The strongest concubine ever

Chapter 425 Feed on God

Chapter 425 Feed on God
The ghost eyes occupy the sea of ​​consciousness and stare at Chu Tianshu's soul.

Even with the obstruction of the black demon, Chu Tianshu was frightened.

The soul began to collapse, as if being evaporated, and sank into the ghost's eye.

"How can it be so strong?" Chu Tianshu secretly asked.

At this moment, he finally felt the crisis of his life, even a little desperate.

Even when the demon was summoned back then, it couldn't be compared to now!

This is also the first time since rebirth!

What he never expected was that the star beads in his mind suddenly lit up in this one.

Then came a huge suction.

The ghost eye was directly taken in.

Chu Tianshu was stunned.

It can also be said to be dumbfounded.

Such a powerful ghost eye, how could it just disappear without a sound?
Look at the inside of the star bead again.

The ghost eye was pulled by the mysterious force, like a shooting star, it fell between the eyebrows of the energy woman.

this moment!
Chu Tianshu once again had a feeling that this energy woman seemed to be solidified again.

The body shrinks again.

"I'm going... What the hell is going on? Could it are still a God Eater?" Chu Tianshu was surprised.

Before that, the woman in the star orb had swallowed the divine power left by God Peng on the gravity ball.

Now, even the distraction that this ghost-eyed evil god descended on the world was swallowed up.

It seemed that the power of the gods was her tonic.

"Who the hell are you? How dare you treat the gods as food. It's just a little distraction. If you meet a real god in the future, will you swallow it in one gulp?" Chu Tianshu said to himself.


But when Chu Tianshu was in a daze!
In the abyss of the underworld, a barren mountainous area with no sky and no sun.

In that midair, hung a purple moon.

Look carefully, this purple moon looks like a raised eye.

In the central area, there are pupils like black swirls.

On both sides of it, there are two wings like red clouds, covering a radius of thousands of miles.

In the mountainous area below, there are countless ghosts who are eating dirty things such as black mud, filth, black blood, and bones.


The originally quiet ghost eyes suddenly trembled violently.

There was a whimpering sound, as if something very sad happened.

The body also began to tremble.

This also made the ghosts below all look up at the sky, their bodies trembling with fright.

It's been a long time!
The ghost eye made a terrifying voice: "Which god are you? How dare you swallow my divine mind avatar? You wait, one day, I will definitely find you out and imprison you in my divine eye forever In purgatory!"

Obviously, the ghost-eyed deity has already regarded the star pearl as the power left in Chu Tianshu's body by another god.

Naturally very annoyed.

But Qi returns to Qi, facing that irresistible force, Ghost Eye is also a little frightened.

Since its inception, it has never encountered such a situation.

If the bodies of the two parties really met, he would not have the slightest chance of winning.

After scolding and threatening, it also calmed down.

"Sure enough, there are many great gods in Yangjian. Just from the power exposed in that kid's body, it can be seen that the realm of the gods should be far beyond my imagination. It seems that we still have to be careful in the future!"

Guiyan withdrew his divine thoughts from Yangjian, and dared not mobilize the evil ghosts to attack again.

With its command.

In Baiyun City, no new ghosts came out of the cracked ground.

Even the evil spirits on the ground quickly burrowed into the crack.

Only the ugly monsters are left.

Di Gui, who was fighting Baidi, frowned after seeing this situation.

After punching away the lightsaber that Baidi slashed, his body also shrank rapidly.

The powerful divine sense almost covered the entire city.

An attempt was made to find out what forced the ghost to flee.

However, after searching for a long time, he didn't sense any masters!
However, he discovered Chu Tianshu.

The two sides have played against each other before.

As soon as the spiritual thought moved, it turned into a chain of souls, winding towards Chu Tianshu from all directions.

The space seemed to be frozen again, and Chu Tianshu was depressed again.

Just beat off the distraction of a god, and now there is another monster possessed by the god.

Di Gui is now the fighting power of Emperor Xuan's later stage.

Only with the blessing of the big formation can Baidi compete with it.

It is definitely not what Chu Tianshu can compete with now.

In desperation, he could only communicate with Xingchenzhu.

"Brother...Goddess, come out quickly, and let this monster suck it in!"

