The strongest concubine ever

Chapter 402 Dream Moon Realm

Chapter 402 Dream Moon Realm

Chu Tianshu never imagined that when he was promoted to a body refining master, he would actually arouse a kind of blood power.

But, shouldn't the dragon and the phoenix be rivals?

Why did the power of the two bloodlines appear on him?

He also became more and more confused about his own life experience.

What kind of woman is the mother of this body?

Even if she has the blood of Tianfeng, she inherited it to herself.

But who did the dragon's bloodline come from?
Is it Chu Yanhong?

Absolutely impossible!
No matter how many generations of the Chu family's ancestors, there has never been a person with a noble bloodline.

It's just that Chu Tianyang, how did he arouse the power of blood vessels?

Is it really because of God?

Or is there another chance?

Chu Tianshu's dragon and phoenix avatars looked at each other for a long time!

In the end, it was decided to merge with each other!

However, it is no longer you have me, I have you!
The current Chu Tianshu still has no ability to make the dragon and the phoenix reunite.

Only the Tianfeng bloodline can be used as the main body, and the Tianlong bloodline avatar can be brought into the fantasy world in the dream, live on the white star of the heart demon, and hide together in the fantasy world of the sea of ​​consciousness.

It is equivalent to Chu Tianshu stripping off the blood of Tianlong.

But even if it's just Tianfeng's bloodline, Chu Tianshu's physical strength is comparable to that of a junior Daxuan master.

The only thing missing is the means to attack!

Need to comprehend a force called momentum.

It is also possible to practice low-level martial arts and profound arts at the earth level.

However, these are not important to Chu Tianshu.

The fantasy world in his dream is comparable to an earth-level high-grade mystical art that can display the power of a domain.

The Hundred Alchemy Divine Hammer is also not weak at all.

As long as his body is strong enough, he can display a strong enough combat power.

"Refining Qi, it should be soon, right?"

Chu Tianshu regained his original appearance, took out a piece of clothing from the space of the Star Pearl, and put it on again.

Looking at the time on the identity token, it took nine days this time.

Tomorrow, the time for practice will expire again.

The Demon Emperor's blood was also completely refined.

I still have a spare drop left on me.

Chu Tianshu is no longer eager to improve the realm of the physical body!
Being able to become a master already made him feel very gratified.

After stabilizing his cultivation for another day, he walked out of the gravity room after the ten-day time limit was up.

Not long after he came out, Ji Ruxin and Chen Yuanyuan also came out one after another.

The two daughters also have their own gains.

They have also refined the blood of the Demon Emperor, which is already close to the level of the middle-level Daxuan Grandmaster.

However, the middle-level Daxuan Grandmaster needs to understand the general situation.

Of course, it can also be obtained by practicing earth-level middle-grade profound arts.

This time!

Tie Ying also came over, looked at the three of them, and nodded slightly.

"It's not bad. You have all made breakthroughs. The strength of your physical body has been greatly increased. The rest is to improve your combat effectiveness through profound arts. If you need earth-level middle-grade profound arts, I can also help you buy them!" Iron Eagle Road.

"What is the price of the earth-level profound art?" Chu Tianshu asked.

"Earth-level low-rank requires [-] demon crystals to start, prefecture-level middle-rank [-], and prefecture-level top-rank [-]!"

"It's not cheap either!" Chu Tianshu frowned slightly.

None of the three of them can have so many demon crystals.

Tie Ying said: "The best way is actually to ask the gods to bless you and ask God to grant you some suitable profound arts!"

"The gods are proficient in magic arts, and there is no way to have mystical arts suitable for us!" Chu Tianshu said calmly.

Tie Ying was taken aback for a moment, but nodded in approval.

After all, he also knows only a little about God!
Ji Ruxin said: "We don't need to buy it now. Even if we don't break through for the time being, it's nothing. After all, this demon refining tower is not a place to practice profound arts. As long as we continue to let our blood body break through , combat power can be honed later!"

"Then shall we continue down to the third floor?" Chu Tianshu said.

The two girls nodded.

Tie Ying said: "Based on your realm, the third floor is almost the end. If you want to practice on the fourth floor, you generally need the Xuanzun realm!"

Ji Ruxin said: "That's not bad. With thirty times the gravity, one day of practice is equivalent to a month in the outside world. If we practice for another ten days, wouldn't it be equivalent to a year in the outside world?"

"Let's go, then go to practice for a while, and try to make your cultivation level infinitely close to that of the middle-ranked Daxuan Grandmaster!" Chu Tianshu nodded in agreement.

Tie Ying frowned, but did not stop him after all.

He just reminded: "It's time for me to go out, and I will help you deal with Young Master Yu, so you can take care of yourself!"

"Thank you!" Chu Tianshu nodded.

Tie Ying left.

Chu Tianshu and the three went down to the third floor together.

The gravity here has indeed increased a lot.

Thirty times the gravity, with Chu Tianshu's current weight, it is equivalent to an increase of five or six thousand catties of pressure on the body!
For a while, it will be fine, but for a long time, it will be difficult.

However, the three of Chu Tianshu still only paid the fee for ten days, purchased related auxiliary cultivation items, and then went to their respective rooms to practice.

Just shut the door!
Chu Tianshu's body was divided into three parts, and the clones of Tianlong blood and Tianfeng blood were hidden on the heart demon white star.

In the outside world, only his body is left, and he concentrates on running the Shenlei Purgatory Art.

This is already equivalent to three uses of one mind!

One day of practice is equivalent to three days for others!

When the physical realm broke through to the level of Grandmaster Daxuan, he had already sensed that the fourth to sixth levels of the Great Dream Zhou Tian Jing's exercises were finally loosened.

Darkness becomes brighter!

This triple layer is also called Dream Moon Realm!
Previously, the first three levels that Chu Tianshu cultivated should be called Dream Star Realm.

It's just that being loose doesn't mean you can directly acquire the exercises.

In order to obtain these four to six levels of exercises, one must also cultivate the profound energy and reach the level of the great Xuan master.

Although the Great Dream Zhou Tianjing majored in the soul, profound energy is still the foundation of everything.

Although the profound energy here is suppressed, the fantasy world in the dream where Chutian Shuxinmo resides is not affected by the outside world at all.

The two clones are located on the white star, and they can practice normally!
Let's absorb enough light and profound energy from the high-altitude star light spot together, and refine it instead of the deity!
When the physical body becomes stronger, the profound energy spit out by the profound energy seeds will be further accelerated.

Time flies like water!
Eight days passed in the blink of an eye.

When the ninth day approached, the profound energy in Chu Tianshu's dantian finally began to transform into a liquid state with the help of the two avatars!
The world is just opening!
The nine profound energy seeds began to climb upwards, and the liquid profound energy began to sink, turning into a lake of spirits.

The nine profound energy seeds hanging in the sky also began to rotate slowly.

In the dantian, a crack seemed to burst.

There is a round of bright blue moon emerging from the crack.

It gives people a wonderful scene of nine stars ringing the moon.

But this scene did not last long, it was fleeting, and the nine stars quickly disappeared behind the blue moonlight.

But Chu Tianshu could clearly sense that Jiuxing still exists!

At the same time, new soul techniques and new meditation techniques flooded into Chu Tianshu's mind.

Before, Chu Tianshu was meditating on the stars, but now he was meditating on the moon.

As for the new soul technique, it is called: infinite distraction technique.

That is to say, in the future, Chu Tianshu's distraction will no longer be limited by the number.

(End of this chapter)

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