Chapter 558
The head of the shark hunting group used the communicator to communicate with his brothers for a while before he focused on Chu Tianshu.

A pair of eyes widened, and said: "Little brother, are you a descendant of the thirteen princes?"

"That's right!" Chu Tianshu nodded.

"No wonder the shot is so generous, do you still have such a communication device?"

"What? Do you still want it?"

"Why don't you want it? Our shark hunting team has a total of [-] members, and now we only buy [-], which is far away!"

"Fifty is enough for you to use. For the rest, you just need to make them believe in the God of Wealth!" Chu Tianshu said.

"This is impossible. We spend our lives at sea all year round. We can only believe in the God of the Sea. The God of Wealth can't control the sea. Can we add a friend? When we come back from hunting monsters, we can buy it from you, how about it?"

"It's hard to say, I should go to sea later, I don't know when I will be back!"

"Forget it, I'll go to Dragon King City by myself and find the thirteen grandsons. What do you call my brother? I'm Yan Luohai!"

"Chu Tianshu!"

"Add one?"

"Add one!"

Chu Tianshu pulled out his communication device.

After the two sides added friends, this Yan Luohai left quickly with his teammates.

It can be said that they come in a hurry and go in a hurry!
Some other customers in the store, after taking a look at Chu Tianshu, also left one after another.

In the blink of an eye, the place seemed empty.

"Tianshu, these people don't look like bad guys either!" Ji Ruxin said.

"They're all living on the knife's edge. It's not good or bad. On Dragon King Island, they have to be afraid of the old Dragon King!" Chu Tianshu said.

"Then how do we find the second brother?"

"Let me see how many communicators are around here!"

Chu Tianshu closed his eyes.

Through the white demon, he can sense the specific location of every communication device in the whole world.

Naturally, I can also know some things about Longtoushan.

"It's not much, and with the fifty I just sold, the total is less than two hundred, but it's enough, just let the God of Wealth offer a reward!"

"How to offer a reward?"

"Anyone who provides accurate information will be rewarded with a communicator, which can be collected at the God of Wealth Store!" Chu Tianshu smiled.

almost the same time.

Near Longtou Mountain, everyone who used the communication device automatically got a push message: Missing Person Announcement.

The message included Ji Yao's name, appearance and age.

With two hundred people helping to find them, it was naturally much faster than Chu Tianshu asking one by one.

There is no time for a stick of incense!
There was a person rushing to the door.

As soon as he entered the door, he shouted: "I know where that person is, is there really a reward?"

The person who came was a young man with excitement in his eyes.

"Where did you get the news?" Chu Tianshu asked curiously.

"I saw it on my boss' communicator, my boss asked me to come and ask!"

"Of course there is a reward!" Chu Tianshu pulled out a communication device.

"I said, that person named Ji Yao was still in Longtou Mountain the day before yesterday, but in the morning of the day before yesterday, he went to the sea with the hunting group!"

"Which hunting group?"

"The Qingtian Monster Hunting Squad is also the third-ranked monster hunting group in Longtoushan. Ji Yao is a great mystic master at the peak, and he is quite well-known in the monster hunting group. He has a great hope of becoming a grandmaster. Longer people pay more attention!"

"How do you know so clearly?" Chu Tianshu said.

"Because I belong to the Qingtian Monster Hunting Squad, our boss and I are ordered by the head to watch over our house, and we will also send them news from our home at all times!"

"That is to say, your boss also has a communication device in his hand?"

"Of course, our Qingtian Monster Hunting Squad has a fast communicator, and even bought an office in the Regal Mansion in the God of Wealth Realm!" the young man said proudly.

Chu Tianshu was stunned.

It seems that I am a little behind the times!

A small demon hunting group, they all know to invest in real estate in commercial office buildings.

But Ji Ruxin said anxiously: "Then can you tell us the number of your commander's communication device? Let's communicate with him? If there is news about Ji Yao, the communication device will be given to you immediately!"

"of course can!"

This young man has no sense of secrecy at all.

He directly told Chu Tianshu and Ji Ruxin the serial number of the communicator.

Don't look at Chu Tianshu as the controller, but he can't accurately judge the master of each communication device.

After all, there are too many communicators now.

The staff is too messy, and most importantly, many users do not believe in the God of Wealth.

For them, the communicator is just a communication tool.

After confirming the opponent's number, Chu Tianshu immediately knew the approximate location of the opponent.

It is not here.

It is about [-] miles away from Longtoushan.

After a little hesitation, Chu Tianshu activated the projection call mode by using the communicator after adding friends.

"Ma De, which bastard?" The other party's curse also came.

But Chu Tianshu turned the screen to face the young man who came to report.

The young man shrank his neck and said with some fear: "Leader, I need you for something!"

"You boy, I'm busy right now, so I don't have time to talk to you!"

After speaking, the other party will hang up.

But Chu Tianshu could also see that the other party was really busy.

Light and shadow staggered, and the sound of critical strikes was deafening.

It seems that there is a big war!
"Your Excellency, is Ji Yao here?" Chu Tianshu asked.

"Who are you kid? Why are you looking for Ji Yao? He's dead!"

After finishing speaking, the other party immediately turned off the communication formation.

Even Chu Tianshu could no longer communicate with the other party.

Of course, if Chu Tianshu directly projected his spiritual thoughts over there through the star pointing technique, he should be able to detect the situation there.

But Ji Ruxin was surprised and said: "He said my second brother is dead?"

Chu Tianshu also frowned.

It was the young man who grinned and said, "Girl, are you Ji Yao's younger sister?"

Ji Ruxin nodded: "Yes!"

"Hey... Our team leader has such a temper. I can guarantee that Ji Yao is definitely not dead. Otherwise, he wouldn't ask you why you are looking for Ji Yao. It is estimated that something big happened to him, and he has no time to explain it to you. Bar!"

After hearing this, Chu Tianshu breathed a sigh of relief, threw the communication device to the other party, and said, "This is yours, thank you very much!"

"'re welcome, let's go!"

The young man left excitedly.

Ji Ruxin looked at Chu Tianshu solemnly.

Chu Tianshu said: "Since this is the case, we don't wait for Long Ni and the others. I will send a message to her later, saying that we should go ahead and find the second brother first!"

"En!" Ji Ruxin nodded.

Chu Tianshu threw another package to the store manager Qu Ji, which contained nearly a hundred communication devices.

"It's locked in the space vault. If you have anything to do, contact the God of Wealth Realm Management Office in time!" Chu Tianshu said.

"Little old man understands!" Qu Ji nodded hastily.

"let's go!"

Chu Tianshu and the others quickly left the God of Wealth shop, soared into the sky, and flew towards the deep sea.

They just left!

There was a spaceship chasing after it.

A young man was standing on the bow deck, and he was saying to another man: "Head, this is the man, the leader of the shark hunting group, gave him a large package of demon spirit bones!"

"Hey...catch up!" The man sneered.

(End of this chapter)

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