The strongest concubine ever

Chapter 415 Descendants of Birds

Chapter 415 Descendants of Birds
Looking at Emperor Yun, Chu Tianshu felt like crying.

I'm afraid that if I just escaped from Fengming Mountain, people will already know about it.

The gap between the two sides is too great.

There is no comparison at all.

Chu Tianshu couldn't escape at all.

In desperation, Chu Tianshu begged for mercy: "Emperor Yun, can you hold your hand high? Forgive me once? I am a human being, and besides, I already have a lover!"

"It is precisely because you are a human being that I want to keep you even more. Before that, we Fengming Mountain had never had a baby of human blood, so you must work hard to make my little sister pregnant. Human children, um... It is said that human children can be conceived directly in the mother's womb, and then they can be born directly, instead of being hatched in eggshells!" Emperor Yun said.

A black line appeared on Chu Tianshu's forehead. People and monsters really can't communicate!

Even though these monsters have the same shape as human beings, they are still monsters.

It's not even as close as the Yuren in Baiyun City, who are closer to humans!

Even if he is willing to leave offspring here and let Yun Luoluo bear a child for him, what if the birth is another egg?
What should I do?
Don't you worry about death?

No, absolutely not!

He, Chu Tianshu, couldn't pass this test in his heart!
However, when Emperor Yun saw Chu Tianshu still shook his head and said nothing, his face sank.

There was a hint of murderous intent in his eyes: "Why? I wait for the noble descendants of the Phoenix clan, can't you catch my eyes? Even if you have the blood of Tianfeng, you are only a lowly human being after all. Your pride, if you dare to refuse again, I will directly blow your head off!"

As he said that, Emperor Yun raised his jade finger and made a gesture of flicking it to Chu Tianshu's forehead.

Chu Tianshu shrank his neck hastily, and said, "I... go, can't I?"

After finishing speaking, he teleported away directly.

He didn't dare to run away, but obediently returned to Yun Luoluo's room.

Merge with the avatar.

And Yun Luoluo's singing and dancing had just ended at this time.

She didn't seem to know anything, but she looked at Chu Tianshu with joy and said, "How is it? Is it good-looking? Do you like it?"

Chu Tianshu nodded hastily: "It looks good, I like it very much!"

"Then... are you willing to have a baby with me?" Yun Luoluo rushed to Chu Tianshu's side.

"Ahem...well, Luoluo... don't you want to know more about human beings?"

"Understand human beings? Aren't you a human being? If we are together, I can understand you!"

"I mean, to know more about human beings, this world is very big. Don't you want to see the outside world? Are you so willing to live on Fengming Mountain all your life?" Chu Tianshu said.

Yun Luoluo nodded hurriedly: "I really want to go out and have a look, that's why I want to have a baby with you!"

"Cough... Is there any relationship between having a baby and going out to see the world?"

"Fengming Mountain has regulations. Only by leaving offspring in the Fengming Nest can you leave Fengming Mountain. When I have a child, I will wander the world with you. Do you like it? Soon, a month will be enough !"

Yun Luoluo seemed a little impatient, and immediately threw Chu Tianshu to the ground.

"Wait a moment!"

Chu Tianshu really wanted to cry.

What kind of rules are there in Fengming Mountain?
To think that every bird elf in Lishan had to leave eggs, and then it would take an unknown amount of time before they could hatch.

Just like this Yun Luoluo, it was hatched more than 300 years after the eldest sister Yunfeng was born.

After more than 1000 years, not only did it not become a fossil, but a living person was hatched instead.

It is really……

No one will believe it!
Well, even if you believe it, is this the way to be a parent?

What's the difference between this and throwing away after giving birth?
It's no wonder that Yun Luoluo hasn't met her parents, hey...

No, I must not give in!
It's scary to think about it!
As soon as he exerted force, his body turned over, and Yun Luoluo was pressed under his body.

He said urgently: "His Royal Highness Luo Luo, can we wait a while? I'm not ready yet!"

Yun Luoluo blinked her eyes, her slightly colored eyelids glowed with a few wisps of inspiration, she nodded, but said nothing.

"You see, there is a big difference between us humans and your bird monsters in terms of giving birth to offspring. Your birds are bird eggs, and you can just find a place to put them there, but the descendants of us humans are born as children. You have to be taken care of by someone, if what you give birth to is not a bird egg but a child, we can't leave, we have to raise the child to an adult, it will take many years!"

"Even if it's a baby, it doesn't matter. It can be taken care of by the elder sister. We can do whatever we want!"

"No, if you have a child, you have to stay and take care of yourself. How about this? Let's sneak out together for a while. I will take you to witness the warmth and coldness of the world. After we get to know each other better, we can talk about it. ?” Chu Tianshu said.

"Go out secretly? Eldest sister will find out, she won't allow it!"

"Then what about your elder sister Yunluan? Why did you allow her to marry in Baiyun City?"

"Sister Yunluan, if you had so many people in Baiyun City, we wouldn't accompany you!" Yun Luoluo said.

Chu Tianshu felt a little unable to communicate.

However, the posture of the two of them at this time was somewhat ambiguous.

Although Yun Luoluo didn't know how to be shy, her body was indeed no different from that of a human being.

Lying on it, it is really easy to shake people's minds.

Seeing Yun Luoluo calm down, Chu Tianshu let her go and sat beside her.

Said: "Luo Luo, actually, there is something I have to tell you, it may be related to your sister Yunluan's life!"

Yun Luoluo suddenly became nervous: "What's wrong?"

"This time, the marriage between Baiyun City and Fengming Mountain is something that Wan Yao Nest does not want to see. On the way back, the monsters in Wan Yao Nest may ambush the young city lord and your sister. In addition, there will be death in the south." The ghosts in the forest have also sneaked into Baiyun City, and they may attack Baiyun City at any time, it is hard to say whether Baiyun City can be saved, so I must go back!"

"Why? Since Baiyun City is so dangerous, wouldn't it be better for you to stay in our Fengming Mountain?" Yun Luoluo asked.

"My lover is there, and so are my friends, so I'm going to save them!"

Yun Luoluo was silent.

Eye to eye!

for a long time!

Yun Luoluo said: "Then I will talk to my sister and see if she allows me to go to Baiyun City with you!"

"Well, you can go as a sender!"

"Then I'm going to talk to my sister now!"

After finishing speaking, Yun Luoluo's body turned into a streak of light and flew out of the window!
Emperor Yun at this time!
It is suspended above the high-altitude clouds.

Looking down at the entire Fengming Mountain!
Seeing Yun Luoluo approaching, she said directly: "Are you sure you want to trust that human being? Are you going to go to Baiyun City with him?"

"Sister, you know everything?" Yun Luoluo said timidly.

"Of course!"

"Then sister...would you like to let us go there together?"

Emperor Yun took a deep breath: "You decide for yourself!"

(End of this chapter)

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