The strongest concubine ever

Chapter 461 The God Envoy's Items

Chapter 461 The God Envoy's Items

The one who wins in the end will get everyone's support and become the co-owner of the Eastern Continent Human Empire.

To put it bluntly, it is to give the elected people a chance to prove themselves.

Let it be recognized by the people of the world!
However, once a new human empire is established!
I am afraid that the treaty that the master should not intervene in politics will be invalidated!

The so-called ground list no longer exists, and instead, only the sky list remains.

I am equivalent to living in the era of the bottom of the list.

At that time, there will be only one voice in the entire Eastern Continent to welcome the people from the Central Continent, which will naturally increase the weight of the Eastern Continent!

There may be some benefits in this!

It's just that Chu Tianshu doesn't know it yet!

"You beat you, but I... use the method of encircling the city from the countryside, and finally surpass the empire, hehe..." Chu Tianshu secretly smiled.

If there are hundreds of millions of Donglu people in the future, they will all become his followers.

Then how strong will his white demon be?
Even if it is not as good as Emperor Xuan, it should not be much worse.

When I go to the Central Continent again in the future, there may be no possibility of becoming a saint or a god.

Of course, this is also the ideal state.

The influence of the four major sects cannot be eliminated in a short period of time.

Those who are really willing to accept and believe in him are only some martial arts with the talent for body training.

In addition, it depends on the development of Caishen store.

"Master Gai, I will leave the affairs here to you, the old man still has important matters to deal with!" Jian Lingtian said.

Gai Tianying hurriedly bowed, and said: "Senior, you are busy with your work, and this junior will definitely handle the affairs here!"


Jian Lingtian looked at the two disciples again: "Do things boldly, and support you as a teacher!"

"Thank you, Master!" Liao Qiange and Chen Yuyan bowed at the same time.

Jian Lingtian nodded slightly, then rushed to the sky.

However, streams of sword energy spread out from his body and landed on a cliff in the distance.

The gravel collapsed and flew!

The mountain trembled!

Jian Lingtian has disappeared!
On the mountain, there is a word "sword" with a radius of five feet!

This scene also left everyone on the top of the mountain stunned.

This sword character, every stroke and every painting, is mysterious and infinite, as if it contains thousands of swordsmanship.

It is a collection of kendo.

Chu Tianshu was also shocked.

It wasn't until this moment that he discovered that the martial arts in this world were already so powerful and profound.

The only thing missing is the key to step into the gate of martial arts.

Without the support of profound energy seeds, martial arts beginners cannot step into the door of martial arts.

It is impossible to condense the will of martial arts outside the body.

Once you step through this door, you will have a bright future just like Hu Yanjue.

Otherwise, even Xuanzun Jian Lingtian would not be able to allow those who do not have the seeds of profound energy to practice martial arts alone.

But now, this key is in the hands of Xuanlingmen.

It can also be said that it is in the hands of Chu Tianshu.

a long time!

Only then did Gai Tianying sigh: "Senior Jian Lingtian's martial art has already reached such a high level. This word of sword will definitely become a sacred object for human martial arts practitioners in the entire Eastern Continent to observe!"

Liao Qiange said: "Master's ability is beyond what we can imagine, but, Chutian, I am also very curious, how do you let ordinary warriors who don't have the seeds of Xuanqi break the shackles of the physical body and advance to the next level?" At the level of a martial artist?"

Gai Tianying and Chen Yuyan also looked at Chu Tianshu.

"'s actually very simple, hypnotize into a dream, and infuse the body with profound energy!" Chu Tianshu said.

"That's all right?" Several of them are high-ranking Daxuan Grandmasters.

They also know something about hypnosis.

Especially Liao Qiange and Chen Yuyan from Wumen, they are third-level high-level animal trainers themselves, and their soul power is extremely powerful.

If you want to hypnotize someone, you can do it with just one look.

"Hypnosis alone is not enough. You must enter a dream and let the other party practice martial arts in the dream. In that case, as long as you are willing to work hard, you can 100% cultivate the martial arts to the level of perfection. The power in the blood!" Chu Tianshu explained.

"After hypnosis, how do I fall into a dream?" Gai Tianying asked back.

Chu Tianshu smiled, and threw Gai Tianying a celestial communication device, saying: "This thing was passed down by a certain envoy, you just need to inject spiritual power into it, and you will naturally understand everything in it!"

"An envoy?" Gai Tianying was a little confused.

Holding the Tianji communication device, he was also puzzled.

On the contrary, Liao Qiange said in surprise: "Why are the items of the envoy in your hands?"

"This thing is sold in many places, one for a thousand demon crystals!" Chu Tianshu said.

"Where is it sold? Why haven't I seen it before?" Liao Qiange was shocked again.

But he also took the communication device from Gai Tianying's hand.

"Uh... before, this thing was only spread in secret among countries, and few outsiders really knew about it. But recently, it seems that in many places, God of Wealth Stores have appeared. In the God of Wealth Store, there are limited sales every day. It is said that Tiandu City It’s also sold inside now!” Chu Tianshu said.

"What? You mean, as long as you have this thing, anyone can break the martial arts restriction? Anyone can make another Xuanlingmen?"

Gai Tianying was a little dumbfounded, and even felt like being fooled.

Although there are a lot of thousand demon crystals, with the strength of the Sword Spirit Sect, it is not a problem to buy ten or eight.

Liao Qiange injected spiritual power into it.

Soon, the difference in the communicator was sensed.

When he touched the formation inside, he felt a soul power casting spells on his soul.

"Senior brother Liao, don't resist, otherwise, you won't be able to see the envoy, and you won't be able to understand the magical function of this thing!" Chu Tianshu laughed.

Liao Qiange frowned, but did not resist after all.

next moment!
He felt that his sight had changed dramatically.

Here is a huge garden.

Surrounded by exotic flowers and plants, there are small pavilions and crystal-like buildings.


His eyes fell on a sea of ​​flowers.

There, there was a coquettish woman wearing a colorful robe with some colored spots on her skin, who was strolling in the courtyard and looking at the surrounding environment.

However, when she saw Liao Qiange who suddenly appeared, she was taken aback for a moment, and then said with a smile, "Are you human?"

Just one look!
Liao Qiange felt as if his body was out of control, he couldn't move anymore, his soul was trembling.

A feeling of invincibility welled up in my heart.

Subconsciously, he replied: "Dare to ask senior, who are you?"

"Hehe... I, like you, am just a passer-by here!"

As the woman's words fell, Liao Qiange's body seemed to regain its freedom.

And the woman ignored him and continued to walk forward!
Liao Qiange regained his composure and continued walking along the path after returning to normal.

When he passed by a lawn, he found that there was a man in white who was meditating.

The body is shrouded in an indestructible energy shield.

"Xuanzun's realm?" Liao Qiange was shocked again.

Because of this kind of power, he only felt it from his master.

Originally, he really wanted to study it carefully, where exactly is this place, and what kind of secrets does it hold!

But at this moment, he no longer dared to have this kind of thought, and there was only awe left in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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