Chapter 368
Gu Wentian left quickly, and handed over the space here to Chu Tianshu!

Hu Buhui and Hu Xianyue also flew over when they heard the news of Chu Tianshu's awakening.

"Brother, how do you feel? If it's okay, I'll buy you a drink, little brother. How about we ask Qing Tian for the wine?" Hu Buhui patted Chu Tianshu on the shoulder.

"it is good!"

Chu Tianshu naturally had nothing to refuse.

So he and Hu Buhui left together.

Of course, Liu Wenxuan, Zhao Liancheng, Jian Hongxue, and many members of the Sky Star team also followed.

Xue Lingyun did not go down the mountain, she looked at Chen Yuanyuan: "Now, you have also become a grandmaster, I guess, the scroll of the grandmaster's covenant should be sent over from the Tianji Tower soon, right?"

Chen Yuanyuan smiled: "Not necessarily!"

"What? Do you think there is a grandmaster in Donglu that you can't see at Tianji Building?"

"Maybe they won't be able to see me. Auntie doesn't plan to join in the fun?"

Chen Yuanyuan looked at Chu Tianshu and others who were walking down the mountain.

"If you want to go, then follow, so as not to be bullied again!" Xue Lingyun said.

"There are not many people in Tiandu City who can bully him!"

Chen Yuanyuan waved her hand and followed.

After holding her hands together, Xue Lingyun paused for a moment, then turned and went back to the room.


Chu Tianshu, who was strolling at the foot of the mountain, asked the people around him, "How is Tianlong Peak now?"

"I heard that after Wu Tianlong's mysterious death, Tianlong Peak has already been headed and rewarded you?" Hu Buhui asked.

Chu Tianshu nodded: "Yes, it's just that I haven't come here in a hurry. Is it lively over there?"

"It's more than lively? That person Wu Tianlong can't do anything else, he just knows how to manage and make money. Do you know how many people are there in the vicinity of Tianlong Mountain now?"

"How many?"

"It is estimated to be more than [-]. It is simply a small town, and it is also the busiest market with a radius of tens of miles. Wu Tianlong is just sitting on commissions, and a lot of wealth comes into his account every day!"

"Really? If that's the case, let's go to Tianlong Peak later!"

"Okay, anyway, I will eat and drink wherever I go!"

Everyone went to Tianlong Peak together.

Tianlong Peak is a medium-sized mountain!
The top of the mountain is naturally the place where Wu Tianlong and his disciples lived.

But from the halfway up the mountain, it has become lively.

There are a lot of buildings, and there are many birds and animals.

However, on the mountain, there are mostly villas.

The real liveliness is at the foot of the mountain.

There is a small town built on the hillside here, with row houses, many people, and it seems a bit noisy!

Chu Tianshu was not in a hurry to go up the mountain, but led everyone into a relatively high-end tavern at the foot of the mountain.

Almost the entire first floor has been reserved, and all friends are entertained.

However, Hu Buhui has always been concerned about Chen Yuanyuan.

As soon as he sat down, Hu Buhui smiled and said, "Chen Yuanyuan, you don't really plan to follow my elder brother all the time, do you?"

"What? Do you have an opinion?" Chen Yuanyuan glared at Hu Buhui.

"Haha...Of course I have no objection. You are the eldest brother who won from Wu Changlin in front of tens of thousands of people. You also said at the time that you would not hesitate to be a slave or a handmaid. Now, you take care of me. Brother, it should be taken for granted, no one dares to say no, everyone agrees, right?"

Hu Buhui looked at the rest of the people.

"is true……"

"We agree with both hands!"

Wan Lisha and other members of the Tianxing team also booed.

Chen Yuanyuan blushed and glanced at Chu Tianshu.

Chu Tianshu pretended not to see it, and lowered his head to think about his thoughts.

Long Juechen at the side looked at Chen Yuanyuan and said, "Are you a master too?"


The room fell silent in an instant.

Everyone stared at Chen Yuanyuan in horror.

After a long while, Hu Buhui smiled awkwardly: "Senior Brother Long, what are you talking about? Chen Yuanyuan is the same as us, isn't he in the realm of a great mystic master? How could he be a grand master, haha... everyone thinks so!"

But Chen Yuanyuan nodded and said, "I have indeed become a master!"

Hu Buhui slipped to the ground on the spot, and collapsed under the table, showing a look of horror.

How dare a little Great Mysterious Master himself make fun of someone else's Great Mysterious Master?
Isn't this looking for death?

By the way, the last time we met, Chen Yuanyuan was only a junior great mystic master, okay?

How long has it been?
How could he become Grandmaster Daxuan without saying a word?

And let no one live?
But soon, Hu Buhui thought of Wu Changlin, the crown prince of Wu Kingdom!

Nimei...that guy has lost a lot of money.

Don't you want a fiancée at the level of Daxuan Grandmaster?
And also lost it to the opponent?

When Hu Buhui looked towards the door, his expression became dull again.

Really what to say, what to!

Wu Changlin, with a long sword on his back, was stepping in.

It seemed that he also heard Chen Yuanyuan's words, showing a look of shock.

He remembered that Chen Yuanyuan's talent wasn't that good, she was just an ordinary prefecture level!

However, how could it be possible to reach the level of Daxuan Grandmaster in a month or two?

I didn't see her go to raise power and realize power!

But facts speak louder than words, Chen Yuanyuan is indeed already at the level of Grandmaster Daxuan.

Although the inner breath is restrained very well, everyone believes that Long Juechen will not talk nonsense.

However, everyone agreed to be surprised by Wu Changlin's arrival, and then glared.

This guy came from a life-and-death battle with Chu Tianshu before.

Could it be that they came to look for Chen Yuanyuan?
It was Long Juechen who waved to Wu Changlin and said, "Come here!"


Although Wu Changlin is very proud, but in front of Long Juechen, he is like a junior.

Immediately walked to Long Juechen's side.

But Long Juechen said to Chu Tianshu: "Junior brother Chu, I have a good relationship with his master, and what's more, the Wu royal family has a little relationship with us humans who believe in sea gods. I don't want any relationship between you two. , there is a misunderstanding that cannot be solved, and I asked him to come here today to confess his mistake to you! What happened before, even if it is over, how about it?"

Seeing Long Juechen's sincere gaze, Chu Tianshu had nothing to refuse.

Besides, the battle of life and death is a matter of the ring.

If there is a grudge, it will be resolved in the ring.

Therefore, he nodded, "As long as Junior Brother Wu Changlin doesn't hate me!"

Wu Changlin hastily bowed and said, "Thank you, Senior Brother Chu, for your generosity. Originally, my master asked me to personally go to Lingyun Peak to plead guilty, but I never found that opportunity!"

"They are all practitioners, and their minds are not so small. After drinking this glass of wine, it is over!"

With a thought of Chu Tianshu's mind, the wine jar automatically flew up. After filling the two bowls with wine, he handed one of the bowls to Wu Changlin.

The two touched each other, raised their heads and drank it all in one gulp!

Long Juechen applauded and welcomed him: "Okay, I also respect Junior Brother Chu and thank you for your contribution to Tiandu City. Without you, our Great Xuanzong would be overthrown by Baiyun City!"

(End of this chapter)

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