Chapter 513 The Dangerous Sea

Ye Qingling didn't return to Chu Tianshu immediately!
Chu Tianshu thought that Ye Qingling had finished communicating with him.

He also withdrew his thoughts and looked at the sea below.

When the sun rises, the sea immediately becomes much calmer.

It seems that the rays of the sun can soothe the restlessness of the ocean.


Big birds like a flock of seagulls in the sky are rapidly approaching Chu Tianshu and others.

It seemed that they had already regarded Chu Tianshu and others as food.

"It's dawn, have the birds started looking for food?" Chu Tianshu smiled.

"Maybe, but I won't allow you to hurt them!"

After Yun Duoduo finished speaking, she suddenly opened her mouth wide and let out a sound similar to that of a phoenix.

Loud and lofty, very penetrating.

The seabird that was flying towards them suddenly stopped abruptly, flapped its wings on the spot, then turned around and flew in other directions.

"Eh? Not bad? Are you proficient in bird language?" Chu Tianshu asked curiously.

"I am a descendant of the divine bird, so of course I am proficient in the language of birds!"

Yun Luoluo showed pride.

But as soon as she finished speaking, her face darkened.

It turned out that after those seabirds left, a swordfish suddenly flew out of the sea.

The sharp sword-like bone spur on the mouth tore through the air and soared into the sky, piercing a seabird flying high in the air.

This scene made Chu Tianshu very familiar.

When he was refining the swordfish spirit bone, he saw the swordfish flying into the sky and attacking the birds in the sky.

But unexpectedly, as soon as he entered the sea, he saw this scene.

When the swordfish, which was over ten feet long, pierced the body of the seabird, it landed into the sea with the seabird screaming mournfully.

"Hmph, go to hell!"

Yun Luoluo took a step forward, accompanied by colorful streamers, and came to Jianyu's side extremely fast.

Grasp the bone spur of the swordfish with one hand, and use a little force.

The bone spur snapped off.

The swordfish fell into the void, but on Yun Luoluo's body surface, a big energy bird like a colorful phoenix emerged.

With a light peck, the big bird grabbed the swordfish and swallowed it.

The big bird, which was just a phantom, could actually digest the swordfish. In an instant, the swordfish turned into flesh and blood, and merged into Yun Luoluo's body.

The phantom of the colorful bird disappeared, and Yun Luoluo also hiccupped.

But she still held the bone spur in her hand, and gently pulled it out of the bird's body.

This blow seemed to miss the vital point. After the bone spur was pulled out, Yun Luoluo fed the sea bird another elixir.

In just a few minutes, the seabirds were free to fly again.

It whirled around Yun Luoluo continuously, but was unwilling to leave.

"Let's go!" Yun Luoluo chuckled.

Only then did the seabird go away reluctantly.

Chu Tianshu and the others looked at Yun Luoluo, still full of surprise.

The swordfish just now was more than three meters long and weighed at least a thousand catties, but even so, Yun Luoluo swallowed it in one gulp.

Then in just a few seconds, it has been digested.

How terrifying is Yun Luoluo?
Who can afford this amount of food in the future?

Even the cruel Tie Ying frowned.

Yun Luoluo didn't know how many people she had frightened, so she grinned: "What's wrong? Why are you all looking at me like this? I'm a bird, so naturally I can't watch my own kind being killed by fish!"

Chu Tianshu nodded hastily: "Yes, you are a bird, not a human!"

"I am also a human being. I have become a human being since I broke out of the shell!" Yun Luoluo said dissatisfied.

Chu Tianshu smiled awkwardly, and looked into the distance.

But Yun Luoluo stepped forward and said angrily: "Don't think that I don't know what you think, and deliberately let me treat myself like a bird, so that you don't have to have children with me, right?"

"Cough cough..."

Chu Tianshu almost fell from the sky, and hurried forward, saying: "Let's hurry up, we must reach Dragon King Island before dark!"

"Stop and speak clearly!" Yun Luoluo chased after her.

Chu Tianshu had no choice but to grab Ji Ruxin's hand and fly forward with her.

However, he could already feel some pain in his arm.

Ji Ruxin was actually pinching herself.

But thinking about what Yun Luoluo said, let's bear with it!

As they continue to go deeper into the sea, there will be more and more monsters in the sea.

It's actually no less than the monsters in the monster forest.

The birds in the sky don't need Chu Tianshu and others to deal with them, but there are quite a few sea monsters like Swordfish that can soar into the sky in the sea.

There are even some marine fish that can fly long distances at high altitudes.

During the period, several people also encountered several inhabited islands.

In order not to cause unnecessary trouble, several people did not approach, and flew past directly.


Chu Tianshu estimated that it was only three or four thousand miles away from Dragon King Island.

Before and below, there appeared a giant sea ship with a length of 500 meters. The shape of the sea ship was very much like a giant turtle.

There are also many people standing on the sea boat, but most of them have cultivation bases.

Around the ship, there is a thick energy shield.

Although seabirds occasionally swooped down to attack, they couldn't break through the energy shield at all.

From time to time, there are dull sounds from the bottom of the sea. It is estimated that a sea monster is attacking the bottom of the ship!

But it also cannot cause damage to this giant sea ship!

"Human beings can actually build such a big ship, it's amazing!" Yun Luoluo sighed.

"This should also be built by the Tianji Building. The metal hull, combined with runes, spells, and related formations, although it cannot fly, is very suitable for sailing in the sea. It is an indispensable thing for sea exploration!" Chu Tianshu road.

"The formation on this ship should be level four. How much is a ship of this level worth?" Ji Ruxin also sighed.

"Should get ten thousand demon crystals. Those who have the strength to buy this kind of sea-going ship are definitely not ordinary forces, at least they are second-rate sects!" Chu Tianshu said.

How many people are chatting!

A huge earthquake suddenly occurred on the ship below.

Let Chu Tianshu and others several miles away feel the shock of the air!

Immediately afterwards, the ship swayed from side to side.

The people on the sea boat were all panicked.

But after a few shouts came out, everyone quickly calmed down and sat cross-legged on the deck.

There were also rune formations lit up on the deck, and all the Xuanxiu entered these formations to inject the profound energy in their bodies.

This makes the energy shield around the ship appear stronger.


A roar like a dragon and a tiger came out, and the seabirds and fish in a radius of tens of miles all ran away in panic.

I saw a huge black python more than ten meters thick protruding from the sea.

It held its head high, with a pair of cold blue eyes, through the energy shield, looking down at the people on the ship.

The head alone is the size of three rooms, and most of the body is hidden in the sea water, making it unclear how long it is.

In a moment!

From its eyes, two beams of blue light suddenly released, bombarding the energy shield of the sea ship.

The energy shield sank, and a small amount of cracks exploded.

But it was blocked after all.

The two stood in a stalemate for a moment, before the black python put away the blue light in its eyes, raised its head high, and directly hit the energy shield.

The energy shield burst into cracks again, and the people on the deck all screamed!

(End of this chapter)

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