The strongest concubine ever

Chapter 455 True Identity

Chapter 455 True Identity
After Chu Tianshu and Ji Ruxin appeared in front of the main hall of the head of the Sword Spirit Sect, they found that many true disciples had gathered here.

All are in the realm of great mystic masters.

Moreover, all of them carried long swords behind their backs.

It seems that this Sword Spirit Sect, like Xuanjian Sect and Jujian Sect, focuses on sword cultivation.

And my Xuanling Sect has also embarked on this path!
However, this group of people was quite afraid of Chu Tianshu who appeared suddenly, and they didn't dare to insult or stop him!
The door of the great hall was open.

Chu Tianshu and Ji Ruxin stepped into it while everyone was watching.

Looking up, there was a middle-aged man in black sitting on the high platform.

The man has a little white hair on the sideburns, thick eyebrows like swords, a hooked nose, a square face, and sharp eyes!

The back of his seat is like a giant eagle spreading its wings.

The wings of the giant eagle are composed of a pair of black swords.

Anyone with a discerning eye can tell at a glance that the grade of these dozens of sharp swords is probably not low, and they are probably all of the mysterious grade.

Looking at the two sides, there are seven Daxuan Grandmasters, who should also be the seven elders of the Sword Spirit Sect.

They looked calm, staring at Chu Tianshu and Ji Ruxin neither happy nor angry.

Chu Tianshu grinned: "Your Excellency must be the leader of Gai Tianying Gai!"

"Huh? You didn't bow down when you met the head?" An older master on the left said angrily.

"Oh? I and Gai are both heads, and our identities should be on the same level. Why should I salute him?" Chu Tianshu asked curiously.

"What are you? If it weren't for the sake of your ancestor Xuan Lingzi, I would have taken you down long ago. You are just a brat, kneel down for me?"

With a sudden shout, this man has exerted a great force and suppressed Chu Tianshu!
If Chu Tianshu was only a profound master or a great profound master, he would have vomited blood and died at this moment.

But Chu Tianshu didn't care, and turned to look at the other party.

The invisible hammer of Hundred Refinements smashed directly.

This middle-level Daxuan Grandmaster only felt a black shadow flicker in front of his eyes, as if his head had been hit hard.

Immediately afterwards, he became dizzy, his legs became weak, and he took several steps back, being supported by the people around him.

Otherwise, I'm afraid it's already limp on the ground.


The rest of the people in the hall gasped.

Some couldn't figure out how Chu Tianshu did it.

Gai Tianying's expression suddenly became solemn.

He realized that he actually underestimated the head of Chu Tian!
With such strength, how could it be easily humiliated?
There is also some fear in my heart.

If he had known that the head of the Xuanling Sect had this level of strength, he would definitely attach 100% importance to the Xuanling Sect, instead of sending some true disciples at the level of great mystic masters to go there like before.

However, he is bound to win the Xuanling Sect. Now that Chutian is here, he cannot easily let the tiger go back to the mountain!
Chu Tianshu also turned his head to stare at him, and said, "Master Gai...isn't this how you treat guests?"

Gai Tianying narrowed his eyes and chuckled lightly: "May I ask Master Chu, how do you think I should treat you? Or tell me, what is your purpose for coming here?"

"Qian Yue and others belong to your Sword Spirit Sect, right?" Chu Tianshu asked.

"Yes, where are they now?"

"They actually dare to go to my Xuanlingmen to provoke, I will naturally not forgive them!"

"You killed them?" Gai Tianying was furious.

"That's not the case. They are all under the supervision of my Xuanlingmen disciples. They are doing some coolies. It can be regarded as an apology. I came here today, and I also want to make it clear to you. In the future, our two sects will not commit any crimes." He Shui, don’t send people to our Xuanling Sect to make trouble if you have nothing to do, I can bear you once, but I can’t bear you the second or third time, you know?”

"Hehehe... Good boy, you dare to talk to me like this. You don't really think that the old man will be afraid of you, do you?" Gai Tianying was amused by Chu Tianshu's words.

"What? Is the head of Gai planning to compete with me?"

"You think the old man dare not?"

"Of course I dare, but what I want to say is that once you make a move, it doesn't matter whether you live or die. Sect Leader Gai has to think about it!"

With his hands behind his back, Chu Tianshu quietly stared at Gai Tianying!
The rest of the masters wanted to speak, but Gai Tianying raised his hand to stop them.

Gai Tianying said: "I have a question, I want to ask Master Chu!"


"Your name is Chutian, right? But I remember Yanhuang Hanwang seems to be called Chu Tianshu. What's the relationship between you two? Or... are you the same person?" Gai Tianying asked.

"What?" Some masters on both sides were taken aback.

After a little contemplation, his expression became much more dignified.

Because of the fact that Chu Tianyang swept across the countries, the senior leaders of these sects knew the Chu family father and son very well.

Know more about Chu Yanhong's sons.

He even heard about the duel between Chu Tianyang and Chu Tianshu in the Great Xuanzong.

The strange thing was that Chu Tianyang, who was already close to the middle-level Daxuan Grandmaster, lost to Chu Tianshu, who was not yet a Grandmaster.

Before, who would have thought that Chu Tianshu, the head of Xuanling Sect, would be Chu Tianshu?

There is no comparison between the two!

But after Gai Tianying reminded them, they had more guesses in their hearts.

The difference between Chu Tian and Chu Tianshu is just a word!

Where in the world is there such a coincidence?
If Chu Tian is really Chu Tianshu, then there will be trouble!

Chu Tianshu is a third-level demon trainer, and this identity alone cannot be underestimated.

Not to mention, there is Da Xuanzong behind him.

How could the Great Xuanzong sit idly by and let the Sword Spirit Sect devour the Xuanling Sect?

In the eyes of everyone, Chu Tianshu smiled and said: "If I were Chu Tianshu, how could the Ji Ruxin I was going to marry back then be taken away by Xue Lingyun of the Great Xuanzong? You don't have to think too much. It's just a coincidence!"

"Then who is this girl next to you?"

"She is my wife, Xinru!" Chu Tianshu said.

Ji Ruxin was also very cooperative, and bowed to Gai Tianying: "Xinru, I have met the head of Gai!"

Gai Tianying breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as it's not Chu Tianshu, things will be easy to handle.

If the Xuanling Sect only had Chu Tian and Xuan Lingzi hidden behind, it would be much easier to deal with.

But then again.

Even if Chutian is Chutianshu, so what?

The backer behind my Sword Spirit Sect is Wumen.

Moreover, it was the ancestor of the Wumen who decided on the plan to annex the Xuanlingmen.

My own Sword Spirit Sect is just taking the lead.

And I am also a high-level Daxuan Grandmaster, why should I be afraid of him as a junior Daxuan Grandmaster?
Of course, he would not listen to Chu Tianshu's one-sided remarks on this matter, and he still needs to send someone to the Great Xuanzong to inquire about it!
Therefore, Gai Tianying smiled again: "Chu Tian, ​​the head of the sect will naturally investigate this matter, but even if you are Chu Tianshu, you can't stop the Sword Spirit Sect's plan to annex the Xuanling Sect. You're here too, let's talk about this matter!"

(End of this chapter)

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