The strongest concubine ever

Chapter 499 Dig out the seeds of profound energy

Chapter 499 Dig out the seeds of profound energy
The things that Chu Tianyang and others discussed cannot escape Chu Tianshu's perception.

It can be said that everything here cannot be hidden from his eyes!

It also made him in the Linyanghou mansion show a bit of a sneer.

Waiting for everyone to have dinner together!
While drinking tea and chatting, Chu Tianshu asked the second prince: "Second prince, if I help you solve those masters and Xuanxiu, is there any possibility for you to become the emperor?"

The second prince's name is Zhao Yun.

After listening to Chu Tianshu's words, he couldn't react for a while.

After a long time, he said in surprise: "Senior, are you willing to help me?"

"Helping you is also helping me. Even if I don't make a move now, they won't let me go. Instead of waiting for others to trouble me, I might as well kill them first!" Chu Tianshu said.

Zhao Yun immediately stood up, cupped his fists and bowed: "Senior, if you can solve those Xuanxiu, this junior can solve my emperor brother and his people!"

Zhao Linyang thought for a moment, then stood up and said, "I can also help from the side!"

"Okay... If my guess is correct, then Zhao Wu should ascend the throne and proclaim himself emperor tomorrow, so you only have one night!" Chu Tianshu said.

Zhao Yun excitedly said: "Senior, tell me, we will listen to you!"

"Zhao Liancheng, Liu Wenxuan, you two, stay with Zhao Yun and protect him!"

While speaking, Chu Tianshu also took out the Chitian Knife, threw it to Liu Wenxuan, and said, "This knife is an earth-level high-grade Xuanbing. With it in hand, you should be able to kill a high-ranking Daxuan division!"

Liu Wenxuan looked excited, took the Chitian Saber, and nodded: "Don't worry, Your Highness!"

"As for you..."

Chu Tianshu looked at Zhao Liancheng, shook his hands and threw out nine demon spirit bones, saying: "After I leave, if I meet an invincible person or in a crisis, I can throw these demon spirit bones out. It will automatically form a formation to help you fight the enemy!"

Zhao Liancheng hurriedly grabbed the demon spirit bone in his hand, carefully put it into the storage bag, and nodded solemnly to Chu Tianshu!
"Tie Ying, Luo Luo, let's go!"

Chu Tianshu held Ji Ruxin's hand, soared into the sky, and flew towards the palace.

The distance between the two is only about a kilometer!
For the current Chu Tianshu, it was just a teleportation.

After Chu Tianshu hovered above the palace, three Daxuan Grandmasters immediately flew out from below.

The leader is also You Zhihe.

You Zhihe stared at Chu Tianshu and the others coldly, and said, "What? Can't wait, are you going to interfere with Zhao's royal affairs?"

Chu Tianshu shook his head: "I'm not interested in Zhao Guo's affairs at all!"

"Oh? Then what are you interested in?" You Zhihe asked back.

"Your life!"

"You want to kill me?"

"It's not that I want to kill you, but that you violated the grandmaster covenant, interfered in Zhao's government affairs, and affected the succession of the throne. Any grandmaster in the world who sees them will be punished!" Chu Tianshu said lightly.

You Zhihe was amused.


Seems like an excuse for him to deal with Chu Tianshu, right?
It's good now, but Chu Tianshu used it as an excuse.

Before he could speak, a Grandmaster of the Beiyue Sect said angrily: "Chu Tianshu, don't be so rampant. My ancestor is coming soon. When the time comes, it will be your death!"

Another person also said: "That's right, if you want to live, you should obediently kneel down and surrender now, and abolish your cultivation. Perhaps, we can spare you for your elder brother's sake!"

"Too much nonsense, Tie Ying, kill him!" Chu Tianshu said lightly.

"You... actually want to do something in the palace? Maybe you can bear that responsibility?" You Zhihe suddenly shouted nervously.

Before the masters of Bei Yuezong arrived, he was really worried.

After all, this iron eagle is really terrifying.

"Kill you, there is no need to worry about endangering other people!"

Tie Ying raised the corners of his mouth and let out a sneer.

Immediately, the body also disappeared.

You Zhihe was so frightened that he hurriedly turned on the power of the momentum, and his body flew backwards rapidly.

It's a pity that his body seemed to have penetrated into a frozen space. During the rapid flight, his body was slowly imprisoned.

When Tie Ying flashed in front of him, You Zhihe's body could no longer move an inch.


In Tie Ying's hand, there was an extra sword, and the sword pierced out, hitting You Zhihe's dantian.

The dantian was smashed immediately!

Looking at Tie Ying again, he raised his long sword upwards, and the tip of the sword dug out the profound energy seeds in You Zhihe's body.

This is a long blue river, which belongs to the low-grade prefecture level.

However, once the profound energy seeds leave the physical body, it is equivalent to the wheat seedlings leaving the soil and withering quickly.

However, Chu Tianshu was rather curious about this, and with a movement of his divine sense, he took the nearly withered seeds of profound energy into his hands through the air.

The next moment, it was included in the space of the star beads.

Here, the profound energy seeds did not continue to wither, and time and space seemed to be static.

This also surprised Chu Tianshu.

"I don't know if the seeds of profound energy can be transplanted. If so, that would be the best!" Chu Tianshu secretly said.

Once again, the divine mind released the spatial confinement on You Zhihe.

Only then did You Zhihe let out a scream: "Ah..."

He clutched his stomach and fell from a height.

The destruction of the dantian and the digging out of the profound energy seeds are equivalent to abolishing his cultivation for the rest of his life.

From then on, he can only be an ordinary man.

His skin quickly shriveled and his hair turned gray.

At the flick of a finger, it seems to be decades old.

Seeing this, the other two Daxuan masters panicked and ran away in a hurry.

It's a pity that his body, also in the process of fleeing, was imprisoned in mid-air as if frozen, motionless.

Tie Ying moved twice in a row, crushing his dantian and digging out the seeds of profound energy.

This time, Chu Tianshu made a faster move, and before the profound energy seeds withered, he directly collected them into the space of the star beads.

It also keeps the profound energy seeds in a state of freshness.

Chu Tianshu intends to study it slowly in the future.

The three of them all landed in the palace, aging rapidly, and their aura was already very weak.

Tie Ying returned to Chu Tianshu's side, pouted: "It's so boring!"

Chu Tianshu knew what he meant, and probably blamed himself for helping him, which made him a little unhappy!
So, just smiled: "We will kill Bei Yuezong directly later!"

"There are still some Great Mysterious Masters below, can Zhao Liancheng and Liu Wenxuan handle it?" Ji Ruxin asked.

"If you can't figure it out, can't you still summon divine power? We are the masters, so we can only deal with the masters, so as not to leave anyone with a clue!" Chu Tianshu said.

"Where is Bei Yuezong?" Ji Ruxin asked.

"They've already arrived!"

Chu Tianshu turned his head to look at the northern sky.

Although it was night, a white light could still be clearly seen flying towards it rapidly.

In the blink of an eye, he was in front of everyone.

This person is an old man in white with white beard and hair. His long gown is fluttering in the wind, and he is stepping on a flying sword. The white light is also released by this flying sword.

"Earth-level high-grade Xuanbing?" Chu Tianshu was a little surprised.

(End of this chapter)

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