The strongest concubine ever

Chapter 531 Holy Bloodline

Chapter 531 Holy Bloodline

The shock of the Dragon King's grandchildren was far less than those of the attendants and guests.

Before that, none of them could think highly of Chu Tianshu and the mainland visitors!
I feel that Xue Lingyun is just following the trend and climbing up to the grandson of the Dragon King.

It was because of the power of the Long family that he chased after Long Juechen.

But now, they found that their perception of inland geniuses seemed somewhat incorrect.

He already possessed such combat power in his teens, why do you look down on him?

Some of them who wanted to teach Chu Tianshu a lesson just now felt even more guilty in their hearts. They were originally crowded in front of the crowd, but now they are slowly retreating.

Looking at the silent audience all around, Chu Tianshu was also a little puzzled.

I'm already very conservative, okay?
Is there any need to be so surprised?
Could it be that his acting skills are too bad?Be seen by others?

No, I have to pretend a little more.

He, who was suspended in the air, suddenly opened his mouth wide, spewing out a mouthful of blood.

The body also fell rapidly, hitting the lake water, splashing large waves.

"Ah..." Ji Ruxin screamed.

Yun Luoluo, Xue Lingyun and others also showed expressions of shock.

I wanted to fly over to rescue him, but saw Chu Tianshu got out of the lake again.

Stepping on the lake water, with a straight back, as if nothing happened, he shouted: "Who else will fight with me?"

This time!

The hearts of the audience are complicated.

"This kid should have done it on the outside, on the inside!"

"Yes, even if he is also a high-ranking Daxuan Grandmaster, a battle with Yu Lao will definitely not be as easy as it seems on the surface, and he finally revealed his truth just now!"

"Yes, I dare say that his current combat power is definitely not comparable to that of the high-ranking Daxuan Grandmaster!"

"Maybe just go up to a middle-level grandmaster and you can defeat him!"


in the room!
Long Juechen also said solemnly: "This time, I have produced two earth-level high-grade black weapons, who is willing to bet with me?"

The demon-slaying sword of the old seven Long Jueyu had already lost to Long Juechen.

Two earth-level top-rank Xuanbing, even the elementary-level Xuanzun, will be greedy.

"It seems that the thirteenth brother still has a hundred times confidence in this Chu Tianshu, that's all, I'll take a gamble with you!"

It was the old Sanlong Juexin who said this!
After speaking, two things appeared in his hands.

One of them is a medicine bottle with the three words "Dragon Blood Pill" written on it.

The other thing is the demon crystal, which seals a fourth-level high-level demon soul!
"Dragon Blood Pill? This is a precious medicine for refining the body, and the fourth-level high-level demon soul is indeed extremely rare. The existence of such a level has a very small chance of being killed by humans. Unless there is a great chance, it is absolutely impossible to obtain it. !"

"Yeah, these two things, even if they are not as good as the top-grade Xuanbing of the earth level, they are not too far behind!"

Long Juexin looked at Long Juechen, and said, "Thirteenth brother, I wonder if I can exchange these two things for you?"

"Everyone has said it, it seems to be a little bit worse, third brother, let's add some demon spirit bones!"

"Alright, let's add another third-level demon spirit bone!"

Long Juexin turned his hands, and pulled out a blood-red demon spirit bone.

Only then did Long Juechen nod his head: "Although there are still some disadvantages, who told you that you are my third brother? Let it be like this!"

Long Juexin was a little depressed, but he only had one high-grade earth-level black weapon on him, and that was his life-saving weapon.

Naturally, I was reluctant to gamble.

The discussion between the two is over!

Long Juexin's men had already flown onto the lake.

This is a skinny monkey.

It has sharp mouthed monkey cheeks, hunched back, squatting there, if it is not wearing human clothes, it is exactly the same as a monkey.

"Has the sea monkey played? It is said that this person has the blood of the ancient holy ape, but when he was cultivating, he became obsessed. The human blood on his body was completely suppressed by the blood of the holy ape and could not be reversed, so he became half human and half monkey. look like!"

"That's right, but that's exactly what happened. This talent is the most terrifying. Even among the Dragon Clan, there aren't many of them with holy blood!"

"The fighting strength of this sea monkey can at least compete with the half-step Xuanzun, and Chu Tianshu will definitely lose!"

"That's right, it's said that the sea monkeys can already arouse the Blood Sacred Elephant, it's extremely terrifying!"

All kinds of discussions spread again.

It's not that everyone deliberately looks down on Xuanxiu on land, it's true that Xuanxiu on Dragon King Island is indeed more powerful.

In the mainland, Ye Qingling of Tianji Building, although also of the blood of the Holy Grade, is a once-in-a-thousand-year talent.

But in Dragon King Island, people with holy blood can't be counted with a single slap.

A saint once appeared in the ancestors of the Long family!
There is a saint's gene in the dragon's bloodline, which has a chance to be stimulated.

And some of the half-demons in this deep sea are descendants of demon saints.

After merging with humans, there is a certain chance to breed offspring with the blood of the holy race!

Chu Tianshu's expression was also much more dignified.

He felt some crisis from this sea monkey.

It was as if this person was born superior to others.

In terms of blood, you can suppress yourself.

Born to win three points!
This feeling is very strange. I dare not say that mice and cats are not much different.

When he displayed the power of perspective, it can be seen that the sea monkey's energy and blood were extremely strong, forming a giant ape with a height of [-] meters.

With a distance of [-] meters between the two, Chu Tianshu could sense the enormous coercion released from the giant ape.

If it is an ordinary person, even if they take a look at it, their soul will tremble and they will not want to fight.

But Chu Tianshu is much better!
In terms of soul, Chu Tianshu is comparable to Xuanzun!
With the super strong support of black and white heart demons, no one in the entire Eastern Continent can deter him from the soul.

The sea monkey was also staring at Chu Tianshu, grinning coldly and said, "It's you who bullied my sister Haixia just now, right?"

"That domineering woman is your younger sister? Hey... I'm going to say a few more words about you. Elder brother is like a father. Since you are Haixia's elder brother, you have to educate her well in the future and don't let her She is supercilious, and she must learn to be a human being, otherwise, she will easily suffer losses when she goes out in the future!" Chu Tianshu said patiently.

The murderous look in the sea monkey's eyes became more and more intense. He stepped on the lake water, bowed his body, and his hands almost reached the surface of the sea.

A cold voice came out of his mouth again: "Hey... It seems that you really want to die. If that's the case, then I will help you!"

Before the words fell, the sea monkey's limbs slammed against the water!
Only a loud bang was heard!
The body of the sea monkey turned into an afterimage, jumping directly in front of Chu Tianshu as if teleported.

He raised his arms, pointed at Chu Tianshu and shot down.

A phantom of a giant ape with a height of [-] meters has also appeared!

It is shrouded in the body of the sea monkey!
Vaguely, there is still a giant ape roaring!
"This is the bloodline icon? It has some similarities with the external appearance of the will and the possession of the spirit of war. However, the icon also has a stronger bloodline and spiritual pressure, and the attack power should be stronger. Terrible!" Chu Tianshu secretly said.

But he didn't move, his eyes were fixed on the mountain-like giant ape, and a layer of energy shield spread out from his body surface.

Like a huge ball, it bounced off the attacking sea monkey and his blood icon together!

(End of this chapter)

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