The strongest concubine ever

Chapter 548 Why Didn't You Tell Me Earlier

Chapter 548 Why Didn't You Tell Me Earlier

No one dared to refute the Dragon King's reprimand.

The Dragon King's warning made everyone even more frightened.

The most desperate is Long Juekong.

After being frightened for a long time, he suddenly looked at Long Juechen again, and said angrily, "Why didn't you tell me earlier? Ah?"

Long Juechen said helplessly: "I wanted to tell you a long time ago, but you didn't listen at all, and Yun Luoluo, didn't he tell you all in person? But, you don't believe that her sister is very powerful! "

"Who is her sister?" Long Juekong asked again.

But Long Yuan reprimanded: "You don't have to ask so many questions, all in all, it's not something you and I can offend!"


Long Juekong fell to his knees with a plop.

In fact, it can be regarded as limp on the ground.

He finally got a little scared.

Champion Long was also extremely complicated.

Emperor Xuan!
Not to mention Dragon King Island, even in the Chaos Islands, he is still a mighty leader, who dares to provoke him?
But in his heart, he also complained. His father knew early on that Yun Luoluo and Chu Tianshu were not easy to mess with, so why didn't he remind himself?

Do you just want to teach yourself a lesson?
So that I won't be arrogant in the future?
The saddest ones were the two Xuanzun of the Jiang family.

They already understood at this time that their Xuanzun died in vain, and became a victim of the old Dragon King teaching his descendants.

It can also be said that the old Dragon King did it on purpose.

Is it because his family is too strong?

She has always claimed to be the first family under the royal family, and she is a little arrogant. Was the Dragon King disliked?
Xuanzun of the other three major families was secretly rejoicing in his heart!
Fortunately, I did not participate in this matter ah!
Otherwise, the result will definitely be miserable!

In the end, it was the second prince, Long Juechen's father, Long Haoyu, who bowed and said, "Father, what do you say next?"

"This matter, let's stop here. Long Juechen will be the co-owner of human beings launched by my Dragon King Island in the future. You, you need to help him become the future co-owner of mankind. As for the God of Wealth, you can't force it. Faith Gods, enshrining gods are all personal freedom, outsiders are not allowed to interfere, and this king will not interfere!" Long Yuan said.


Long Haoyu and the others all bowed in response.

"From now on, please show me a little humility. Don't be like monsters, who are distinguished by their bloodline level. If you meet a person with a high bloodline level, you will immediately bow your knees. Just like a mouse meeting a cat, it will oppress a person with a low bloodline level at will. , We human beings are stronger in the soul, even if we believe in the sea god, it is a belief with dignity, rather than giving up our bottom line as a human being!" The Dragon King said majesticly.

Everyone nodded deeply.

"Okay, let's all go down!" Long Yuan said again.

Then everyone bowed and retreated.

Until I left the Dragon Palace!

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief and straightened up.

They glanced at each other with extremely complicated eyes.

Long Guanjun said to Long Ni resentfully: "Jiumei, you have hurt me, brother, why didn't you tell me earlier? They should all come with you, right?"

Long Ni smiled: "That's right, Chu Tianshu also saved my life and helped me beat the Black Water Xuan Snake King away!"

"You... Jiumei... You must have done it on purpose!" Long Guanjun said angrily.

"Haha...Brother, fortune and misfortune depend on each other. Sometimes, maybe we don't know each other without fighting? Long Juekong has converted to the God of Wealth now. Brother, you lost too. Shouldn't you also believe in the God of Wealth?" Long Ni smiled. road.

"Do you really want Big Brother to change his belief?"

"No, you are not a woman. Even if you are a woman, you can remarry, right? You are made to believe in the God of Wealth, not to abandon the Sea God. You can continue to burn incense to the Sea God!" Long Ni laughed.

"You... talking nonsense, you are insulting God, understand?" Long Champion said angrily again.

"Okay, big brother, how can the gods get angry so easily? If all the gods are narrow-minded, they would have been pissed off by mortals long ago. Neither the God of Wealth nor the God of Sea asked us to believe in it, right? Is there such a restriction in the treaty?" Long Ni asked back.

Dragon Champion pondered for a while!
It seems to be too!
Although Dragon King Island is dedicated to the sea god, and the sea god has appeared before, it doesn't say that you can no longer believe in other gods.

Human beings have set a trap for themselves, and they will never be able to get out of it.

Maybe it would be more beneficial to believe in a few more gods.

In the future, there will be more gods worshiped by human beings, maybe they can also get the protection of more gods?

"Brother, let's go on, through this thing to enter the dream, you will understand the power of the God of Wealth, and you will not be disappointed!"

Long Ni threw a communication device to Long Guanjun.

"Kong'er also has this thing, I've seen it!" Long Champion said.

"I have a lot here. Come, come, and each of you will give you one. This thing is made from the bones of demon spirits. The price is very expensive. You have to pay me!"

Long Ni distributed the demon bones obtained from Chu Tianshu to these people.

These people are all high-level people in Dragon King Island.

All of them have great identities.

As long as they can be pulled in, then there will be no other obstacles in the entire Dragon King Island.

The only pity is that Dragon King Longyuan seems to have little interest in this God of Wealth.

He believed in his sea god with all his heart.

But Long Ni also understands that her father, like the Dinghaishenzhen, supports the overall situation of the entire Dragon King Island and cannot be moved lightly.

On the contrary, it is my own children, they can be flexible first, and maybe they can create another world.

As many people fell into their dreams, they entered the God of Wealth Realm!
Facing the tall Dragon King Building, he was also shocked.

Long Ni said: "In the future, this will be the base of our Dragon King Island. After we fall asleep, we can come here directly. Of course, if you have soul coins, you can also buy a direct house. As long as you believe in the God of Wealth, your soul will be ordered by the God of Wealth." Xing, after you die, your souls will fly here and continue to survive..."

Following Long Ni's explanation, the people in Dragon King City became even more shocked.

"Huh? Are they all in?" Chu Tianshu's figure appeared, showing surprise.

Long Ni smiled: "You came just in time, what the father means is that this matter should be let go, what do you think?"

Chu Tianshu shrugged: "Of course I have no objection, the key is, will the Jiang family give up?"

The two Xuanzun of the Jiang family have also appeared here at this time.

Glaring at Chu Tianshu, there was still hatred in his eyes.

After all, the death of a loved one is not so easily forgotten.

Chu Tianshu smiled: "The body is dead, but the soul is not necessarily dead. As long as you can choose to reconcile, I can let you see your relatives again, how about it?"

"What? You mean, you saved their souls?"

Chu Tianshu nodded.

He waved to the distance!

I saw the souls of Jiang Yuan and Jiang Baiyang flying over from a distance.

"Third brother!"


The two Xuanzun of the Jiang family rushed forward immediately!
(End of this chapter)

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