Chapter 523

" are finally here!"

Long Juechen and Chu Tianshu hugged each other.

Ji Ruxin also threw herself into Xue Lingyun's arms excitedly.

After the two sides exchanged a few pleasantries, Long Juechen welcomed everyone into the store together.

Chu Tianshu looked around and sighed: "It's not good, no wonder there are not many believers from Dragon King Island in the God of Wealth Realm, only some old students of yours!"

"Hey, it's hard to explain this matter, let's talk about you first? How are you doing recently?"

Long Juechen brought everyone to the backyard!
After the guests and hosts were seated, Chu Tianshu also narrated what happened along the way.

Long Juechen was shocked instead: "You mean, you came with my Aunt Jiu? And you saved her?"

"Yes what's the matter?"

"Great, Nine Aunt is Xuan Zun, she has a very high status in Dragon King Island, and Grandpa Dragon King also likes her very much, with her help, it will be easier to get the candidate for the human co-lord! "Long Juechen became a little excited.

"What's your ninth aunt's name?" Ji Ruxin became curious.




"No wonder the old Dragon King called her Jiu Nizi, it turns out that her name is really Long Ni!" Ji Ruxin sighed.

Chu Tianshu said: "Is it the old Dragon King who prevented you from marrying your aunt?"

Long Juechen glanced at Xue Lingyun, and shook his head: "Not really, the Dragon Clan is very big. Apart from the Dragon Palace, there is also the Clan Mansion on the island. Those old seniors have strict requirements on the more outstanding descendants, but don't worry. , I will not give up!"

"If you become Xuanzun, maybe the pressure will be less!" Chu Tianshu could understand.

Xue Lingyun said: "It's still because my cultivation base is too low. If I can also reach the high level Daxuan Grandmaster, I believe outsiders will not say anything more!"

Long Juechen comforted: "Yun'er, don't think wildly, as I said, I have everything and no one can stop us!"

"My aunt's current cultivation should be close to that of a middle-ranked Daxuan master?" Chu Tianshu asked.

"Well, it's coming soon, but I haven't realized my general situation yet. Even if my profound energy is close to the middle level, my cultivation still can't be improved!" Xue Lingyun showed a look of disappointment.

"I'm here to help my aunt!"

Chu Tianshu pulled out the gravity stone with shaking hands, and said: "This object can generate up to a hundred times the gravity. With it, my aunt's one day of practice is equivalent to another person's hundred days. After practicing under high gravity for a period of time, the bondage will be released. , Return to the normal environment, maybe you can realize the general trend!"

"In addition, there are some Phoenix Stones here, you can also take them, the energy inside may be able to transform my aunt's blood and cultivation talent!"

Chu Tianshu brought out a lot of fiery red blood stones.

He was not willing to use these stones.

Each one is equivalent to the value of a demon spirit bone.

But now, Chu Tianshu gave Xue Lingyun hundreds of them without hesitation.

As soon as the divine stone came out, a dense air immediately spread out.

Seeing this, Long Juechen hurriedly cast a talisman, and the entire backyard was immediately blocked by a layer of energy shield.

The energy cover is covered with colorful clouds, making it difficult for people to see the situation inside.

"This is the Divine Phoenix Stone?" Long Juechen also picked up one, showing shock.

"That's right, Luo Luo gave it to me, so it can be regarded as a shareholding!" Chu Tianshu said.

Long Juechen glanced at Yun Luoluo who was proud of himself, but showed regret: "Originally, my father was more interested in the God of Wealth Store, but after he knew about the God of Wealth Realm and the belief in the God of Wealth, , the interest is not much, although I didn't stop it, but I didn't support it anymore. Except for my friends, real practitioners don't care much about our God of Wealth Realm, even businessmen don't believe it! "

"Don't worry, time will tell!" Chu Tianshu could only comfort him in this way.

"Now in Dragon King City, I just managed to open this God of Wealth store, and I dare not build the God of Wealth Temple. Just like this, people often come to make trouble, saying that I believe in alien evil gods, which makes my father even more unwilling Take [-] demon crystals out to invest!" Long Juechen sighed.

"Your father should be the second prince?" Chu Tianshu asked.


"Then how many uncles do you have?"

"Except for the youngest Aunt Jiu, all the others are men!"

"So, I'm afraid that the future Dragon King will inevitably have a fight!" Chu Tianshu sighed.

"Grandpa Dragon King said, whoever's boy becomes the future co-lord of the Eastern Continent, the position of Dragon King will belong to him!"

"I'm be so ruthless? How many cousins ​​do you have?"

"28 people, eight of them are high-ranking Daxuan Grandmasters, and the rest are junior and middle-ranking Grandmasters, and my Dragon King grandfather said that as long as they reach the realm of Grandmasters, they can participate in the selection of human co-lords. Now I have 27 competitor!"

Chu Tianshu looked at Long Juechen in surprise.

Suddenly feel a little tired.

This family is many times stronger than the Beiyue family!
There are so many masters in the grandchildren.

Aren't the sons all Xuanzun?

Even if the old Dragon King is not Xuanhuang, he should be the most peak Xuanzun.

"The most important thing is that the people of Dragon King Island all believe in the God of the Sea, so the God of Wealth doesn't attract much attention. If it is over-promoted, it will cause unnecessary trouble!" Long Juechen said.

"Does the Sea God really exist?" Chu Tianshu asked.

"Of course, if it weren't for the Long family's belief in the sea god, Dragon King Island would have been swallowed by monsters long ago. However, the statue of the Sea God is located on Longtou Mountain, facing the sea. It is also the most prosperous place besides Dragon King City. Go and have a look!"


Chu Tianshu pondered for a moment, and said: "Well, let's not promote the God of Wealth for now, but sell communication equipment, the name is still called communication equipment, the main focus is ultra-long-distance communication, and face-to-face communication in dreams. The power of law is not divine power, I believe that more people will use it!"

"Ten demon spirit bones are a little expensive, how about five yuan, sell them first, and increase the price when the market opens later?" Long Juechen said.

"Then let's sell it at half price first, anyway, I have quite a few on me! If someone enters the God of Wealth Realm through the communication device, I will directly lead them into the Dragon King Building and prevent them from seeing the outside world. Let them know about the God of Wealth Realm bit by bit..."


After a short chat, the two sides discussed their future plans.

Chu Tianshu also clarified the situation on Dragon King Island.

Dragon King Island is indeed like a kingdom.

There are many people with the surname Long, and they are the only royal family here.

The number of Xuanzun in Dragon King Island is estimated to be the most among the several peak powers in the Eastern Continent!

Even the Tianji Building can't compare.

Because the living environment of Dragon King Island is worse than that of the other three first-class sects.

This place is always facing the attack of sea monsters.

And believing in the Sea God has become the only way for them to continue their bloodline for a long time.

People here think about how to survive, but not how to make a fortune.

Naturally, there is not much interest in the God of Wealth.

Of course, the most important thing is that when Long Juechen left, he didn't take a few communication devices with him.

There is no such thing for everyone to understand the world of the God of Wealth first, and it is obviously impossible to let others accept the God of Wealth's star at once.

(End of this chapter)

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