Chapter 481
In the snack street in the inner city of the capital, the early business is still very prosperous!

After Chu Tianshu stepped into an alley, he felt as if he had been here before.

Just as I was recalling, I saw a boy wearing a felt hat running over with a bowl of porridge with a face full of surprise.

In his mouth, he even exclaimed: "My son-in-law... the prince, the prince of Han..."

Seeing that he was about to rush within ten meters of Chu Tianshu, Hu Yanjue took a step, raised his spear, and stopped him: "Bold!"

After a careful look, Chu Tianshu recognized who the other party was. It turned out to be Liu Dazui who often received him.

He was the one who told himself about Qiuyu and Dongyu being auctioned.

Chu Tianshu was not a cold-blooded person, so when he met an acquaintance, he was naturally very happy, so he rushed to greet him, and sent Hu Yanjue aside.

Looking up, down, left, and right, he smiled and said, "My boy, you're still alive!"

"Hey... the prince can still recognize me, I am very happy, oh, I kowtow to the prince!"

Holding the bowl, Liu Dazui wanted to kneel down to Chu Tianshu.

Chu Tianshu hurriedly supported him: "There is no need to kneel down, how are you doing recently?"

"Hey... Thank you, my lord, for your concern. My poor life can still live for decades!"

"Well, that's good!"

"My lord, I heard you were here yesterday, I never thought you would be here, what is this?"

"Like you, eat some snacks from your hometown!"

"My lord, you eat too... Pooh, look at my mouth, I want to say, you also eat here? Do you want to introduce it to you?" Liu Dazui said.

Before Chu Tianshu could reply, Liu Wentao had already walked up and said, "Boy, don't bother you, you may not be as familiar with this place as I am!"

"Are you?" Liu Dazui looked him up and down.

Unable to recognize it.

"At the beginning, wasn't it you who introduced me to the prince? At that time, I was beaten up by Lei Sanhu's people at the door of the restaurant in front!" Liu Wentao laughed.

"Yeah? You're Liu Wentao? Why are you getting younger and younger? At that time, you looked about fifty or sixty, but now you look only twenty or thirty. How dare I recognize you?" Liu Dazui was surprised.

"Okay, stop talking, my lord, why don't we go to Lei Sanhu's shop, drink some beef soup, eat some steamed dumplings and buns!" Liu Wentao said.

"Okay, let's go to the old place!" Chu Tianshu nodded in approval.

"Hey... I will lead the way for the prince!" Liu Dazui held the bowl and led the way proudly.

People on both sides of the street were all curious to watch.

However, not everyone is as enthusiastic as Liu Dazui, more people's eyes are full of awe and fear!
When he came to Lei Sanhu's shop, Liu Dazui had already shouted in advance: "Lei Sanhu, the distinguished guest has arrived, hurry up and greet him!"

Even before the person was seen, the loud voice came out.

I only heard a roar from inside: "Stinky boy, do you want to steal my buns again? Are you looking for death?"

After the voice fell, Lei Sanhu, who was five big and three rough, stepped out.

However, when she saw Chu Tianshu, she was stunned.

For a long while, I couldn't speak.

Liu Wentao hurried forward, bowed first, clasped his fists and said, "Sanniang, we meet again!"

"You are...that beggar?" Lei Sanhu looked Liu Wentao up and down in surprise.

"It's me, I never thought we would meet again!" Liu Wentao's eyes were full of surprise and tenderness.

"Haha... Good boy, I knew that you would be promising in the future, not bad, not disappointing my old lady!" Lei Sanhu patted Liu Wentao on the shoulder.

"Well, we're here for dinner, do you still have the buns? Don't worry, I promise to pay you this time!"

"Come on, the King of Han is here, do you dare not give me money? Come in!"

Lei Sanhu didn't seem to be afraid because of Chu Tianshu's identity, and he was still so hearty.

Chu Tianshu took Ji Ruxin by the hand, and they walked into the room on the second floor together.

Chu Tianshu greeted: "Everyone sit down, there is no master and servant today, this is an order, Sanniang, Dazui, you all sit down too, and eat with me!"

Liu Dazui, who was about to leave, was taken aback and shook his head hastily: "No, no, my lord, my body is dirty, how can I eat with my lord and princess?"

"Could it be that my words don't work anymore?" Chu Tianshu's face sank!
Liu Dazui was afraid, so he could only nod his head in agreement.

The bowl of porridge in his hand was also placed outside.

Lei Sanhu hesitated for a while, but in the end he didn't refute Chu Tianshu's face, and sat down instead.

Adding Tie Ying, Hu Yanjue, Jiang Mingsi, Liu Wentao, etc., the table just happened to be full.

The hot beef soup and meat buns have already been served.

Chu Tianshu took the lead and started to eat first.

"Not bad, the taste of hometown!" Chu Tianshu sighed.

Ji Ruxin also pursed her lips and smiled: "Yes, it's rare to eat such delicious food outside!"

"If you want to eat, when we leave the capital, kidnap Sanniang and let her go to Yanhuang City to cook for us!" Chu Tianshu laughed.

"Ah? My lord, I don't want to leave!" Lei Sanhu hurriedly put down the bun in fright.

"Haha... I'm just kidding you!" Chu Tianshu laughed.

Only then did Lei Sanhu heave a sigh of relief.

"San Niang, is the business okay now?" Liu Wentao asked.

Lei Sanhu shook his head: "It's not as good as before. Now that we are fighting all day long, the common people have no money, and the money of the dignitaries is not as much as before. Even the dental business is not as good as before!"

Liu Wentao nodded slightly.

While eating, Chu Tianshu suddenly asked again: "Sanniang, have you ever been married?"

Lei Sanhu was taken aback, and said in amazement: "My lord, why are you asking this all of a sudden?"

"You can just answer the king!" Chu Tianshu said with a smile.

Lei Sanhu grinned: "Hey... my lord, look at a woman like me, who would dare to want it?"

"That's not necessarily the case, Wen Tao, I'll make the decision today, and I'll help you later, propose marriage to Lei's family, let you make an engagement with San Niang, how about it?" Chu Tianshu looked at Liu Wentao.

Liu Wentao's hands trembled and he dropped his chopsticks.

Lei Sanhu also showed surprise.

For a long while, neither of them could speak.

"If you don't talk, I'll take it as if you agreed? After dinner, I'll go to Lei's house to propose marriage. Liu Dazui, you should know where Lei Sanniang lives, right?" Chu Tianshu said .

Liu Dazui nodded hurriedly: "I know, I know!"

"Well, hurry up and eat, after eating, we will go there together!"

Liu Wentao said in embarrassment: "My lord, what about this?"

"What? You don't want to?" Chu Tianshu asked back.

Liu Wentao hurriedly shook his head: "This is not..."

"Isn't that enough?"

"But Sanniang may not agree!" Liu Wentao looked at Lei Sanhu.

In the past, Lei Sanhu, who was very cheerful and generous, was actually a little squirming in his posture at this time, and a blush appeared on his cheeks.

When everyone saw this, they all burst into laughter, and buried their heads in eating.

(End of this chapter)

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