The strongest concubine ever

Chapter 464 The Problem of Emperor Yun

Chapter 464 The Problem of Emperor Yun

Liao Qiange's reaction made Gai Tianying and Chen Yuyan even more curious.

And after Chu Tianshu took the demon spirit bone, he smiled: "Senior brother Liao, actually, if the things in your hands meet someone who knows the goods, the price may be doubled if they change hands!"

"Get out, I don't want to see you selling this thing again!" Liao Qiange said angrily.

Chu Tianshu grinned again: "You can't eat alone food, if there is no such thing, then the Sword Spirit Sect annexing the Xuanling Sect would be worthless, it is related to whether the Sword Spirit Sect can recruit more practitioners in the future Disciple of martial arts!"

Liao Qiange frowned again.

The Sword Spirit Sect is now on the stage of fighting for world domination. If it can no longer recruit disciples, what should it do?

Chu Tianshu continued: "Besides, even if you want to block it, it is impossible. This thing has already spread all over the world, and it has blossomed in more than ten countries. Even Yanhuang City, which is the closest Soon, there will be a God of Fortune store opening!"

"Who is that envoy?" Liao Qiange said angrily.

"Who knows? I haven't seen his real body either!"

"You don't even know who the opponent is, yet you dare to lead the entire sect to believe in the God of Wealth? Then do you know who the God of Wealth is?" Liao Qiange asked.

"God of Wealth... I don't know either. Anyway, anyone who wants to get rich must worship God of Wealth. God of Wealth is a god that crosses races. Let's not worry about who he is, right?"

"Hmph... this matter, let me report it to Master, and then make a decision!"

Liao Qiange looked at Chen Yuyan again, and said, "Junior Sister, you are the same as me when you go back, and we will have a good chat when we see Master!"

"What happened?" Chen Yuyan asked.

"On the way, I will chat with you slowly!"

After speaking, Liao Qiange didn't wait for Chen Yuyan to agree, he directly grabbed her wrist, took her, and flew into the sky together.

In the blink of an eye, the two disappeared.

Chu Tianshu looked at Gai Tianying with a smile, flicked his wrist, and called out a communication device, and said, "Master, do you want one? Ten demon spirit bones or a thousand first-level demon crystals, you You will have a chance to live forever in your soul!"

"What the hell?"

Gai Tianying grabbed the communication device in his hand.

He has been very curious for a long time.

Hastily poured mental power into the communication device.

Soon, like Liao Qiange, he also fell into a dream.

But Chu Tianshu took out several communication devices one after another, and handed them over to several other elders.

He didn't let go of even those dozens of great mystic masters.

In a short while, dozens of people fell into a dream and came to Chu Tianshu's Heart Demon Realm.


The so-called God of Wealth, soul coins, and even buying and selling houses were all figured out by Chu Tianshuxin.

Bai Xing is like a piece of white paper, which Chu Tianshu draws with ink at will.

Any rules can also be made by him alone.

However, the undead in Liuye City were indeed brought here by him.

Since he is trying to build up Shirahoshi, and become a place that connects everyone's dreams and souls.

Well, someone needs to manage it all.

And the undead in Willow Leaf City are the most suitable.

In the beginning, Bai Xing was only a fantasy world in a dream. When it belonged to the two-dimensional space, it was difficult to coexist with the undead.

But now, the fantasy world in the dream has evolved into the dream space, and the white star is already equivalent to a real small planet.

Here is the same multi-dimensional space as the outside world, and it can be realized by letting the undead come to live here.

The only problem is that in the future, Chu Tianshu will no longer be able to mobilize Bai Xing to act as a battle spirit to deal with the enemy.

No matter how strong Bai Xing became, he couldn't use it.

Otherwise, everything on this white star might be destroyed, and those undead who were taken over would also die because they couldn't bear the strong fluctuation of soul power.

Fortunately, he also has a black demon.

The stronger the white star, the stronger the black demon will be.

Even if Bai Xing doesn't move, with Chu Tianshu's current state, he can mobilize part of the power of the black demon alone.

It is not necessary to completely control the black demons, but as long as it can preside over the small universe and destroy the big formation, it is enough.

Moreover, he would not use this formation unless it was critical.

Therefore, Chu Tianshu doesn't care even if Bai Xing will not be able to use it in the future.

As long as he can build his ideal dream planet, that's enough.

Because here, he will become an invincible existence. Even if a god comes here, he must obediently abide by the rules he set!
at this time!

His avatar of Tianlong blood was sitting in the garden pavilion where Liao Qiange had appeared.

Emperor Yun of Fengming Mountain sat opposite him.

It was also the woman in colorful Xiayi that Liao Qiange saw.

It's not that Chu Tianshu deliberately invited Emperor Yun to sleep in order to scare Liao Qiange!

In fact, everything is a coincidence.

The squid in Baiyun City obeyed Chu Tianshu's order and sent several communication devices to Emperor Yun.

Out of curiosity, Emperor Yun probed his spiritual power, and in his dream, he came to Bai Xing in the Heart Demon Realm.

She is also very curious about this.

Looking at Chu Tianshu on the opposite side with great interest, he said, "You are so mysterious that even the Great Emperor, I, can't figure it out. Moreover, I have never heard of the God of Wealth you believe in!"

"Since the birth of this continent, there should be no God of Wealth?" Chu Tianshu laughed.

"No, but you, the God of Wealth, are so powerful that they have surpassed everyone's imagination!"

"Hehe... Wouldn't this be better? Otherwise, I wouldn't have the chance to chat with Emperor Yun here!"

"That's right, if your God of Wealth Realm is better developed, it may be very lively in the future. I believe that many friends will be willing to come here!" Emperor Yun said.

The two are talking!

Bai Yu, who was meditating not far away, also stood up and walked over.

He is the Xuanzun Liao Qiange saw before.

Bai Yu said: "Chu Tianshu, practicing here, the speed of soul growth is indeed faster than that of the outside world, and the deduction of profound arts here is also much faster than outside!"

"So, you must collect more mystical skills in the future!"

"By the way, I have already given you a lot, right? Is it possible that you still plan to let me move the entire Baiyun City here? You may not be able to let it go here!"

"It doesn't work now, but it doesn't mean it won't work in the future!" Chu Tianshu laughed.

"This God of Wealth, can it still grow bigger?"

"Of course!"

Emperor Yun looked at Bai Yu with great interest, and said, "You don't hate me anymore?"

"Hate...but what's the use of that? The God of Fortune store has my shares, so Emperor Yun should also participate? In the future, we may still be partners. After the God of Fortune store dominates Donglu, we still need to go to the central government together." The mainland or other continents are making money!"

Bai Yu also sat down.

"How can you be sure that I'm willing to give out [-] demon spirit bones and [-] phoenix stones in exchange for the [-]% of the shares?"

Emperor Yun held his chin with his right hand and stared at Chu Tianshu.

"As long as you are not a fool, you will definitely agree. The wealth in your hands is just a dead thing, but if you give it to me, it will double in a few years!" Chu Tianshu said.

"Worthy of being the messenger of the God of Wealth, every sentence is inseparable from money, but why should I trust you? How do I know how much the shares you mentioned are worth? How will I get back my share in the future? I What rights can I get?" Emperor Yun asked repeatedly.

"This is very simple. We hold a general meeting of shareholders every year, and a regular meeting every month. The location is in the God of Wealth Realm. The data from all aspects will be summarized, and you can check it at will!"

"Then what if the God of Wealth Realm disappears, your God of Wealth star no longer exists, or, what if I can't get in?" Emperor Yun asked.

(End of this chapter)

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