Chapter 497
"You Zhihe, you must have taken refuge in Chu Tianyang, right?" Chu Tianshu asked.

"Take refuge? Hehe... I just follow the arrangement of the sect and support those who should be supported. You are Chu Tianyang's younger brother, and you should be his closest person. It's a pity that you see each other as the biggest enemy , When he returns again, it will be your death!" You Zhihe said.

" think too highly of Chu Tianyang, right? If I can beat him once, I can naturally beat him a second time, so get out too, I don't want to hurt the fellow sect of the Great Xuanzong!" Chu Tianshu said.

"The one who should go is you!"

You Zhihe's face suddenly darkened: "I repeat, if you don't leave, then you may never be able to leave again!"

"You want to kill me?" Chu Tianshu's eyes turned cold.

"If you think so, I won't deny it!" You Zhihe said coldly.

When his words fell, Chu Tianshu sensed that there were three guru-level auras coming from the left, right and behind.

Chu Tianshu turned his head and looked around, and sure enough, three masters appeared quietly.

Judging by their attire, they look a bit like Bei Yuezong.

An elderly master with a gray beard in the north said coldly: "My disciple Zhao Zhenqin of the North Moon Sect must have been killed by you, right?"

"This great mysterious master whose head was beheaded is called Zhao Zhenqin? I'm sorry, but I killed him. What do you want?" Zhao Liancheng said.

"Killing people will pay for their lives!"

After the master finished speaking, he turned towards the backyard of the Linyanghou Mansion, and stretched out his hand from the air, and an invisible force restrained some female relatives in the backyard.

"Bold, stop!" Zhao Linyang roared and rushed towards the backyard.

"Hmph, over your own strength!"

The grandmaster snorted coldly, and the air in front of him automatically condensed into a hammer-like shock wave, hitting Zhao Linyang.

Zhao Linyang is just a body tempering warrior, if he gets hit, he will definitely die.

Chu Tianshu could see that this group of people came here to kill people.

It never occurred to him to let off the people in Lin Yanghou's mansion, including him, Chu Tianshu.

Tie Ying moved without him taking a shot. With a slight wave of his hand, the air hammer that hit Zhao Linyang collapsed and disappeared automatically.

This scene shocked the Grandmaster of Beiyue Sect immediately.

His eyes were much more solemn, and he also focused his attention on Tie Ying.

After a while, he asked, "Who are you?"

"What are you? What right do you have to ask my name?" Tie Ying sneered.

"What an arrogant tone. This old man is Beiyue Xiongshan, the third elder of the Beiyue Sect. He is a middle-ranked Daxuan Grandmaster. He is ranked [-]th on the list of Donglu Grandmasters. Do you think I have the right to know your name?" The old man was angry. road.

"Intermediate Daxuan Grandmaster? That's amazing!" Tie Ying just pouted contemptuously!

"Hehe... So, like this Chu Tianshu, Your Excellency is determined to become our enemy?" Beiyue Xiongshan asked.

Tie Ying didn't pay any attention to him at all, but looked at Chu Tianshu: "Will you kill me? Tell me a good word, it's very annoying to watch!"

Chu Tianshu smiled: "Killing the same family, but the crime is aggravated!"

"This old man, you are not from the same family!" Tie Ying pointed to Beiyuexiong Mountain.

Beiyue Xiongshan was so angry that he pouted his beard so high, and said angrily: "Boy, I think you really want to die, and dare to make fun of this old man, and suffer death..."

"Just kill it!" Chu Tianshu sighed.

He really doesn't want to kill people!

They are all human races, one less master means less strength.

However, there are still so many grandmasters looking for death, and he is helpless.

When his words fell, Tie Ying moved.

The body turned into black smoke and disappeared.

The next moment, he was in front of Beiyue Xiongshan!


A sharp sword easily pierced Beiyue Xiongshan's heart and penetrated his body.

Beiyue Xiongshan's body was frozen in the sky, and his eyes were still full of horror.

He couldn't believe the facts in front of him!

The same goes for the rest of the people.

Beiyue Xiongshan, who had already controlled the general situation, couldn't stop Tie Ying's move?
What is the realm of Iron Eagle?
At least it is the high-ranking Daxuan Grandmaster who has controlled the domain, so that he can ignore the threat of the general situation!

You Zhihe was so frightened that he almost fell from the sky.

Who would have thought that beside Chu Tianshu, there would be such a terrifying master?

Almost instantly, he moved back a distance of tens of feet.

The same is true for the other two masters.

Zhao Qi, who lived in a distant pavilion and looked at the situation here, also showed a look of horror.

Standing beside him was a young man in a bright yellow robe, his brows were furrowed for a moment before he said, "Zhao Qi, do you recognize this man in black?"

"I don't know, I have been in the Great Xuanzong for so many years, and I have never heard of such a terrifying guy. This person is at least a high-ranking Great Xuanzong!" Zhao Qi said.

"If you add Chu Tianshu and Ji Ruxin, then there should be three Daxuan Grandmasters in this courtyard!"

"What are you going to do, brother?"

"Brother Huang can't be the master in this matter, let everyone return to the palace for now!"


The two quickly left the pavilion and galloped towards the palace.

In the dark, there are also some big mystic masters following and protecting!

The soldiers surrounding Linyanghou's mansion also quickly moved away with the retreat of the masters.

In the blink of an eye, calm was restored here.

The crisis was thus resolved.

This also made the people in Linyanghou's mansion feel a little unreal.

It was too ups and downs.

The second prince ran out from the backyard, and after taking a look at Tie Ying, he knelt down in front of Chu Tianshu with a plop.

Touching his head to the ground, he said: "Please save me, senior. If senior lets me ascend to the throne, I am willing to make senior a national teacher!"

After Chu Tianshu heard this, he smiled: "You are quite smart. I have said just now that you cannot meddle in worldly affairs. Besides, even if I help you become emperor, so what? If you turn your face away, you will be rejected again." The other grand masters are abolished, because they will say that you are not in the right position!"

"This?" The second prince hesitated.

"Get up, don't think about the throne, but there should be no problem in surviving, I will take you to the palace now, how about you go and talk with your emperor brother in person?" Chu Tianshu said.

The second prince pondered for a moment, gritted his teeth and said: "Thank you for your kindness, senior. I'm afraid there is no need to talk about this matter. Ever since he killed my mother and concubine, I have had a sworn feud with him. Can senior take me out of the capital?"

"It's not difficult, let's get up first!" Chu Tianshu sized up the second prince.

This person is already a ninth-level mysterious master, and he is only one step away from the great mysterious master.

But even if his profound energy seed doesn't seem to be very high, it's hard to say whether he can break through to the Great Mysterious Master.

However, Zhao Guo's royal bloodlines should be very good, Chu Tianshu can't see it for the time being.

"Thank you, senior!" The second prince stood up.

Chu Tianshu was silent for a moment, then suddenly smiled and said: "It's getting late, why don't we... have dinner first? What's the matter, let's talk about it tomorrow?"

Zhao Linyang froze for a moment, then nodded hastily: "Yes, prepare the meals first, and then talk about other things!"

The servants of the Linyanghou Mansion quickly fell into a busy situation.

But Chu Tianshu focused his attention on his dream space.

Because he discovered that You Zhihe, and some other Daxuan masters, actually met and communicated in a compound on his inner demon Baixing.

(End of this chapter)

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