The strongest concubine ever

Chapter 536 tit for tat

Chapter 536 tit for tat
Regardless of how Liu Feifei persuaded the transparent girl.

At this time, Chu Tianshu had already come to the outside world.

It can also be said that he never really left.

When his real body enters the God of Wealth Realm, he will also leave a clone here to hide his eyes and ears.

The rain has stopped!

Four high-altitude beasts descended from the sky and surrounded Chu Tianshu.

Shaking his head, trying to please Chu Tianshu.

This scene left the audience dumbfounded again.

The transparent girl disappeared, and the monsters were tamed by Chu Tianshu.

How did he do that?
Even a monster trainer at the peak of the third level would need a long time to tame four monsters at the end of the third level at once.

But how long did the two sides fight?
With just one or two sticks of incense, did Chu Tianshu get rid of the four monsters?


Sun Longjuekong, the great king in the restaurant, looked gloomy.

Even though he was the oldest and most stable, he couldn't understand and accept such a thing.

After several times of secretly interrogating the transparent woman, but without any results, his brows became more and more wrinkled.

The gaze that looked at Chu Tianshu was also full of murderous intent.

But Long Juechen said: "Brother... your people should have escaped, my junior brother won!"

"It's impossible for my people to run away. There must be something wrong here. I want to ask that Chu Tianshu personally. Tell him to get the hell out of here!" Long Juekong said angrily.

"So, brother, is he not going to admit defeat? Do you want to play tricks?" Long Juechen said without giving in.

"Hmph... who cheated on you? Go on!"

Long Juekong threw the black iron hammer and the bottle of Holy Soul Pill to Long Juechen.

Long Juechen took it immediately, weighed the hammer, and estimated that it weighed about a hundred catties.

However, it is a little light to be used as a weapon for Grandmaster Daxuan.

Fortunately, talk is better than nothing!
He put all the items into the storage ring.

Long Juekong stared at him and said, "Chu Tianshu can come over now, right?"

"Brother wants to ask anything, just ask yourself, he is my junior brother, not my servant, I will not order him to do anything, but if he doesn't want to answer, I hope brother will not force him, otherwise, I will just I will stand on the side of justice!" Long Juechen said.

"Fair? Hehe..."

Long Juekong snorted coldly, and flew out of the window directly.

"Let's go out too!"

Long Jueyu, Long Jueqi, Long Juexin and others also flew out one after another.

Seeing this, Long Juechen had no choice but to go out.

The appearance of Wang Sun also attracted the attention of the surrounding audience.

Chu Tianshu faced many princes and grandchildren under the protection of the four monsters.

He already felt hostility from this group of people.

Seeing this, Ji Ruxin and the others hurried over and came to Chu Tianshu's side.

When the two sides met, it meant to draw their swords and fight each other.

Great King Sun Longjuekong stared at Chu Tianshu for a long time before he sneered and said, "Tell me, where is Leng Yue?"

"Leng Yue? That invisible girl is called Leng Yue?" Chu Tianshu asked curiously.

"Hmph, where is she now?" Long Juekong asked in a commanding tone.

But Chu Tianshu smiled: "Your people ran away if they couldn't beat them. You asked me where I was, how would I know?"

"Don't quibble here. It was obviously you who imprisoned her, and then she disappeared. I advise you to release her immediately, otherwise, this king and grandson will never forgive you!"

Long Juekong has opened up the power of the domain.

The blood body has also been activated.

A transparent four-clawed white dragon can be vaguely seen around his body.

The dragon's head was raised high, looking down at Chu Tianshu, with a cold killing intent.

This is the result of the manifestation of blood will!

"Do you want to fight with me? If so, I can agree!" Chu Tianshu said lightly.

The murderous intent in Long Juekong's eyes was even worse: "Hehe... It seems that you are really looking for death, don't forget where this is? This is Dragon King Island, not your Great Xuanzong, not a place where you can be arrogant, Do you understand?"

Some spectators followed suit and shouted: "That's right, you don't even look at how many catties you have. What qualifications do you have to let the great king and grandson challenge you? Do you really think that defeating a few high-ranking masters is a big deal? On Dragon King Island , you are still bullshit, aren’t you, a word from the great king and grandson can kill you!”

Before Chu Tianshu could speak, Yun Luoluo stuck her waist in and said with her big belly, "So, you want to take advantage of the large number of people and reduce the number of bullying people?"

"Where is that wild girl? You don't have a place to speak here!" Someone scolded.

"What are you? What qualifications do you have to talk to this girl?" Yun Luoluo confronted her.

Long Juekong said lightly: "Girl, I don't care who you are, I advise you to leave immediately, this is a matter between me and Chu Tianshu!"

"Chu Tianshu's business is my business!" Yun Luoluo said.

Before Long Juekong could speak, one of the princes and grandsons at the bottom of the ranking taunted him: "Oh? So, the child in your stomach is the child of this Chu Tianshu?"

Yun Luoluo didn't bother to explain at this time, she proudly puffed out her stomach and said, "One day it will be his!"

"One day? Hahaha... So, the child in your stomach is not Chu Tianshu's right now? Then why don't you go find your man, but protect Chu Tianshu here?" The other party taunted road.

The rest of the people waited and laughed too.

Yun Luoluo's anger immediately rushed to his forehead.

Taking a deep breath, he glared at the other party: "Try to say it again? Don't think that this is Dragon King Island, so I won't dare to do anything to you. If you annoy me, I will burn your Dragon King City, even if it is your head. That old dragon king on the road didn't even dare to say no!"

Her words also angered the gang of princes and grandchildren.

The old dragon king is the number one master in the heaven list, No. 1 in the entire Eastern Continent.

Who dares to speak so rudely?
Long Juekong sneered, turned his head to look at Long Juechen, and said, "This is the friend you made? Huh?"

Facing this questioning look, Long Juechen could only sigh and said: "Can everyone calm down? This matter is over, isn't it? If you can't find someone who is more powerful, you can fight my junior brother Chu!" , then, today's match will be my victory, Long Juechen, and I will be the representative of the Long family from now on!"

He looked around and scanned all the grandsons of the Dragon King.

But after everyone looked at him, they were obviously a little upset.

If Long Juechen defeated their people with his own ability, they would naturally be convinced.

But the person Long Juechen found belonged to the Great Xuanzong.

The relationship between Great Xuanzong and Dragon King Island was originally a competition.

After hearing this, Long Juekong said with a sneer: "Thirteenth brother, don't worry, the competition is not over yet, it's already late today, I think, why don't we continue the competition tomorrow, just as we all have to make some preparations, we will Some diners from other places have been recalled, what do you think?"

"That's right, the game will continue tomorrow, it's too late today!" Long Jueyu replied first.

The rest of the people also nodded.

Long Juechen frowned, obviously annoyed at the shamelessness of these people.

But Chu Tianshu said: "Then we will continue the competition tomorrow, but the time is limited to three days, how about it?"

"As you wish!" Long Juekong said coldly, and gave Chu Tianshu a murderous look.

No more words, turned around and left.

He didn't even ask where Leng Yue was.

Because he knew that even if he asked, he would not be able to find anything. Anyway, Chu Tianshu would not live until tomorrow!

The other grandsons of the Dragon King also dispersed.

(End of this chapter)

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