The strongest concubine ever

Chapter 449 The Last Chance

Chapter 449 The Last Chance

The seven Great Mysterious Masters are trembling!

They don't know what to do either!
It's been a long time!
The ninth-level great mysterious master said: "If the King of Han doesn't dislike it, I am willing to join the King of Han's command and become a servant of the King of Han. I will only serve the King of Han for the rest of my life!"

"What's your name?" Chu Tianshu asked.

"The subordinate is called Quan Jin!"

"Go to Xuanlingmen by yourself as a coolie, I will plant a seed in your sea of ​​consciousness, if you obey the arrangement honestly, I don't mind letting you go in the future, but if you dare to have second thoughts , I'll just let your souls fly away, now, hide your souls!"

After speaking, Chu Tianshu's eyes widened.

These seven bodies trembled again, how dare they object?

He could only let Chu Tianshu's mental power pour into his brain.

Then, Chu Tianshu used the power of the black and white heart demons to gather a star together and planted it in the sea of ​​consciousness of several people.

Even in order to exist for a long time and not be obliterated by them, Chu Tianshu added fantasy worlds and realms around the star!
After finishing everything, Chu Tianshu waved his hands: "Let's go, go to Xuanlingmen!"

The seven of them were taken aback, wondering if they heard it wrong.

Chu Tianshu let himself go like this?
Is the so-called spiritual imprint really a threat to him?

But why can't I feel it?

However, they didn't ask any more questions, and bowed and retreated.

As soon as they left the gate, the speed of the seven people suddenly accelerated.

In a short while, I left Yanhuang City!

"Let's talk about it, do you want to go to Xuanlingmen?" Quan Jin said with a sullen face.

"Brother Quan doesn't plan to go, does he? I think it's better for us to return to the capital as soon as possible. Although Chu Tianshu is a master, there are also masters in the capital. Instead of being bound and disciplined by the Xuanling Sect for life, we should take a gamble." , go first!"

"Do you think you can escape? We are all branded with souls by Chu Tianshu!"

"It's just a soul mark. When we return to the capital, there will naturally be masters and masters to help us clear it!"

Quan Jin looked at the rest of the people again: "What about you? What do you think?"

One person shook his head: "Since Chu Tianshu can defeat Chu Tianyang, he is not so easy to deal with. However, we have to explain to the Queen, otherwise, our family members may be in danger. !"

"Yeah, it's really a dilemma. If I knew this, I shouldn't have come to Yanhuang City. Brother Quan Jin, you are the master!"

"This is a life choice. I can't be your family. However, I still plan to go to Xuanlingmen to have a look. It just so happens that the queen also asked us to investigate the relationship between Yanhuang Hanwang and Xuanlingmen!"

Several people's eyes lit up and they nodded one after another.

"Yes, we can indeed take advantage of this opportunity to go in. Besides, I also heard that the Xuanling Sect has offended many sects recently, and they all want to annex the Xuanling Sect. At that time, we may still be able to take advantage of the chaos. Get more benefits!"


Several people became excited again.


The next moment, the seven of them felt a pain in the brain at the same time, and their bodies also became stiff.

The soul brand in their minds actually released a black light, which bound their souls in an instant.

"What else do you want to do? Since I have planted a soul brand, you will have no chance to resist in this life. You will be under my surveillance at all times. Remember, next I will I won't give you any more chances, and if you have second thoughts, I will let you die immediately, even the ancestor Xuanzun, or the emperor, Xuansheng, can't save you!"

The words fell, and the souls of the seven people also regained their freedom.

However, their bodies were trembling.


It took a long time to recover, and they glanced at each other, eyes full of horror.

Finally, they didn't dare to say another word, and rushed towards Xuanlingmen one after another.


Within the palace!

Jiang Mingsi said to Chu Tianshu: "My lord, do you trust them like this?"

"It's not whether I believe them or not, but whether they are willing to cherish this chance to live!" Chu Tianshu laughed.

Jiang Mingsi didn't know the specific method of Chu Tianshu, but he didn't ask in detail, and said: "How does the prince plan to deal with this matter?"

"You mean the queen?"


"She...Speaking of which, she is my adoptive mother after all. If she really killed her directly, it would not be good for my reputation. Chu Yanhong named me King of Han, so she has not forgotten my son, so let me warn you first. Well, when I find time later, I will go to the capital!"

"My can't...the capital of the country is now a wolf's lair and a tiger's lair, with Daxuan Grandmaster sitting in it!"

"You don't have to worry about my safety!"

He stretched his waist and said, "Uncle Jiang, in the future, we can train more experts so that ordinary people who can't cultivate can handle the affairs of the Han Kingdom. I'm already a master now, and it's not convenient for me to directly intervene in the affairs of the capital! "

"The old minister obeys!"

"Then I'll go back to the Zongmen first. You can arrange things in the city and go back as soon as possible. After I have settled the matters in front of the Zongmen, I will take you all to the capital together!"

"Yes! However, there are many things to do in the territory, I'm afraid it will take a few days!"

"Don't worry, I still have something for you to do. You take this storage bag, and there are some Tianji communication devices in it. You first erect a statue of me in the city, and integrate the Tianji communication devices into it, and then, In every city in our territory, at least one God of Wealth store will be established. In each God of Wealth store, a statue of the God of Wealth must be enshrined. Inside the image, a celestial communication device must be integrated..."

Chu Tianshu explained some things in detail.

He also planned to start with Yanhuang Han Kingdom, a fiefdom with a radius of thousands of miles, and then gradually spread to the entire Chu Kingdom, and even the world!
"Don't worry, my lord, the old minister knows what to do!"

"Well, I will send a third-level monster to sit in the town, and when everything is settled, you can take the golden eagle back to Xuanlingmen!"

"Yes, my lord!" Jiang Mingsi bowed.

Afterwards, Chu Tianshu took out another jade bottle, which contained some pills, and handed it to Jiang Mingsi.

Jiang Mingsi bowed again to thank him.

But when he raised his head, Chu Tianshu's figure had disappeared.

After being dazed for a long time, Jiang Mingsi smiled again.

This boy who was still a child in his eyes had finally grown into a towering tree.

It's just that the speed was too fast, and Jiang Mingsi couldn't get used to it for a while.

A fire unicorn fell from the sky and landed in the palace.

When I came to the front of the main hall, it turned into a stone sculpture.

The third-level monsters can already absorb the corresponding elements directly from the sky and the earth to supplement what they need in their bodies.

Therefore, there is no need to feed every day.

Two or three months, it is enough to go out to look for food by itself.

Jiang Mingsi stroked its head, and his heart became more stable!

With it, and the idol that will soon be erected.

Even if he leaves, Yanhuang City can sit back and relax!

Then, there was an eagle cry.

Looking up at the sky, a golden eagle descended from the sky and landed in the courtyard.

(End of this chapter)

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