time...

Just now, Bai Yu took a deep breath and refocused his eyes, but spit out another mouthful of blood.


After coughing up three mouthfuls of blood, he said, "Take me to the sky!"


The four great Xuanzun, protecting Bai Yu, soared into the sky.

At the same level as the ridge-like city wall.

Bai Yu looked inside the formation, trying to find out the person who attacked him.

I saw a handsome young man also dressed in white standing on the ridge.

With his hands behind his back, he stared at Bai Yu.

"It's you? Long Juechen?" Bai Yu recognized him at a glance.

The two parties have never met before, but Bai Yu knows everything about Tiandu City like the back of his hand!
I want to challenge it again!
But at this moment, his brain was still tingling.

If it weren't for the protection of the heavenly Xuanjia, he would probably be dead!
Where is there any combat power to speak of?

He didn't say anything about the challenge after all.

But Long Juechen didn't say a word!
Look calm!

Just... a little blush!
Now, not only Bai Yu thinks he did it, but even millions of people in Tiandu City think that the hammer just now was thrown by him through the energy shield.

Didn't you hear the cheers from behind?

"Long live Grandmaster Long!"

"Master Long is mighty!"

"Long Juechen is doing great!"

"Long Juechen, I like you..."

In a daze, he returned to the time when Long Juechen hosted the Beast Tamer Competition.

Not even the cheers changed.

Especially those women, tears of excitement came out.

That hammer just now was really a relief.

Isn't your white feather a cow?Isn't it arrogant?
Didn't he almost get beaten to death by our Dragon Grandmaster?

Nearly ten thousand little monsters died under this hammer!

These five or six million monsters are estimated to only need fifty or sixty hammers.

For a while, everyone's psychology is no longer afraid!
Some people even yelled, asking Long Juechen to take everyone out to a decisive battle with the monsters!
But these honors should have belonged to Chu Tianshu.

He, Long Juechen, was unwilling to take the credit.

But who is Chu Tianshu sleeping now?

And, before he fell into a coma, tell Long Juechen not to leak the secret?
Long Juechen knew very well that now that he helped Chu Tianshu receive this honor, he must help Chu Tianshu bear more crises in the future.

How could Baiyun City let him go?
But he, Long Juechen, didn't care.

Because destroying Baiyun City is his goal of Long Juechen.

When the four eyes are relatively long!

Bai Yu gritted her teeth again and said, "For that blow just now, you should have borrowed the power of the Qiankun Son-Mother Formation, right? It definitely wasn't your own strength!"

But Long Juechen said indifferently: "Do you want to try again? I promise, this time, you still can't avoid it!"

"You... this shameless person who only knows about sneak attacks, you are a coward, you don't deserve to have the blood of a dragon!" Bai Yu gritted his teeth and cursed angrily.

"You birdman, isn't it a sneak attack?" Long Juechen asked back.

Bai Yu was speechless.

This time, it was indeed Bai Yu who planned it all, with the purpose of exterminating Tiandu City.


He tried everything, but failed.

Although the group of monsters still have combat power, it is not easy to break through the capital city of this day.

A Xuanzun beside him said: "Young master, let's go back to recuperate first. It is not a matter of a day or two to destroy Tiandu City. After we recover from our injuries, it will not be too late to attack the city!"

"That's right, although Tiandu City is strong, what about other places? We can completely destroy the other sects and forces in this chaotic land first, and then Tiandu City will become an isolated city!" Another person road.

Bai Yu remained silent.

Because it's easier said than done.

There are a total of five Xuanzun masters in Tiandu City, one of whom has never shown up.

It is impossible for people to stay in the city all the time.

Once he evacuated, the five Xuanzun would never let him go easily.

They will definitely try their best to sneak attack, and the losses will be even greater by then!
Only by continuing to besiege Tiandu City can the opponent's weakness be grasped and the opponent dare not leave easily.

(End of this chapter)

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