Chapter 392

Ji Ruxin stared at Bai Yu, and said: "We, husband and wife, have already been married long ago, and we have already made a vow to live together and die together, and I have already told you that no matter whether it is life or death, he He will come to Baiyun City to find me, he did it!"

Bai Yu took a long breath.

His gaze has been scanning back and forth between Chu Tianshu and Ji Ruxin.

After all, he restrained his killing intent and nodded slightly: "Very good, with your ability alone, it is really not too difficult to cross the monster mountain range, but if you want to save Ji Ruxin, it will be difficult , without my young master's permission, you cannot leave this city, do you believe it?"

Chu Tianshu smiled: "Of course I believe, otherwise, we should have forced our way in long ago, and I would not have given such a valuable thing to you, Young City Master!"

Bai Yu narrowed his eyes: "Oh? So, the reason why you offered something is to exchange for Ji Ruxin?"

"Didn't the Young City Lord accept those two items? Don't you like them?" Chu Tianshu asked rhetorically.

Bai Yu said: "The communication item is also of some value, but the telescope, my father thinks it is very ordinary!"

"That's because the city lord doesn't understand its value. With the city lord's cultivation, he may be able to see the moon, but can he see the starry sky farther away? Can he know the trajectory of the stars in the entire universe? Can he understand the continent under our feet? , or it could be an irregular sphere? Is it just a part of countless stars? Do you know how big this universe is? When manpower is limited, even if he is a god, he is just a drop in the ocean for the entire universe..."

Chu Tianshu once again used the technique of fooling around, using a series of rhetorical questions!
The name is to make Bai Yu think, but in fact it is to arouse Bai Yu's curiosity.

So as to give up the killing intent on the two of them.

Sure enough, under Chu Tianshu's continuous bombing, Bai Yu became more and more confused.

He said: "You humans... have you really figured out everything in the universe?"

"Of course... to me, the telescope is much more valuable than the communication array, because we can also use the principle of the telescope to make a microscope, which can see tiny creatures that we cannot see with the naked eye, and even... can Find out the mysteries and components of various elements, just like this electricity..."

Chu Tianshu's fingertips produced an electric arc.

He went on to say: "This electricity is actually a combination of positive and negative electrons. If we artificially separate them forcibly, turn this beam of current into two beams, and then send them out together... "

An electric arc from Chu Tianshu's fingertips was divided into two parts, and after being thrown out, they met again in mid-air.

Sparks scattered!

The scorching light makes people palpitate.

"Young City Master, have you seen it? This is just a little bit of energy, and it can form such a strong attack. Therefore, through the magnification principle of the telescope, we will be able to see the essence through the phenomenon in the future, and understand why there is wind and rain in this world. Why is there lightning..."

While talking, Chu Tianshu found a place and sat down.

Bai Yu followed like a ghost, like a curious baby, listening carefully!

"Another example... This world belongs to the three-dimensional space of three dimensions, but there are also one-dimensional space, two-dimensional space, four-dimensional space, and five-dimensional space..."

"We are all still bound by the three-dimensional space. Maybe we can sense and discover the two-dimensional space with our soul power, but we are helpless when it comes to the four-dimensional space. I think that even the gods may not be able to touch it. The realm of life...Because it is difficult for life to break through its own limitations, it can only break through downwards, but it is extremely difficult to break through upwards..."

Following Chu Tianshu's explanation, Bai Yu became more and more shocked.

There is a feeling of clearing the clouds and seeing the sun in the confusion of the past.


Ji Ruxin's eyes widened and she stared at Chu Tianshu in disbelief.

She just thought that Chu Tianshu could compose poetry and was talented, but she never thought that Chu Tianshu's talent had far exceeded her cognition.

Even, it has surpassed the human cognition of the entire world.

After half an hour!

Bai Yu took a deep breath and looked at Chu Tianshu, already full of fear.

He said: "You humans... actually divide the world in this way. In this way, isn't the high god... just a higher-level life form?"

Chu Tianshu smiled and nodded: "That's right, the power of gods only comes from ancient dragons and phoenixes, and the ancient dragons and phoenixes were transformed by Kunpeng. Even if it is Kunpeng, what is it in the face of the entire universe?" ? God, should not be the end of our pursuit, but just a starting point, we should explore more cosmic avenues!"

White Feather nodded slightly.

He found that his worldview had actually begun to collapse.

The original anger caused by Chu Tianshu's identity as a human undercover agent also disappeared.

It's just to save the one I love!

Regardless of the hostile relationship between the two parties, he even admired Chu Tianshu.

But the knowledge that Chu Tianshu taught is priceless, and it cannot be exchanged for anything.

He can be sure that even his own father would never know, let alone think about it.

Ji Ruxin sighed: "If God is just a starting point, then... what is above God?"

Bai Yu also showed curiosity.

"Above the gods, when we all reach the gods, it will be clear!" Chu Tianshu smiled.

"You, a human being, actually want to become a god?" Bai Yu was taken aback by Chu Tianshu's words again!
"Even if I can't make it, sooner or later, I will have the means that only a god can have!" Chu Tianshu said.

For Chu Tianshu, God is just a broad concept.

As long as one possesses the body of immortality and researches enough powerful weapons, even ordinary people can be called gods!
White Feather was silent.

With Chu Tianshu's current knowledge and cognition, maybe... he can really do it.

After a while, he asked Chu Tianshu again: "What is the crisis you mentioned just now?"

"People from foreign races are constantly sneaking into Baiyun City, and they are collecting identity tokens to enter the city through various methods!" Chu Tianshu said.

"So what? It's not a big deal for Baiyun City to have insiders from outsiders. For many years, no one has been able to threaten the safety of Baiyun City!"

"This time, the other party is definitely not simple. If the young city lord doesn't believe it, he can send someone to investigate first. In addition, I can also remind the young city lord that the monsters in the monster mountain range also have abnormal movements. They gather in groups of thousands , There is also a mysterious force in the dark that is controlling them, but this force does not come from Baiyun City. If this trend continues, Baiyun City will really become an isolated city surrounded by monsters. It is no longer you who shepherd the group of monsters, but the group of monsters besieging Baiyun City!"

"Are you serious?" Bai Yu's expression suddenly became solemn.

"Young City Master went to check on himself, we husband and wife will not leave, do you think so?" Chu Tianshu asked back.

(End of this chapter)

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