The strongest concubine ever

Chapter 484 Murong Jiangyue's Begging For Mercy

Chapter 484 Murong Jiangyue's Begging For Mercy

Chu Tianshu stepped into the princess mansion, and said to Liu Wentao beside him, "Wentao, what do you think of this princess mansion?"

"My lord, what do you mean?" Liu Wentao was puzzled.

"I plan to have someone renovate the Princess Mansion and give it to you as a wedding room!" Chu Tianshu said.

Liu Wentao was taken aback: "No, my lord, I don't dare to want such a big house, otherwise, I won't feel at ease living here. This is the home of you and the princess, so I should buy a house by myself. There is no shortage of this money!"

"What? Are you rich?"

Liu Wentao smirked and said, "Hey...My lord, I have saved a lot of money, and I have a few demon crystals in my hand. If you exchange them for silver, it's enough to buy a luxury house!"

"In that case, you can figure it out!"

Chu Tianshu didn't force himself.

Murong Jiangyue from behind saw all this in her eyes and kept it in her heart.

When he reached the entrance of the main hall, Chu Tianshu stopped and said to Hu Yanjue: "Go and take the queen with you to meet Murong Furong, so that you won't be able to see him later!"

Murong Jiangyue shuddered, but she didn't say much after all, and left with Chu Tianliang and Hu Yanjue.

In a sealed room across the courtyard.

There was a gray wolf demon squatting at the door, staring at Murong Jiangyue and Chu Tianliang with cold eyes.

Seeing this, the two of them felt fear in their hearts.

But Hu Yanjue smiled and said: "Big bad wolf, the prince asked me to take them to meet Murong Furong!"

The big bad wolf nodded in a very humane way.

Only then did Hu Yanjue open the door and let Murong Jiangyue's mother and son in.

He himself stood guard at the door.

Murong Furong's overall complexion was pretty good, Chu Tianshu didn't make things difficult for him, let alone punish him.

When he saw Murong Jiangyue's mother and son coming in, he was startled: "Why are you here too? Did you get caught by Chu Tianshu?"

Murong Jiangyue shook her head: "I begged him to let me see you, father!"

"Hey...why are you so confused? Then who dares to provoke Chu Tianshu now? Unless Tianyang can become the co-lord of the world, no one can suppress him. Hurry up and leave. Everything against him before, It was all done for my father, and it was also for my father who secretly sent someone to intercept and kill him, it has nothing to do with you, go away!" Murong Furong sighed.

"Father... where can my daughter go? This matter will have to be faced after all. My daughter can't bear to have you killed by him like this. My daughter has already pleaded with him. He said, as long as you kowtow to the families of the deceased, as long as you If you can get their forgiveness, father can still live, father..."

"Stop talking, Yue'er, let's go back. My father is over 80 this year, how many more years can he live? Rather than being humiliated like that, it is better to let the father die with dignity. After all, there must be someone who has done everything in the past. Besides, even if my father dies now, I don’t have any regrets, because the purpose of being a father has been achieved. I saw my son-in-law become the emperor, I saw my daughter become the queen, and my grandson will also become a queen. The princess of the world!" Murong Furong smiled.

Murong Jiangyue burst into tears: "Father... the more this is the case, the more my daughter can't let you die like this. My daughter hopes that you can live a few more years and enjoy some blessings. My daughter can also do more filial piety!"

"Yue'er, listen to what my father said. The current Chu Tianshu has become a big trend. No one dares to provoke him. Even Tianjilou is afraid of him. You must not fight against him now. At least, in Tianshu Before Yang became the co-lord of the world, he needed to be tolerant, the reason why I let him catch me as a father is to let him vent his grievances, otherwise, your mother and son will definitely suffer his revenge, understand?"

"Father, my daughter understands, but my daughter still can't let you die like this!"


Murong Furong suddenly raised his hand and slapped Murong Jiangyue on the face.

This also surprised Chu Tianliang who was on the side.

Murong Furong said angrily: "You are confused, do you believe that my father is dying in front of you right now?"

Murong Jiangyue burst into tears, like rain: "Father, my daughter can't just watch you die, my daughter will definitely save you!"

After speaking, she turned around and left.

Chu Tianliang had no choice but to go out together.

Murong Furong shouted from behind: "Yue'er, take care of yourself!"

After speaking, he raised his hand, aimed at his forehead, and smashed it down.

With a burst of energy, his arm was bounced away.

Hu Yanjue stepped in and said with a sneer: "My lord didn't let you die, you don't even have the right to die, just stay here obediently, and slowly redeem your sins, big bad wolf, watch him, don't let him die, otherwise, Your Highness will be very angry!"

After speaking, he also backed out.

The door is closed!

But Murong Furong felt that there seemed to be an extra rope on his body, binding his limbs together.


But Murong Jiangyue quickened her pace and came to the main hall where Chu Tianshu was, no longer caring about whether there were other people around, and just fell down on her knees.

"Tianshu, my mother kowtowed to you, so why don't you let Tianliang's grandfather go? Although I am not your biological mother, I am the one who raised you after all. Your biological mother died when you were a few months old. Let’s go, I’m the one who pulled you up with shit and piss, no credit but hard work... Please..."

Murong Jiangyue was really kowtowing hard.

His forehead has turned blue.

Chu Tianliang also knelt down.

Chu Tianshu stared at the mother and son, and said with a sneer: "Murong Jiangyue, do you still have the face to say that you brought me up? You beat me up when you were young, but you hugged me? If Chu Yanhong hadn't invited me here Nanny, I'm already dead, right? And that Murong Furong, without any scruples, said in front of my face that he would strangle me to death!"

"I know, it's all Big Mom's fault, okay? Big Mom has already been punished, and he was abolished by you at dawn. Now that you are a master, can you forgive Big Mom once?" Murong Jiangyue pleaded. road.

Chu Tianshu stared at Murong Jiangyue and said nothing for a long time.

Murong Jiangyue said again: "Grandpa Tianliang is so old, if you ask him to kowtow to others, it may be worse than letting him die. Besides, it may not be useful for him to kowtow to others. Why don't you let me, the queen , Kowtow to them, what do you think?"

"Are you willing to kowtow to the family of the deceased for Murong Furong?" Chu Tianshu was a little surprised.

"Yes, I am willing to kowtow to them, and I am willing to compensate them for all their losses. As long as you don't kill Grandpa Tianliang, I can ask Your Majesty to distribute money and food to help the families of those who died due to the change of dynasty!" Murong Jiangyue said.

Chu Tianshu turned his head to look at Liu Wentao, and said, "Go and find all the family members of the deceased!"

"My lord, I can only find some of them, because the dead are all private slaves of our princess mansion, some are orphans, and some have lost contact with their families long ago!" Liu Wentao said.

"You can find as many as you can, and if you can't find them, let the queen lead the officials to kowtow to their graves!"


Liu Wentao retreated.

(End of this chapter)

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