The strongest concubine ever

Chapter 503 Beiyue God of Wealth Shop

Chapter 503 Beiyue God of Wealth Shop

The members of Beiyuezong, after some discussions, decided to build the God of Wealth Store first, and then fooled Chu Tianshu and others away.

However, they are all people who have been in the God of Wealth world, and they know that if they want to build a God of Wealth store, they must have a person who believes in the God of Wealth.

And this person, in the future, it is estimated that he can only obey the God of Wealth.

Moreover, once the God of Wealth store is established, it will no longer belong to Beiyuezong, but to the God of Wealth.

In the God of Wealth store, you can not only pray to God, but also deposit and withdraw money.

The God of Fortune store management office should send some personnel to directly manage the God of wealth store.

Beiyue Haoran then fell into a dream and entered the God of Wealth Realm.

After some communication with the undead of the God of Wealth Store Management Office, the construction of the God of Wealth Store was completely settled.

Even got the blueprint of the plan!
The next day, it was just light!

A street-facing shop located in the center of Beiyue City was closed for business and began to be rebuilt.

It is easiest for practitioners to build houses.

It can be done with a few mysterious techniques.

Earth-type profound repair digs the foundation, metal-type profound repair builds the skeleton, and wood-type profound repair adds branches and leaves.

A temple-like building was formed in one morning.

There are several gilt characters on the door plaque: Temple of the God of Wealth!

Subsequently, the room next to the God of Fortune Temple was also refurbished, and this is the God of Fortune store.

It is used to deposit and withdraw money and issue God of Wealth tickets.

The God of Wealth Temple and the God of Wealth Store were planned and built at the same time, and they were adjacent to each other. They were also Chu Tianshu's avatar, and they had just been decided in the past few days.

Where conditions permit, it is best to have both at the same time.

should not be separated.

Of course, the two are expected to operate separately in the future.

Because business is business, faith is faith!
The houses and temples have been built, but it is just the beginning. After that, there will be various decorations.

It is also necessary to arrange a formation, and even a dimensional space specially used to store money.

All this does not require Chu Tianshu to do it himself, as long as the star-pointed believer arrives, Chu Tianshu's distraction will come directly, and then he will personally set up a dream space.

This kind of space is a three-dimensional space that can store items.

Similar to the fantasy world in the dream of soul life, it can be directly built in a certain place by copying or projecting.

It is equivalent to fixing the space boundary he controls in the God of Wealth Store!
Even, Chu Tianshu can come up with a key specially used to open and close this space boundary.

It is very similar to the dimensional space controlled by the head of Xuanlingmen.

However, Chu Tianshu named it "Vault"!
Usually hidden in the ground!

It is constructed by using the illusion in the dream, the illusion in the dream, the space in the dream, and the triple soul art.

It is almost impossible for outsiders to break through!
Unless the cultivation base reaches Xuanzun level!

Generally, those who can reach this level don't even bother to steal.

What's more, in this state, one also has a certain understanding of the gods and will be in awe.

The God of Wealth shop is also guarded day and night. These people can dream at any time, communicate with the God of Wealth, and summon divine power to possess them in case of emergencies.

Therefore, those with ulterior motives are even more afraid to act rashly.

Of course, all the follow-up tasks were not done by the Beiyuezong people, but by the God of Wealth believers dispatched by the God of Wealth store management to execute them personally.

Or, directly select the person in charge of the God of Wealth Store from among the local believers.

Three days later!

Wealth Store and Wealth Temple are open at the same time!
The fireworks made from the mysterious talisman bloomed in the sky.

All the people in Beiyue City were rushing to the God of Wealth Store and the God of Wealth Temple.

Everyone is very curious about this God of Wealth.

When the first person was hypnotized by the statue of the God of Wealth because of kneeling down to worship it, and was successfully awarded the star, everyone understood what the God of Wealth is!

After that, it was out of control!
In Beiyue City, there are not only Beiyue people.

Most of them have foreign surnames. They come here to pray for the protection of the Beiyue Clan, and secondly, they hope to have a relatively quiet living environment.

However, after so many years, it is inevitable that they will be bullied by the Beiyue people.

Now with the God of Wealth, they seem to have found the destination of their hearts and a platform to communicate with others on an equal footing.

In the words of the people in the God of Wealth Realm, the flesh is born unequal, but our souls are all equal after being illuminated by the Phoenix Divine Fire.

One by one, they threw themselves into the arms of God of Wealth without hesitation, and were awarded stars.

This scene also made the people of the Beiyue Clan feel emotional!

They were most afraid of seeing this scene before, so they didn't publicize the God of Wealth.

But now, it can no longer be stopped.

In the future, the status of the top officials of the Beiyue Clan in the hearts of these citizens will also plummet.

Haven't you seen those people who believe in the God of Wealth look at you, are they no longer in awe?

People have God as their backer, so why do they need to act according to your face?
Even if they suffer any injustice in the future, they may directly ask the God of Wealth to decide.

High above the clouds!

Chu Tianshu and others floated here, looking down at everything below.

Beiyue Haoran stood beside Chu Tianshu and said, "Chu Tianshu, are you satisfied now?"

"Hehe... I'm really satisfied, but I'm serving the God of Wealth, so I ask Elder Beiyue to be considerate!" Chu Tianshu said with a smile.

Beiyue Haoran looked at Chu Tianshu and said, "Can you tell me what official position you have in the God of Wealth Realm?"

"This? I don't have any official position, but I am quite familiar with the chief steward of the God of Wealth Realm. If you need help with anything, I can tell you!"

"Oh? You actually know the chief steward of the God of Wealth Realm? Great, you see, our Beiyue clan has added a lot of faith to the God of Wealth. Are you eligible to apply for the construction of a Beiyue Building?"

"of course can!"

"Ahem..." Beiyue Haoran was slightly embarrassed, and said: "The main reason is that neither the old man nor our elders of the Beiyue Sect have believed in the God of Wealth, so can the Beiyue Tower belong to us?"

"Yes, as long as you have a communication device, you can dream into the God of Wealth Realm at any time, but if you die, your soul will not be able to go to the God of Wealth Realm, and then your property will be taken back by the God of Wealth. Are you sure Beiyue Tower needs to be registered?" Is it under your name?" Chu Tianshu asked.

"This?" Beiyue Haoran hesitated.

Only then did he realize that there are so many benefits to believing in the God of Wealth!

Property purchased during lifetime can be enjoyed after death!

But if you don't believe in yourself, you will die, and your soul will not know where to go!

"This matter, the old man will think about it again, um, maybe first register the Beiyue Tower under our Beiyue Sect, is it possible?"

"It's not impossible, you can go to the God of Fortune store management office for consultation!"

"Thank you, when are you leaving?"

"Hehe...Elder Beiyue is so anxious to let me leave?"

Beiyue Haoran said awkwardly: "Didn't I hear that the second prince, Zhao Yun, has already ascended the throne and proclaimed himself emperor? Moreover, he has also ordered that God of Wealth shops and temples of God of Wealth should be built in every major city in the country. You don't want to go and see look?"

Chu Tianshu smiled, and patted Beiyue Haoran on the shoulder: " old guy, you are not honest at all, that's all, I should go too, you can take care of yourself!"

(End of this chapter)

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