Unfortunately, the star beads did not respond!

This also disappointed Chu Tianshu.

However, when he tried hard to recall the previous scene where the star beads devoured the ghost-eyed evil god, he began to worry again.

He hastily used the black demon to protect Bai Xing and the soul of the main body.

As for the physical body, he no longer cares.

The soul chain, tied to Chu Tianshu's body, also seemed to bind his soul.

Di Gui even teleported and arrived in front of him.

He grinned coldly and said: "Boy, we met again. I said before that when we meet next time, I will definitely let you die. Today I will tear you into pieces!"

Chu Tianshu couldn't move his body at all.

But on the surface, he was very calm, and said anxiously: "Wait a minute, I have something to say!"

"What do you have to say?"

"You should be an envoy, right? I am also an envoy. The gods I believe in want to talk to the gods you believe in. In order to express my sincerity, I can hide the sea of ​​consciousness and let you get in!" Chu Tianshu road.

"'re courting death yourself!"

If a practitioner opens his sea of ​​consciousness, it is like taking off his armor in battle!

Without hesitation, Di Gui turned his body towards Chu Tianshu, opened his mouth wide, and spit out a stream of black smoke.

An incomparably stench came straight into Chu Tianshu's nostrils.

It nearly suffocated him.

This is suffocation from the soul.

In this black smoke, there is the power to corrode everything.

Fortunately, it didn't last long, and a huge spiritual thought, accompanied by black smoke, penetrated into Chu Tianshu's brain.

This is a vampire bat-like demon phantom.

A pair of fleshy wings wrapped the black ball that Chu Tianshu's soul had transformed into.

The sharp teeth also began to gnaw on the black demon.

While eating, it also let out an evil smile: "Hahaha... Well, there are still souls like you in the world... Huh? No, who the hell are you?"

" will understand when you die!"

Chu Tianshu also laughed out loud.

The star pearl did not disappoint him, and it released a dazzling light again, and took the bat into it.

Still submerged in the energy woman's body.

The phantom of the woman shrunk again and solidified again.

This change also made Chu Tianshu more sure of what he thought.

This woman really feeds on gods.

Only gods can be her food!

Under the gods, there is no way to cause her to fluctuate in the slightest!
It seems that as long as she absorbs enough god's souls or distracts her mind, she can slowly return to her true colors.

Even... there is a possibility of resurrection!

However, the only limitation is that one must find a way to trick the god's distraction into one's body or the sea of ​​consciousness.

But if people don't get cheated and don't come in, then the star beads can't be absorbed either.

The unlucky one is still Chu Tianshu!
Moreover, this method seems to be of no use to those Emperor Xuan, Emperor Xuan, and Xuan Sheng!

But this is also equivalent to giving Chu Tianshu the capital of a fool!

"How powerful were you before you were alive? Even if you are dead now, can you still absorb the souls of gods?"

Chu Tianshu sighed.

The gravity ball has also been thrown in the hand.

It directly hit the head of Di Gui, who was still in shock!

With his head blooming, Di Gui became a headless corpse!


In a crack in the abyss shrouded in black mist, bursts of screams suddenly came out.

Countless black bats flew out of the abyss!
In the end, they actually devoured each other, and their size became bigger and bigger, and they didn't stop until they covered an area with a radius of tens of miles.

With a flutter of its wings, it traveled tens of thousands of miles in an instant.

Soon came under the purple moon-like ghost eyes.

It looked up at the ghost eye and said, "Which god is the other party? Why is it so powerful? It easily wiped out my distraction?"

Above the ghost eyes, there were some energy fluctuations, and a voice came out: "This matter has exceeded our expectations and control. Since there are gods with higher cultivation levels involved, let's stop thinking about controlling the monster mountain range for now. Let everyone return to the Forest of Death!"

"Is this the way to forget it? Anyway, I am not convinced!"

"What if you are not convinced? Right now, we should send someone to investigate the details of that human kid. Anyway, it is not convenient for us to get ahead now. Once that great god thinks about it, we will all be in danger! "

The bat said: "Then investigate first. In addition, even if we don't show up, we can use other people's hands to kill that human being!"

Ghost eyes are silent!

The bat was obviously a little upset, but it still flew away after all.

(End of this chapter)

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