The strongest concubine ever

Chapter 397 Please help

Chapter 397 Please help

"Brothers, tell me, why did you solve that Yutian? Anyway, I will never allow him to leave Baiyun City!" Master Yu said with a gloomy expression.

"I heard that he went to the Demon Refining Tower with Ji Ruxin, and there was news from the Demon Refining Tower that Yu Tian and Ji Ruxin were holding hands. It seems that the young city lord intends to send Ji Ruxin Giving it to Yutian, thus gaining Yutian's allegiance!" Hong Ying said.

Niu Tau and half demon Niu Ben also said: "I also heard that a junior of my clan challenged Yu Tian and lost two thousand demon crystals. We might as well start from this aspect and send experts in to pretend to be newcomers. Then challenge Yu Tian, ​​as long as Yu Tian accepts the challenge, he can be killed on the field!"

"Then who to send? You know, this person's soul attack technique cannot even be resisted by us. Although the profound energy is suppressed in the Demon Refining Tower, the soul is not suppressed. To defeat him, at least the high-ranking Daxuanzong is required." Teacher realm!" Master Yu frowned.

Hong Ying narrowed his eyes: "We have five hundred Daxuan Grandmasters in Baiyun City. If you want to find a few people to help, isn't that easy? I'll just look at Tie Ying!"

"Iron Eagle?"

All three thought of the terrifying guy with a pair of black iron wings.

"Tie Ying is withdrawn, please?" Niu Ben asked.

"What's wrong with inviting us? Our three brothers come out, does he dare not follow? Young Master's father is the Emperor of Yu, as long as he lowers his face, Xuanzun can invite him!" Hong Ying said.

Master Yu raised the corners of his mouth, but nodded in approval: "Let Tie Ying take action first, this person is only a few people who killed people in the Demon Refining Tower, and nothing happened, as long as he comes forward, even if Yu Tian does not accept Tie Ying The eagle's challenge, the iron eagle also has the ability to kill it without anyone noticing!"

Hongying also nodded: "I hope he doesn't want the lion to open his mouth!"

"Let's go ask him first!"

The three of them flew away together.

But a stick of incense time!
The three of them came to the entrance of a huge cave, the inside was dark and dull, and the sound of howling wind was constantly coming out.

Hong Ying said: "Tie Ying, come out, Master Yu has something to see you!"

Half an hour!

A voice came from inside: "What are you looking for me for?"

"Please kill someone!"


"Not bad!"


"In the Demon Refining Pagoda, the body and soul realm of the Daxuan Master should be that of the Daxuan Grandmaster. As long as you make a move, we can give you three thousand demon crystals!"

A black figure gradually walked out.

Behind this person is a pair of wings that are as black as ink, releasing metallic luster.

But the skin is as white as snow, without blood color, giving people a feeling that they have not seen the sun all year round.

Moreover, this person is also very thin, and the bones on his body are clearly visible.

But his gaze was extremely cold.

There is a sense of indifference to life.

"With the cultivation and status of the three of you, it's impossible that you can't deal with that human being, right? Why ask me to do it?" Tie Ying asked.

"Hey... that person is proficient in the art of soul attack. The three of us have never beaten him. Besides, he is still the person that the young city lord favors. If he finds someone else, he may not dare to make a move. I guess only you can do it." Resist his mental attack!"

"What bloodline is he?" Tie Ying asked.

"It is said that it is a heavenly rank, and there is a woman beside him, who is also a heavenly rank!"

"Oh? A pair of Tianjiao?" Tie Ying showed excitement.

"You promised?"

"That's right, let's take the demon crystal, but it's not three thousand, but five thousand!" Tie Ying stretched out his hand.

Young Master Yu frowned slightly, but in the end he untied the storage bag from his waist and threw it to Tie Ying.

Tie Ying took it, opened it to check, and nodded: "Okay, you can go!"

"Then how long can you kill him?" Young Master Yu asked.

"That depends on when he comes out, don't worry, he won't live long, unless he stays in the gravity chamber!" Tie Ying said.

Master Yu nodded slightly.

The three of them flew away together.

Tie Ying glanced at the three of them, then turned around and returned to the cave.

After traveling for thousands of meters, it stopped in a secret room.

The door of the secret room was closed, and the pitch-black ground slowly cracked open.

The masked old man in black who was about to kill the squid came out of the crack.

"I've seen the envoy!" Tie Ying bowed and cupped his fists.

The old man nodded: "Recently, the young city lord Bai Yu has launched a secret investigation. We have several strongholds, all of which were discovered by him. As a last resort, we also lost some manpower. However, the plan remains unchanged. Your mission is still As usual, we must provide us with enough young bodies, preferably Tianjiao!"

Tie Ying laughed and said, "God envoy, it's a coincidence that just now there were three guys who paid me to kill two humans with heavenly blood, and their cultivation should have reached the realm of a master!"

"Heaven-level blood? Not bad, they must be caught, um, try to capture them alive, if they can't be captured alive, then kill their souls, keep their bodies intact, and wait for my god to possess them successfully and come to the world of heaven , hehe... Baiyun City will be destroyed!"

"My lord envoy, I still think that Bai Yu's body is the most suitable wedding dress for a god!"

"This son's cultivation level is too high, he is already a quasi-xuanzun. It is not so easy to capture alive. At this level, it is impossible to kill his soul alone and preserve his body. We can't startle the snake and attract the attention of the White Emperor. Besides, , holy blood cannot be tarnished in the slightest, if one is not handled well, it will even devour the gods!"

Tie Ying nodded: "Then this subordinate will find a way to catch those two people and bring them here!"


The old man in black nodded slightly: "There is one more thing, there is a thief named Squid, you must catch him, this person may also be the messenger of a small god, and he can invite the god to possess him at a critical moment and escape Killed me!"

Tie Ying frowned and said, "Master Divine Envoy is saying that there are other gods who are attacking Baiyun City's attention?"

"It's hard to say, the forces in Baiyun City are intricate and complicated. Not only is there a statue of Dapeng, but there are also many believers in other gods secretly, but there are not many gods who know the news that Dapeng is about to die!"

"Envoy, how long will it take God Peng to die completely?"

" won't be long, at most it won't be more than a month. I guess, Bai Di should also know the news that Dapeng is going to die, so he is so anxious to let his son Bai Yu marry the one from Fengming Mountain. Young Phoenix!"

Tie Ying nodded: "Yun Luan from Fengming Mountain has a god-level bloodline, Xuanzun level, and is even better than Bai Yu. If he knew that Baiyun City's backer Peng Shen was about to die, he would definitely not marry again!"

"Don't startle the snake, we have only one purpose, and that is the Wan Yaozhu in Baidi's hand. With the Wan Yaozhu, we can control the monsters in the entire Monster Beast Mountain Range!"

"I hope that the envoy of God will not forget what he promised me. I only want the black stone in the Demon Refining Tower!"

"rest assured!"

The body of the old man in black slowly retracted into the ground again.

Tie Ying also turned around and left.

(End of this chapter)

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