The strongest concubine ever

Chapter 515 Demon Slayer

Chapter 515 Demon Slayer

After a few moves, Tie Ying came to the side of the black water snake!

With a shake of the wings, it turned into a sharp sword, and struck at the black water snake from a long distance.

But in this way, the black water mysterious snake was also annoyed.

It was about to attack Yun Luoluo, but suddenly turned its head, and two beams of blue light, like two sharp blades, tore through the air and swept towards the iron eagle.

Tie Ying's body turned into black smoke, flashed tens of meters, and successfully dodged.

Attack again.

He is more agile than Yun Luoluo in moving short distances.

However, with the blessing of Shenguang, Yun Luoluo's combat effectiveness is no worse than Tie Ying's.

Two against one, but it can barely deal with the black water snake.

But if you want to cause much damage to the black water mysterious snake, it is beyond your power.

The black water snake's scales are very tough, and it has been attacked many times without any harm.

Moreover, it is a fourth-level monster comparable to Xuanzun, proficient in realms, and it is also protected by a special energy field around its body.

It can completely offset the disadvantages caused by the body being too large.

With its roar, water swords emerged from the sea surface, and then reached thousands of meters into the sky.

Boom boom boom!
The water sword exploded and turned into a water curtain, covering the sky unexpectedly.

"Huh?" Seeing this, Chu Tianshu in the distance immediately frowned.

He found the water curtain a bit strange.

It's not ordinary sea water, it seems to be transformed by the energy in the body of the black water snake!
They gathered together in the sky, like a big net, covering the iron eagle and the fire phoenix.

As the Black Water Profound Snake opened its mouth wide, the gravity sucked it in, and the water curtain net quickly sank into its mouth.

Like a fisherman pulling in a net to catch fish.

Tie Ying's body, after being pressed against the water curtain, seemed to be stuck and could no longer be moved.

Even Yun Luoluo's body seemed to have fallen into a quagmire!

Even if she breathed out flames, she couldn't break the viscous water.

"This is special Xuanshui, and it is fused with its boundary energy field, which is why it has such effects!"

Chu Tianshu analyzed the reason.

But he still didn't intend to help!


Yun Luoluo uttered another cry, and the two-headed wind turned into a nine-headed wind.

The wings spread out, covering a distance of thousands of meters, and the body was completely turned into flames.

There was a loud bang, water and fire met, and an explosion occurred, shaking the restraint of the black water snake away.

The huge shock wave forced the body of the black water snake to fly backwards rapidly.

Tie Ying was also rescued because of this, and looked at Yun Luoluo in horror.

At this time, Yun Luoluo's body was filled with powerful energy, and even released divine power.

"Have you summoned the power of the gods? Could it be that Yun Luoluo is also an envoy of the gods?" Chu Tianshu thought to himself.

Yun Luoluo in the nine-headed colorful phoenix state was like a ball of flames, sticking to the surface of the sea, and the sea water boiled, bubbles appeared, and water vapor appeared.

How could the black water snake dare to fight after feeling this coercion?
With a roar towards the sky, he turned and fled, trying to dive into the sea and leave.

And Chu Tianshu, who had been prepared for a long time, would let him go?
With a teleport, it reached the top of its head.

The Xiao Qiankun destruction formation was opened, and the space boundary appeared, followed by a black sledgehammer, which fell from the sky and hit the black snake's brain.

The black water snake's body trembled violently, but it didn't faint, instead, it borrowed its strength and sank into the sea water.


Chu Tianshu activated the formation, and the black demon replaced the white demon, serving as the soul of the formation, and his combat power soared, comparable to a junior Xuanzun.

Combined with the Hundred Alchemy Divine Hammer, Chu Tianshu made the Black Water Snake a little bit unbearable.

Dizzy, sinking to the bottom of the sea.

However, if it really sank to the bottom of the sea, Chu Tianshu would really have a hard time killing it.

Yun Luoluo seized this opportunity, and being empowered by divine power, she swooped down, with a pair of sharp claws, deep into the sea.

Like fishing for a moon in water, he grabbed the body of the black water snake, brought it out of the water, and threw it out.

The body of the black water mysterious snake was fully exposed in the eyes of everyone.

This snake has a body length of 400 meters.

It's too big to imagine!

While Chu Tianshu sighed, he was also happy!
After a moment of hesitation, he teleported again and came directly above the black water snake.

The space confinement technique was cast, temporarily confining the black water snake in the void.

Even if it cannot be restrained for a long time, it can still play a role in delaying the attack and escape of the black water snake!
Immediately afterwards, he threw something, it was the gravity stone!
The gravity stone is not big, only the size of an egg yolk.

He was smashed on the head of the black water snake by Chu Tianshu.

Originally, the Blackwater Profound Snake didn't take it too seriously.

Just smash it, it must not be as powerful as the black giant hammer just now, right?

However, when the stone hit its head, it knew that it was a big mistake.

The attack power of this stone is extremely terrifying.

Like a mountain, it was so heavy that it easily tore the tough scales on top of its head, oppressed its forehead bones, and fell downward.

Chu Tianshu's spatial confinement also expired at the same time.

The huge body of the black water snake hit the sea.

The gravity stone also successfully shattered his forehead bone and penetrated into its head.

Follow the movement of Chu Tianshu's mind!
The gravity stone, which was the size of an egg yolk, suddenly expanded, reaching a diameter of ten meters in an instant.

This kind of outward expansion force is more terrifying than any attack.

It directly burst the head of the black water snake.

It didn't even make a scream.

The gravity stone shrunk instantly again, as light as a feather, and flew into Chu Tianshu's hands!

At the same time, Chu Tianshu's spatial boundary was opened again, and the body of the black water snake was directly collected into the God of Wealth Realm.

Its soul that has not dissipated is also taken in together.

Level 100 monsters, [-]% have demon souls and demon bones.

The blood of the Yaozun is a rare treasure medicine for body refining.

Its scale armor is strong enough to resist the attacks of low-grade earth-level ones, and its toughness is not weak at all.

It is also the best material for making earth-level Xuanbing.

It can be said that this black water mysterious snake is really full of treasures!
How much blood can be extracted from a body that is 400 meters long?

Chu Tianshu couldn't estimate it for the time being.

However, this piece of sea water has been dyed red, and the smell of blood can spread for hundreds of miles.

And that huge human ship had already fled away.

Therefore, there was no need for Chu Tianshu to stay any longer, so as not to attract stronger monsters.

Several people looked at each other, then understood the meaning of the other party, and flew towards the direction of Longwang Island.

They had just walked for a quarter of an hour when thousands of little demons gathered here.

Even if there is no demon master's corpse to eat, the blood left in the sea water is good for them!
With the gathering of little monsters, stronger big monsters will follow.

Little demons are their food!

Thousands of miles ago, in the pitch-black waters, there was sudden turbulence, and there were stormy waves!
It seemed to be roaring towards the sky!
Immediately afterwards, a powerful spiritual message spread out: "Who dares to kill my wife of the Black Water Xuan Snake King? I will definitely eat you alive, get out and find the real culprit!"

Black ghostly shadows emerged from the caves under the sea and swam towards the scene of the incident!

(End of this chapter)

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