Chapter 419
After Baidi heard the Bull Demon King's laughter, his expression also became colder.

Now, God Peng is dead, and the divine power in the statue is rapidly draining.

It is no longer possible to protect Baiyun City.

You can only open the moat formation.

Thinking of this, a pair of energy wings with a wingspan of tens of miles suddenly appeared behind Baidi!

Almost the entire Baiyun City was covered.

The Myriad Demon Orb trapped by the Bull Demon King released a dazzling light again.

When the Bull Demon King saw this, his eyes were also very serious.

The body expanded rapidly, reaching thousands of meters.

The whole body is like a majestic mountain!
The Wan Yaozhu was always in his hands and never left.

"Bull Demon King... I will give you one last chance, if you don't stop, then I can only kill you!"

Baidi let out a roar!

Rays of light were released from different areas of Baiyun City, and they exploded in the void, forming an energy shield together.

The moat formation was opened.

This energy shield merged with the energy wings on Baidi's back.

This made the energy wings even bigger, covering an area with a radius of hundreds of miles, and also firmly covering the entire Baiyun City.

Bunches of feathered swords fell from the energy wings, killing those ghosts and those coming from the Ten Thousand Monsters Cave.

The Bull Demon King is naturally the one who receives the most attention.

The Bull Demon King, who had turned into a thousand-meter tall bull, finally stopped forcibly imprisoning Wan Yaozhu after seeing this scene.

Instead, he threw it vigorously and threw the Wanyao Pearl into the crack in the ground.


When the Wanyao Pearl was about to hit the ground, it suddenly expanded and burst into dazzling light again. One by one, demon souls got out of it and fought with the evil ghost.

Bai Di was not in a hurry to take back the Wan Yaozhu.

His gaze has already landed on Di Gui.

Di Gui also turned into a giant zombie with a height of nearly a thousand meters.

It's just that a pair of wings grew out of his back, and his ears became more pointed.

The nails on the five fingers are also like sharp knives, and the muscles on the body are squeezed together, giving people a sense of indestructibility.

He raised his head and roared, looked at Baidi high in the sky, and said hoarsely: "Baidi, surrender, I may spare you and let you become my spokesperson on the ground!"

As he spoke, he reached out and scratched down.

The Wan Yaozhu that was emitting light suddenly became quiet.

The demon soul no longer gushes out.

Countless black smoke also crazily poured into the Wan Yaozhu.

Seeing this, Bai Di saw a ray of light in the void, and it turned into a big sword.

Aim at the giant zombie transformed by Di Gui, and slash out with one sword.

The space seemed to explode at this moment.

Seeing this, Di Gui had no choice but to give up on absorbing the Wan Yaozhu, and hastily raised his arms to resist Baidi's lightsaber.

Di Gui's body sank into the mountain.

The skin on both arms has been completely shattered, leaving only white bone claws.

But it also successfully resisted Baidi's sword!
He looked up, raised his arm, and the bone claws grabbed Bai Di.

Bai Di's body turned into a phantom, successfully dodging Di Gui's blow, but he slashed the sword again...

so repeatedly!

Di Gui unexpectedly failed to take advantage.

However, the people in Baiyun City discovered that as the battle continued, more and more statues of Peng God in the city were blown apart.

The Bull Demon King was also frantically slaughtering those masters in Baiyun City.

Even Chu Tianshu and others were hunted down.

The person chasing them is also Niu Ao, the son of the Bull Demon King.

Niu Ao seemed to have really fallen in love with Yun Luoluo, and in a flash, he was in the void above Chu Tianshu and the others.

He looked down at Yun Luoluo, and said: "Little girl, follow Brother Niu, Brother Niu will definitely save your life, otherwise, you should die here with everyone else today!"

Yun Luoluo said, "I won't go with you ugly cow. Even if I die, my sister will definitely kill you and avenge me!"

"Hey... So, you are toasting and not eating and drinking!"

After Niu Ao said a word, he stepped down.

His legs were extending rapidly, and the soles of his feet became hooves, and they were growing rapidly, covering Chu Tianshu and others.

Chu Tianshu immediately felt that the gravity on his body suddenly increased by dozens of times.

The cow's hoof is like a mountain, under its pressure, it is actually very difficult to avoid.

This kick, but with the power of the boundary.

You can restrain Chu Tianshu and others in advance.

However, when Chu Tianshu's spatial boundary was opened, that restraint disappeared instantly.

The next moment, Chu Tianshu led the crowd and teleported a thousand meters away.

The place where he stood just now has been sunken tens of meters.

A [-]-meter-long hoof print appeared!
Gao Kong Niu Ao showed a look of surprise, and looked at Chu Tianshu and others who were hiding in the distance with deep surprise.

But Chu Tianshu secretly sent a voice transmission to several people: "You guys run first, this Niu Ao is handed over to me!"


Ji Ruxin and Yun Luoluo actually spoke the same voice.

After finishing speaking, both of them looked surprised and glanced at each other.

Yun Luoluo said first: "Although you are powerful, you are only the Grandmaster of Daxuan after all. This Niu Ao is a junior Xuanzun. If you want to leave, you will go together!"

Ji Ruxin nodded hurriedly.

Chu Tianshu hesitated for a while, and said: "In this case, then you all go to the Demon Refining Tower with me!"

Several women nodded.

The power of space was activated, and Chu Tianshu teleported away again.

Niu Ao wanted to chase again, but Bai Yu and Yun Luan flew up.

Bai Yu gritted his teeth and said angrily, "Niu Ao, you will definitely suffer retribution!"

"Hehe... retribution? That's why you Baiyun City will be destroyed first, so go die!"

Niu Ao still kicked out with one kick.

Another energy bull's hoof appeared out of thin air and kicked towards Bai Yu.

Bai Yu hurriedly avoided.

The cow's hooves extended hundreds of meters, crushing a tall building down.

However, just as Bai Yu wanted to fight back, he suddenly felt a murderous intent coming from his back.

He hurriedly turned his head to look, and saw that his new wife, Yun Luan, had already handed out a sword.

On the body of the sword, there is still a hot flame burning.

"You?" Bai Yu was taken aback.

Dodge in a hurry!

Dangerous and dangerous, avoiding the heart.

But he was still pierced into his left shoulder by this sword!

Yun Luan was expressionless, and with a flick of the long sword, Bai Yu's left arm was cut off directly.

"Ah..." Bai Yu screamed.

The body fell rapidly.

However, Yun Luan had no intention of showing mercy, and rays of light spread out from above his body, like lines of fire, hitting Bai Yu again.

Bai Yu could only open its wings and use the golden wings to cover its body.

However, Niu Ao's attack arrived again.

A bull's hoof was stepping on top of his head.

Bai Yu's body fell in a straight line, hitting the ground fiercely.

The mountains tremble!

A deep pit appeared on the ground again.

Bai Yu vomited blood from the mouth and was already out of shape.

However, he was not in a coma, his eyes were full of rebelliousness and anger, and he was staring at Yun Luan who descended from the sky.

Holding a long sword engraved with a phoenix pattern, Yun Luan came to Bai Yu's side and said, "Don't blame me, I just followed orders. Today, Baiyun City will be destroyed!"

(End of this chapter)

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