Chapter 380 Squid
There are a total of three storage bags in the arms of the black-clothed thief.

Chu Tianshu didn't check it either, and directly stuffed it into his arms.

But secretly, the storage bag was put into the space of the star beads.

"Little thief, your cultivation is not bad. You are already at the peak of the Great Mysterious Master. Why do you want to be a thief?" Chu Tianshu asked back.

"What am I going to do, what does it have to do with you? Let me go!" said the black-clothed thief.

"I'm saving you, don't you understand?" Chu Tianshu asked back.

"I don't need your help, let me go!" The black-clothed thief's eyes became colder and colder.

There is actually a black profound energy in the body, overflowing.

It has some similarities with Chu Tianshu's black demon power.

The opponent's body also became extremely pitch black as the black profound energy overflowed.

Chu Tianshu was a little funny, and said: "It's broad daylight, and Baiyun City is covered with snow all year round. Even if you want to practice invisibility, you should turn into white. If you turn into black, there is What's the use? Others can see it at a glance!"

"Fart, I don't practice invisibility, what I practice is infinite clone technique, I share... I share..."

The little thief who was restrained by his real body actually began to split, and then divided into two, and finally two became four, four became eight...

Almost instantly, it turned into hundreds of clones.

Not even the power of the black demon can restrain them all.

Chu Tianshu was stunned, looking at the densely packed people in black around him, he was in a daze.

In the world...there is such a powerful avatar technique?
This little thief is like a ball of water. When he whipped him, he was beaten into countless water droplets.

Moreover, every drop of water seems to be his flesh and blood.

However, Chu Tianshu soon saw the problem again.

There is no soul in these flesh and blood avatars, but the condensed will.

It seems that it is not much different from his phantom clone, it can only play the role of disturbing people's sight!
The fighting power is not strong!
As soon as the divine mind moved, Chu Tianshu's phantom clone also activated.

In an instant, Chu Tianshu appeared in front of every black-clothed thief.

You look at me, I look at you, both of you are in a state of sluggishness!
Chu Tianshu's black heart demon has quietly activated again, and he still successfully entangles himself on the real body of the man in black.

"You?" The black-clothed thief was shocked again.

Unfortunately, this time his flesh and blood body can no longer be divided.

Only Chu Tianshu smiled and said, "How do you feel?"

" do you have so many clones? And, you can still find my real body?" The black-clothed thief was shocked.

"My avatars can be endless, and I can even create real flesh and blood avatars at any time, but you can't do that. You only have one soul, and I can see through it at a glance!"

"What? Your soul can actually be split? Can you have a real distraction?" The black-clothed thief was surprised.

"Do you want to learn?" Chu Tianshu said with a smile.

After finishing speaking, another Chu Tianshu appeared beside him.

Both sides are exactly the same!
From soul to body, there is no slight difference.

It can also be said that if the current Chu Tianshu appeared in front of a certain master-level enemy, the enemy might not be able to tell the difference!

The only pity is that the demon spirit bone and the battle spirit cannot be separated for the time being.

After watching for a long time, the little thief in black finally lowered his head like a discouraged ball.

He said, "I'm convinced!"

After finishing speaking, the avatar, which occupied almost half of the street, quickly rushed towards his real body.

One after another disappeared, as if they were all integrated into the deity.

Chu Tianshu also withdrew the power of the black demon.

He said, "Are you half human and half demon?"

"That's right, I'm half human and half demon, but my demon blood is hidden and not prominent, it's just hidden in the blood, so outsiders think I'm human!"

"You are in the city, but you still have relatives?"

The little thief shook his head: "I have a mother but no father. My mother is a human being, and she is already dead!"

"What's your name?"

"I don't have a name. Everyone calls me squid. I'm black. I've been a thief since I was a child. I'll steal things for anyone who gives me money!"

"You mean, you stole the storage bag of the bird head man because someone gave you money? You were asked to steal it?" Chu Tianshu asked back.

Squid nodded.

"You're already a top mystic master, do you still need to steal things to make money?" Chu Tianshu frowned.

"I'm building momentum!" Squid suddenly became more serious.

Chu Tianshu was stunned for a moment, and then he understood in his heart.

It turned out that the squid was gaining strength in theft.

The world is really big, full of surprises!
That Chen Yuanyuan worked as an undercover agent for ten years, came to cultivate and understand the situation, and finally after meeting herself, she was able to control the small situation.

What is the momentum of this squid?
Is it also related to the dark attribute?
However, he didn't ask anything in detail.

Instead, he said, "Now that I have the storage bag you stole, will the buyer come to trouble you?"

"Maybe, or maybe not, anyway, I only collected half of the money, at worst, I'll just pay them back!" Squid said.

"Follow me from now on, I'll take you as my younger brother!" Chu Tianshu said.

The squid lowered its head and did not speak.

"Now, take me to the Young City Lord's mansion, let's go!" Chu Tianshu said again.

The squid asked: "Are you offering a reward for the young city lord?"

"That's right, by the way, do you know what the young city lord's pet is?" Chu Tianshu asked curiously.

"Of course I know. I heard that the young master's pet is the human woman who sings every night. I don't know why, half a month ago, that human woman stopped singing. The young master hopes that someone can make this human woman sing." Smile and sing again!"

After hearing this, Chu Tianshu frowned immediately.

He originally thought that Bai Yu's pet would be some kind of bird or beast, but unexpectedly, it was a human woman.

Could it be that Bai Yu also has the bad habit of raising human women in captivity?
"What's the song that girl sang?" Chu Tianshu asked again.

"Of course I know... don't you know?"

"I just came from out of town!"

"Oh, so that's the case, I'll hum a few words for you, because I dreamed that you left..."

As soon as Chu Tianshu heard this sentence, a wave of overwhelming anger rushed to his forehead.

He grabbed the squid by the collar and lifted it up.

Seeing the killing intent in Chu Tianshu's eyes, the squid's heart trembled. This aura was really too dangerous.

The black shadow under the feet even involuntarily spread towards the squid's legs!

Everyone has a tendency to devour the squid.

He never imagined that his woman would be treated as a pet by this white feather!

But Ji Ruxin didn't tell him this, maybe it was to save him from worrying!
The reason why Ji Ruxin sang before was because she hoped to wake up Chu Tianshu through the disappearing star in her mind.

Not singing now, it should be because Chu Tianshu has woken up.

But the people in Baiyun City didn't know why.

I have been singing for more than a month, and suddenly I stopped singing. Even Bai Yu may not be able to adapt!

Therefore, I tried my best to coax Ji Ruxin to be happy, trying to make her sing again.

However, Yuren didn't know that if he wanted Ji Ruxin to sing, he had to make Ji Ruxin cry!
(End of this chapter)

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